Dmytri Kleiner on Mon, 11 Jan 2021 21:43:48 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> The Left Needs a New Strategy

On 2021-01-11 20:28, Francis Hunger wrote:

I'm surprised by the arrogant and insulting tone of your mail.

Defending China always brings out the tone police, no doubt the labels and pejoratives are soon to follow.

There has been a long line of Marxist critique which acknowledges the
atrocities of Stalinism and questions the state fixation of the
traditional reading of Marxism, while still being able to deliver a
notion of non-capitalist futures. Namely Moishe Postone, Michael
Heinrich and Bini Adamczak, to name only a few.

Though few will believe it, Marxists can be wrong too. Especially when their paycheques depend on it.

Plenty of material from which Franks' position could be critiqued, yet
certainly not through toxic male dominance gestures like yours.

I have great respect for Frank. I trust he wont mistake spirited writing with insult.

Dmytri Kleiner
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