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Randall Packer <> We Declare War on War "Jason Handby" <> Iraqi blogger Aliette Guibert-Certhoux <> From the heart, sorry about French but if somebody could "Paul D. Miller" <> Allah be Chillin' - An Argument for War... Sasha Costanza-Chock <> NYC CALL TO ACTION AGAINST CORPORATE MEDIA HQS Pacifica Diversity <> **LEAFLET VS. THE WAR NOW IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2003 09:26:14 -0800 From: Randall Packer <> Subject: We Declare War on War US Department of Art & Technology Washington, DC Office of the Secretary OFFICIAL STATEMENT ISSUED BY: by Randall M. Packer Secretary, US Department of Art & Technology We Declare War on War "Weapons that change consciousness can call the war game into question." - William Burroughs As artists, WE can act in a time of great consequence. WE have a duty to protect millions from a terrible and deep anxiety resulting from self-created and deadly dangers that are growing beyond our control. The only valid experimental approach is one based on the uncompromising critique of existing conditions and their conscious intervention. Today, the gravest danger we face, the gravest danger facing America and the world, is the existential darkness that has possessed our government, that grips its soul. We must introduce everywhere a revolutionary alternative to the ruling culture; we must orchestrate - through art, criticism and propaganda, illusion as a revolutionary weapon. We must advance experimental behavior, hyper-political propaganda, and the construction of new environments. In a whirlwind of madness and horror, terror and peril, hail and fire, our faith is sure, our resolve is firm, and our artistic union is strong. May the artist guide us now through 10,000 Acts of Artistic Mediation across the nation and around the world. Sending artists into battle is the most profound decision a Secretary can make. The technologies of art have changed; the risks and suffering of art have not. Today I have a message for the men and women who will fight for peace, members of the nation's and world's artists: Many of you are assembling in your studios and lofts, and crucial hours lay ahead. In those hours, the success of our cause will depend on you. Your training has prepared you. Your aesthetics will guide you. You believe in a model of society where free and experimental modes of conduct will prevail, and yes, we will prevail. =46or according to Andr=E9 Br=E9ton, "perhaps the imagination is on the verge of recovering its rights." ******* Contact: Press Secretary of the US Department of Art & Technology The US Department of Art & Technology The US Department of Art and Technology is the United States principal conduit for facilitating the artist's need to extend aesthetic inquiry into the broader culture where ideas become real action. It also serves the psychological and spiritual well-being of all Americans by supporting cultural efforts that provide immunity from the extension of new media technologies into the social sphere. The Experimental Party The Experimental Party - the "party of experimentation" - is an artist-based political party that has been formed to activate citizens across the country in an effort to bring the artists' message to center stage of the political process. This is a political awakening, 'representation through virtualization' is the major political thrust of the Experimental Party, it is the driving force. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - From: "Jason Handby" <> Subject: Iraqi blogger Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2003 15:24:03 -0000 A blogger's perspective from inside Iraq: There appears to be some speculation as to whether this is genuine. Here's a report on one person's investigations. Jason - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2003 20:40:27 +0100 Subject: From the heart, sorry about French but if somebody could From: Aliette Guibert-Certhoux <> Danser [avec la même passion et violence] pour ne pas faire la guerre (André Breton cité par le peintre Matta avant sa mort et par le philosophe Jean-Paul Dollé. Stéphane Gatti et Nicolas Bersilhand, "Lire