Bill Woodcock on Thu, 11 May 2023 12:01:33 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Public archive of early IXP establishment primary sources

Hi.  Sorry in advance for the duplicate posting with [ih]. 

PCH has been supporting a couple of historian-of-technology / archivist folks to build an indexed public archive of primary sources relating to the establishment of early IXPs.  It’s all going into the Internet Archive, and a couple of other public archives, so anyone will be able to refer to it in the future.

We’ve had quite a bit of help from other folks who were participating at the time, but more sources and participation always makes for a better result, so I’m soliciting all of you who may have old emails or meeting transcripts or other documents, or know where there are public records or press clippings that pertain to early IXPs.  They are, of course, focusing principally on the 1992-1996 timeframe, but there are “early IXPs” in every region…  for instance, IXPs started reaching the Caribbean mostly in 2011-2015.  Eventually we’d like to see documentation of the establishment of every IXP, if interest in the project continues.

So, if any of you are able to help, please contact me, and I’ll put you in touch, or you can contact Sharon Healy, the project lead, directly at <>.


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