Johnatan Petterson on Mon, 29 Oct 2018 02:02:58 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> (no subject)

i guess the word class has been largely delegitimized thru due to the efforts of the french theory and in particular Deleuze and Guattari, whom i know well-
in a passage in ATP, they favor the work of Gabriel Tarde (sociologist contemporaneous to Durkheim) and talk about "quanta" this is part of the physical political vision of theirs
which can answer this question regarding incivility and internet fascism (molecularity) i think what is urgent for the Left is to bring to the Commons (Democrates and Republicans in what regards USA, 
as i am writing from the UE) the debate about rapidly controlling this Fascist Violence, as described in the book by Angela Nagle "Kill all Normies" which i am currently in the course of reading . We need to bring the issue of stopping, blocking the Dark Net and all its subcultural flight lines.  the ways of the First Amendment about Freedom of _expression_
ought to be changed in regards to Philosophy. the Intellect & Philosophy are the base of the US Constitution. the Intellect & Philosophy should seek deep if Freedom of _expression_ truely encompasses the Secrecy with which has developed modes of a new technology of _expression_ (the "global" Internet)
or are instead undermining the citizens individuals' fundamental rights of _expression_. with the tragic consequence of the disintegration of the Commons, such as have been observed for instance by de Tocqueville in his essay on Democracy in America in 1830. It is quite possible the with Trump, the adventure will poise the US in a situation in which a choice will be hard to make: either to go further in the instanciation of the global Empire over so many Alt-Right outpost (Orban, Le Pen etc) in order to refine to control the segments, either to self-destroy . The right of _expression_ is based on an ability to think one's _expression_, the ability to think one's _expression_ is based on the tracability of one self as the source of _expression_, which is responsability for one's _expression_ in front of the Public "Eye" insight, or Commons, thus when Secrecy, and Anonymous _expression_ escapes from Democracy, we have a new Natural Right , previously controlled or tamed by the Commons of Democracy. We can as well have encouraged Fear of Self _expression_, and this could explain the failure to resist the atomisation via Alt Right wealthy outpost around the planet.

Le dim. 28 oct. 2018 à 14:49, ari <> a écrit :

At the end of a long decade of global austerity, that the 'c' (lass) word should be so taboo on the left that it provokes accusations of nostalgia at best, sexism and racism at worst, I find rather worrying and sad. If one said 'occupational status,' 'income bracket,' or whatever politically neutralising appellative the local national statistical agency goes by, such knee-jerk reflexes would probably be less common.  

But does politics mean belonging?

For identity politics champions, it really does seem to: their political reasoning moves along lines of inclusion/exclusion, recognition/suppression, voice/silence and, in its most pedestrian moments here, even in-fashion/out-of-fashion.

But can identity politics be inclusive of those inherently ill-disposed to narcissism?

More fundamentally, does an understanding of politics as transformative action not clash with one of it as a practice of belonging? And why does the latter dominate the scene on left and right, just as hope in system change is at its lowest?

I do think that I, some self, alone, is ultimately incapable of politics, as is the endless multiplication of selfsameness.

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