Breton à Sain Dizier, 2001-2002", catalogue intégral (pour accéder à la succession des contenus cliquer dans le bas des documents): (télécharger Flash6: ockwaveFlash&P5_Language=English/) Au moment où le fonds Breton va être disséminé à la Salle des Ventes Drouot, à Paris, on actualise que l'art pour révolution c'est danser avec la même passion et la même violence pour ne pas faire la guerre. Imaginée dans sa passion et sa violence depuis l'hôpital psychiatrique de Saint Dizier, où André Breton faisait son stage d'interne dans l'environnement des victimes de la première grande guerre, la révolution surréaliste nous interpelle encore aujourd'hui, localement à travers l'art radical de la communication modulaire sur le web, comme internationalement à travers les millions de personnes qui se sont mises en marche, selon l'émergence d'un concept d'universalisme des droits des citoyens et des peuples à disposer d'eux-mêmes ; autonomie (contre la défaillance des institutions sous l¹influence abusive de la puissance américaine), pour pacte symbolique unitaire spontané, à travers les images de la communication qui soudain retrouvent leur statut de masses médias, miroir de la protestation des masses diffuses et une fois n¹est pas coutume, et serait-ce à défaut de pouvoir fournir les images de la guerre se déployant sur place. Il ne peut y avoir d¹hostilité globale contre les Etats-Unis, sinon contre les structures centrales de l¹Etat américain et les lobbies et sectes qui les dirigent, les manipulent et donc agissent tant au centre qu¹à la périphérie, quand : ‹ mille personnes sont arrêtées à San Francisco et les manifestants enchaînés violentés par la police, au moment même où la Maison blanche se transforme en bunker interdit de circulation publique urbaine, ce qui ne s¹était jamais produit auparavant aux Etats-Unis et au titre de tel modèle Jacques Derrida, il y a encore quelques semaines dans le cadre de la conférence de l¹Institut des Hautes Etudes en Psychanalyse organisée par René Major au sujet de la guerre, confirmait la persistance de la démocratie américaine (l¹avis de Jean Baudrillard n¹était pas le même) ce qui, de toutes façons est désormais prescrit ; quand de plus : ‹ le président de la CIA, même pas un militaire du Pentagone, répond aux journalistes à la place du président pantin des Etats-Unis qu¹il assiste, la nuit officielle du début de la guerre ; et quand enfin : ‹ toutes les mesures d¹écoute privées et publiques, de surveillance de l¹hypermedia, de délation, de compromission des négociations dûment monnayées près les diplomates de l¹ONU et les dirigeants des Etats, pour faire basculer leur position, faute d¹avoir pu les convaincre politiquement : tout ce qui aurait encore fait scandale, il y a moins de dix ans ne serait-ce que dans la presse américaine elle-même : révèlent soudain contre quoi désormais le peuple américain conscient et actif va devoir lui-même se battre de façon autonome ‹ et dans le risque ‹ en pleine régression de leurs libertés citoyennes annoncée depuis le 11 septembre... Il y avait, il y a les Refuzniks se qualifiant eux-mêmes ³l¹honneur de Tsahal² (l¹armée) en Israel, à propos desquels Leila Shahid souligna (au dernier meeting de "trop c'est trop"), qu¹ils représenteraient la seule chance locale que les Palestiniens puissent encore coexister avec les Israéliens, serait-ce dans le cadre de deux états autonomes voisins. Maintenant, à côté des Refuzniks qui seront de plus en plus menacés chez eux, bien que que l¹objection de conscience relève des droits des soldats des armées démocratiques ou républicaines s¹agissant de l¹armée du peuple, quand l¹ONU vient de prouver en quoi elle ne pourrait plus assurer de secourir solidairement quiconque quand aux des droits de l¹homme, nous voyons le supplément de milliers de civils américains, de l¹Est à l¹Ouest et du Nord au Sud, qui vont devoir fonder leur mouvement de résistance ou perdre à jamais leurs droits dans leur propre pays. (Cependant nous, qui serions pourtant dans une meilleure condition internationale, nous voyons soudain inquiétés nos citoyens de plusieurs générations ascendantes d¹émigration,sur notre propre sol en plein réaménagement