Jaromil on Tue, 2 Feb 2016 22:45:40 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> 1st AnonSec e-zine on hacker geopolitical trend to actively support

dear nettimers,

here below a new zine by an AnonSec group with some interesting
information (besides pwning NASA and leaking a bunch of chemtrail docs)

Now its sort of obvious what was half anticipated before, something I
tried to hint between the looming pesimism and bourgeois sociologist
comments in response to Brett's article on the gentrification of
hacking. Beware academic-farts! The new generations are way less
decadent than we think!

The hacker communities (the 99% - not their .COM astro-billionaire
brogrammer clones) are engaging geo-politics and semi-utopian struggles
in first person. In this e-zine is first aired openly the fact a member
of AnonSec has joined the armed struggle to defend Kobane, with the

I paste some here below, for the full one there are mirrors, since the
e-zine contains actual leaked data and passwords this list may not be
interested in mirroring.

For more information on the Rojava Plan see: http://rojavaplan.com

Please consider me available as potential spokesperson of the Rojava
Plan, I can also put in touch journalists that are sincerely interested
in this story and liason with more participants.


         .8.          b.             8     ,o888888o.     b.             8    d888888o.   8 8888888888       ,o888888o.    
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                                          /dev/null before dishonour  

                                                                                    +      o     +              o   
  BEWARE                             +------------------------------------+        +             o     +       +
	         OF	             |          Table of Contents         |    o          +
 RANTS,			             |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|        o  +           +        +
                                     |     0x00 -  Preface                |    +        o     o       +        o
	       RICKTROLLING	     |     0x01 -  FLASH FROM THE PAST    |    -_-_-_-_-_-_-_,------,      o 
		       		     |     0x02 -  TTP(Tech/Tac/Pro)      |    _-_-_-_-_-_-_-|   /\_/\  
   			   AND       |     0x03 -  NASA Missions&Aircraft |    -_-_-_-_-_-_-~|__( ^ .^)  +     +  
   				     |     0x04 -  Chemtrails/CS/GE/WM    |    _-_-_-_-_-_-_-""  ""      
   ROOTKITS                          |     0x05 -  WHATS A ROOTKIT?       |       +         o         +       +
                                     |     0x06 -  Russian Roulette       |    +      o         o   +       o
                                     |     0x07 -  Epilogue               |       +         +
   				     +------------------------------------+     o        o         o      o     + 

>  0x00 - Preface

			"Look, the people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals,
			we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances. We guard you
			while you sleep. DO NOT... FUCK WITH US."

Well here we are, its 2015/2016 and shit has gotten weird... like "No more secrets Marty" weird.
But if there is one thing our team has learned over the past years, its that no one has  
impermeable OpSec, not even the NSA or GCHQ, e.g. Snowden leaks, ICWATCH, NSA Playset, etc...

Basically, people will ALWAYS be the biggest vulnerability in any networked system. 
With that being said, we want to take the time to thank all baby boomer secretaries
world-wide, without your lack of training and irresistible urge to open attachments in
spoofed emails from the HR department, this would have never happened lol // Gozi ftw ᕙ༼ ,,ԾܫԾ,, ༽ᕗ 


                     .'         `.
                   .'             `.
                   |    NO SKIDS   |
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                   |     BEYOND    |
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                    `.   POINT   .'
                      `._______.'   __   __
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                          '---''`           `''---'  
For those who dont know us, AnonSec was created in Nov 2011 by MrLele(a former AnonGhost admin,
now Peshmerga sniper) and AnonSec666(US python programmer). Since our start with two members from
Kurdistan and USA; we have come a long way; adding members and associates from the UK, Germany,
Japan, Malaysia, Morocco, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Iraq, Italy, Romania and even Latvia.  //shouts to CWA, LizardSquad & TeaMp0isoN || rip alg0d
Here are just a few Operations we either started or were heavily involved in...

