porculus on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 16:58:37 +0100 (CET)

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Re: [unclassified] Re: <nettime> ?ISO-8859-1?Q?papier-m=E2ch=E9?=

> Thanks Olia, this is great! I think by saying "You control the Information
> Age" Time hides who is in control and clearly represents the new
> conservative view about the world.

ok great, but permit i propose to upgrading this soft conservative
baudrillard shape of the information age in an hard nixonesque crime
of the 21 century "enlargement pills really exist ! but i keep it all for me
otherwise it doesnt help for anything & you just have a tiny one for
eternity" i recognize it's a bit long for a time cover but i bet anyone
would ever read so shiny astounding cover easier, illiterate include,
realized magie in information age,cause hey is it another hugest earthling
zigzigheil spectre that ever hanted around ? is it not the ultimate
conservative profiling menace over the democratic male ever ? do you imagine
in your worst watergate nightmare a better world bunch of tiny croquant
evanescent cuckold vilains ! netage, a world of justice, mine..at alast!

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