==> #OpNasaDrones          == hacked NASA's drone servers and ex-filtrated missions data; vid/data logs [possibly prove existence of Chemtrails and their global warming effect(also their bad OpSec of course)]
e.g. - http://anonhq.com/anonsec-hacked-drone/
     - https://www.cyberguerrilla.org/blog/anonymous-operation-nasa-drones-anonsec/
     - http://cyberwarzone.com/anonsec-hackers-claim-hacked-nasa-drones/
==> #OpBeast/OpNullDenmark == after DDoSing, defacing or rm -rf / 100's of beastiality sites, Denmark finally changed their laws
     - http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/technology-science/technology/anti-bestiality-hackers-target-vile-dog-5310038
     - http://www.techworm.net/2015/04/anonymous-launch-opbeast-against-animal-cruelty-and-depravity.html
     - http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/32411241/denmark-passes-law-to-ban-bestiality
==> #OpDetroit             == DDoS servers over Detroit water shutoffs also seized a Detroit govt DB and demanded BTC ransom
     - http://www.rt.com/usa/206663-detroit-bitcoin-ransom-database/   // they never mentioned AnonSec even tho a member was v& over it *sigh*
     - http://www.techworm.net/2014/11/hackers-encrypted-entire-city-detroit-database-demanded-ransom-2000-bitcoins-803500.html
	 - http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=fc5s029B
	 - http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/08/04/detroit-water-shutoffs/13584027/  // Detroit suspended water shutoffs until August 25th, 1 day after we demanded
==> #OpIsrael              == once a year we join in the chaos of fucking raping Israeli cyberspace in protest of the current apartheid #FreePalestine
     - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpIsrael
	 - https://www.rt.com/news/opisrael-anonymous-final-warning-448/
	 - https://www.rt.com/news/anonymous-israel-cyber-attack-737/
     - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uxy57ofajwE
     - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uskOcl0OHwY
	 - https://ent.siteintelgroup.com/Dark-Web-and-Cyber-Security/anonsec-allegedly-hacks-israel-defense-forces-military-preparatory-school-in-support-of-palestine.html	 
==> #OpISIS/#OpTerror4ISIS == worked with GhostSec to take down thousands of ISIS twitter accs, websites and forums
     - http://www.techworm.net/2015/04/opisis-anonymous-release-list-of-70-pro-isis-websites-and-14000-of-twitter-ids.html
	 - http://cyberwarzone.com/anonsec-declares-war-isis-opterror4isis/
	 - https://ent.siteintelgroup.com/Dark-Web-and-Cyber-Security/site-1-20-15-anonsec-announces-operation-terror-4-isis-releases-terrorist-group-government-target-list.html
==> #OpDeathEaters         == Expose a UK Paedophilia network being protected by the political elite
     - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/11363303/Anonymous-hackers-turn-fire-on-global-paedophile-menace.html
     - http://www.dailydot.com/politics/operation-death-eaters-opdeatheaters-anonymous-pedosadism-prince-andrew/
     - http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/opdeatheaters-anonymous-marches-planned-across-uk-us-highlight-global-network-child-abusers-1487867
==> After hacking the Windsor University School of Medicine & leaking DBs, we deleted +$9,000,000 in student loan debt instead of phishing students  ^_^ 
	 - https://ent.siteintelgroup.com/Dark-Web-and-Cyber-Security/windsor-university-school-of-medicine-allegedly-hacked-student-database-leaked.html
	 - https://twitter.com/_d3f4ult/status/651290005793472512
==> And tons of others that were rekt for various reasons
     - https://ent.siteintelgroup.com/index.php?option=com_customproperties&view=search&task=tag&tagId=658&Itemid=1355
     - https://twitter.com/search?q=%40VaraCyber%20Anonsec&src=typd
	 - http://belsec.skynetblogs.be/archive/2014/11/04/70-000-bitcoin-access-accounts-hacked-at-btc-e-com-and-sold-8318769.html
	 - http://www.bitdefender.com/security/anonsec-hacking-group-breaches-720-random-sites-worldwide;-mocks-lax-security.html
     - http://thecryptosphere.com/2014/10/08/anonsec-hackers-tangodown-turkish-e-commerce-sites/
     - http://www.eduicon.com/News/Details/3485.html
     - http://www.tech.com.pk/2014/01/720-websites-hacked-and-defaced-by.html
     - http://www.meethackers.com/2014/04/mcdonalds-id-leaked-by-anonsec-hackers.html
     - http://pastebin.com/qYUeCzNJ
     - http://pancasilacyberteam.blogspot.sg/2014/04/1381-email-dibocorkan-oleh-anonsec-dan.html
	 - http://www.wired.com/2015/11/cia-email-hackers-return-with-major-law-enforcement-breach/
	 - http://zone-h.org/archive/notifier=AnonSec
Since our inception we have certainly had our 'ups&downs' as you could say, from a core member 
getting v&, @MrLele1337 going afk to fight ISIS irl and some even becoming whitehats at tech
companies(Pr3dat0r). However, we are still here laughing at 'security', exposing feds online
& fucking everyones databases... long dick style  (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)
On a more serious note, this is AnonSec's very first zine!
So grab some popcorn and lets get this blood orgy started...

            /                                                    \
           |    _____________________________________________     |
           |   |                                             |    |
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           |   | root@onion.land:~# irssi                    |    |
           |   |                                             |    |
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           |   |                                             |    |
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           |   |                                             |    |
           |   |                                             |    |
           |   |                                             |    |
           |   |_____________________________________________|    |
           |                                                      |
             _-'    .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.  --- `-_
          _-'.-.-. .---.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--.  .-.-.`-_
       _-'.-.-.-. .---.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-`__`. .-.-.-.`-_
    _-'.-.-.-.-. .-----.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-----. .-.-.-.-.`-_
 _-'.-.-.-.-.-. .---.-. .-----------------------------. .-.---. .---.-.-.-.`-_

 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NEXT CHAPTER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|


Lets take time to appreciate how this all started 2 years ago...

 ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .   . .  ¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ .
  ...Long ago   ° ☾ °  ¸. ● ¸ .  ★ ° :.  . • °   .  * :. 
 • ○ ° ★.in an IRC far, ● ¸     ° ☾ °☆  . * ¸.   ★ ★ ° . . 
 .    . ☾ °☆  . * ● far away.......° ☾ ★ °● ¸ .   °  ¸. * ●
 .   ★ ° :.  . • ○ ° ★. .  ¸ .  ★ ★ ° . .  ☾ °☆.   °  ¸.

$# /join #64616e74657320696e6665726e6f 4c696d626f
(3:24) == Shimo7even [root@onion.land] has joined #64616e74657320696e6665726e6f 
(3:24) -REDACTED- : Finally....
(3:24) * -REDACTED- glares at Shimo7even for being late
(3:25) Shimo7even : br00te told me DA willing to sell access?
(3:25) 鬼佬 : yes, NASA still
(3:26) -REDACTED- : Nothing interesting on this server but it would serve as a good foothold in the network
(3:27) Shimo7even : im listening
(3:27) 鬼佬 : we held several nets for Miami before v& 
(3:27) 鬼佬 : we injected our own malware
(3:28) -REDACTED- : pareizs
(3:29) 鬼佬 : we have no idea who else they gave access to
(3:29) 鬼佬 : did +10,000 bot kills just to be safe
(3:29) pangeran : hhhhhhhhhhhhh itu lucu XD XD 
(3:30) Bashtien : so how much you guys want?
(3:30) 鬼佬 : -REDACTED-
(3:31) -REDACTED- : So, still think you can afford our services?
(3:31) pangeran : ^^^^^^ hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ^^^^^
(3:31) Shimo7even : Afford? That's rich
(3:32) Shimo7even : LoLing@You -REDACTED-
(3:33) Sh1n0d4 : play nice..
(3:34) Bashtien : -REDACTED- we have been sitting on a ton BTC-E accs for a while now..
(3:34) Bashtien : so crypto funds are no problem m8 
(3:35) хуй : ^^
(3:35) d3f4ult : We will even tumble the coins multiple times, so they are 100% clean
(3:35) TGab : Those poor Cossaks, ha
(3:37) Shimo7even : BTC or LTC?
(3:37) 鬼佬 : btc
(3:38) 鬼佬 : https://anonfiles.com/file/-REDACTED-REDACTED-REDACTED-REDACTED-
(3:39) Bashtien : cant read the url in the screenshot..
(3:41) -REDACTED- : thats a decoy.. open it in a hex editor, there is a url to a zip containing a txt file with the real backdoor url
(3:41) Sh1n0d4 : that OpSec though lol
(3:43) * TGab crunches popcorn
(3:45) Bashtien : pass?
(3:45) 鬼佬 : 547265616368657279 for both the zip and shell
(3:46) d3f4ult : fuhosin ^_^
(3:49) * Bastien starts a slow clap
(3:50) * TGab drops popcorn all over the floor
(3:50) d3f4ult : Awww, was hoping it was rooted :(
(3:50) -REDACTED- : No but we fingerprinted many outdated systems in the network
(3:51) pangeran : wkwkwkwkwkwkw!!! DA ftw \(^_^)/
(3:51) Sh1n0d4 : well thats good enough for me, wbu shimo?
(3:53) Sh1n0d4 : Well thats a yes haha
(3:53) == ゴールド [~ゴールド@co.in] has joined #64616e74657320696e6665726e6f
(3:53) ゴールド : https://blockchain.info/address/-REDACTED-REDACTED-REDACTED-REDACTED-
(3:54) ゴールド : 送信
(3:55) == ゴールド [~ゴールド@co.in] has quit [Client Quit]
(3:55) -REDACTED- : Pleasure doing business, until next time.
(3:55) 鬼佬 : 谢谢 :)
(3:56) == 鬼佬 [龙@] has quit [Client Quit]

[>Disclaimer: Certain information was -REDACTED- due to privacy concerns or by request.]

     |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NEXT CHAPTER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

                          SURVIVE | CONTEMPLATE | INNOVATE

>  0x02 - TTP(Techniques, Tactics & Procedures)

So yeah, we know what you're thinking, hacking NASA? How fucking cliche...
If only I had a Dogecoin for everytime someone claimed that, amiright?
Its like the boy who cried wolf but with hacking NASA instead lol
But you might be surprised how low govt security standards can be, especially with a limited 
budget and clueless boomers controlling the network. NASA has been breached more times than 
most people can honestly remember (our favorites were Gary McKinnon && Mendax's milw0rm)
// you know, when people used to have legit reasons for their hacks^^
Reasons from searching for hidden evidence of UFO technology to protesting use of Uranium based rocket fuel ^_^

			"What the Fuck gives you freedom,
			   freedom brings opportunity,
			  opportunity makes your future"

However, this hack into NASA wasnt initially focused on drones data and upper atmosphere chemical samples.
In fact the original breach into NASA systems wasnt even planned, it was caught up in a gozi virus spread.
After purchasing our initial foothold, we were just seeing how many machines we could break into, root
and possibly find interesting/profitable data. So Bashtien contacted Dr.d3v1l, an italian hacker who recently 
hacked and defaced several NASA subdomains. They provided much insight into common CMS's NASA uses as
well as potential weak spots in their networks.
Since our first shell in NASA systems just had user acc priv, we were fairly limited as to not only what
dirs we could access, the commands we could run and the other machine/devices on the network that should have
been visible. Getting root access on this box would be ideal, so that what we went for.


To read the full ezine:

					|					LauGhiNgAtYoU  (✌゚∀゚)☞   NASA          |
					|   Mirrors of OpNasaDrones Zine & +250GBs logs Torrent Magnet URI @ Release   |
					|	         ~>    http://pastebin.com/Ws67FPBr                            |
                                        |                  http://pastebin.com/KcTKC6j4                                |
					|                  http://pastebin.com/syA0WmTs                                |
					|       Zine       http://scola.ca/zine.txt                                    |
					|                  http://adpi.or.id/zine.txt                                  |
					|                  http://atozhandyman.us/zine.txt                             |
					|      Mirrors     http://mfcnutri.com.br/zine.txt                             |
					|                  http://boldlyunique.com/zine.txt                            |
					|            ~>    http://sandrasinndubai.com/zine.txt                         |
					|                  http://www.ladyluckclub.co.uk/zine.txt                      |
					|                  http://emagrecerrapidoecomsaude.com.br/zine.txt             |
					|                  http://www.tinleyparkconventioncenter.net/zine.txt          |
					| 			       						       |	
					|								&&             |
					|									       |
					|	         ~>    http://pastebin.com/ricniQuK                            |
                                        |                  http://pastebin.com/GF9BPme5                                |
					|                  http://pastebin.com/DQZxp9pR                                |
					|    Magnet URI    http://scola.ca/magnet.txt                                  |
					|                  http://adpi.or.id/magnet.txt                                |
					|                  http://atozhandyman.us/magnet.txt                           |
					|      Mirrors     http://mfcnutri.com.br/magnet.txt                           |
					|                  http://boldlyunique.com/magnet.txt                          |
					|            ~>    http://sandrasinndubai.com/magnet.txt                       |
					|                  http://www.ladyluckclub.co.uk/magnet.txt                    |
					|                  http://emagrecerrapidoecomsaude.com.br/magnet.txt           |
                                        |                  http://www.tinleyparkconventioncenter.net/magnet.txt        |					

AnonSec Public PGP Key Mirrors:
passwd: anonsec

								"We are on the verge of taking down this virtual reality..."

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Denis Roio aka Jaromil   http://Dyne.org think &do tank
  CTO and co-founder      free/open source developer
加密  6113 D89C A825 C5CE DD02 C872 73B3 5DA5 4ACB 7D10

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