administratif de leur situation). Comment ne pas leur être solidaires, du moins en pensées et dans les écrits, quand nous voyons ici, en dépit des apparences passagères du fait des circonstances, comme nous aurons aussi fort à faire pour défendre nos facultés les plus vives? Un nouveau fascisme sans doute possible aujourd¹hui se révèle à travers l¹Etat américain et ancré dans les organisations supranationales. Il relèverait d¹une progression de la puissance des sectes et des lobbies dans les sociétés néo-libérales de l¹argent et se serait donc construit dans notre dos, après la chute du mur de Berlin ‹ néanmoins d¹après des scénarios publiés dès les années 70, puis de nouveau à proos du Gatt puis de la première guerre du Golfe, mais que personne ne voulut crédibiliser. Ce pouvoir de foi et d¹argent prétendrait par exemple gérer de façon sélective les peuples et l¹aménagement des ressources mondiales : matériel, biologique, écologique, humain. Pour ce faire: arraisonner les rapports de force critiques. Pendant ce temps, nous tenions notre petit train alternatif au sein des communautarismes en quête de leurs droits : en fait, ils participent en tout point du même principe de lobbying, point fractal dans la grande image, y compris l¹ ethnocentrisme. Ainsi voyons nous quelques unes de nos meilleures idées renversées en leur contraire, comme l'utopie réalisée, et une fois de plus... Autant à travers les réactions sécuritaires, qui dans ce cas pourraient répondre à la culpabilité née du réfoulé au sein du pouvoir démocratique, quand il accomplit sa propre disparition, car dans la terreur qu¹il s¹inflige d¹accompagner de tels changements dans le monde dit libre, son refoulé suppose dualement le fantasme de répliques innommables (alors qu¹en ceci il configure d¹abord sa propre monstruosité)... nous retrouvons cette nouvelle structure dans les Etats qui composent les localités à l¹image de d'un tel système mondial dévoilé par tout le développement des prémisses et de l'éclatement de la guerre totale en Irak pour commencer le réaménagement du territoire mondial le plus étendu, géographiquement et politiquement. Ce nouveau fascisme à double visage entre par toutes les portes, y compris les plus dérobées dans tous le monde occidental, et plus particulièrement au sein des pays de l¹OTAN notamment européens qui en avaient perdu l'habitude: des plus anciens à ceux qui après en être sortis y sont revenus (la France), jusqu¹aux plus récemment accourus, après l¹effondrement de l¹URSS. L¹organisation Européenne elle-même en serait un office : nous voyons se reproduire les passages à l¹acte d¹influence contre la démocratie par la structure américaine à l¹ONU, ici étrangement parmi les alliés à Bruxelles (ne serait-ce qu¹a travers les écoutes privées et publiques, systématiques et immédiatement opérationnelles, on nous laisse imaginer la dimension de la partie immergée dans les autres domaines). Du moins l¹Europe n¹émargerait-elle pas aux services secrets à la botte de tels pouvoirs d¹Etat, les imiterait-elle étrangement dans leurs attributions étatiques? Maintenant, les peuples du monde paraissent s'être levés ³à propos² de l¹Irak, devant la pratique et l¹attiitude d¹un pouvoir impérial difficilement identifiable, irrespectueux de leurs propres droits symboliques dans l'assemblée sensée les représenter ; nous voyons les exclus manifester en Argentine contre la guerre, tandis que les survivants ³friqués² de la crise laboratoire, causée sous la gouverne des Banque mondiale et FMI, vit dans ses quartiers urbains derrière des barbelés, quand on apprend que la Patagonie pourrait être achetée moyennant la résorption de la dette par l¹Etat américain... Qu¹avons nous fait pour les Argentins, n¹est-ce pas, puisque cela touchait les petits épargnants, pas les Argentins les plus pauvres? Que penserions-nous aujourd¹hui de tout cela sinon, à l'instar d'une réactualisation de la sensibilité politique de Frantz Fanon, tirant les leçons de l¹Algérie où il fut médecin pour l¹armée française, que ³les nouveaux damnés de la terre² seraient peut-être en train de se lever une fois nouvelle, non pour réclamer de la nourriture et ³crèveraient²-ils de faim, mais pour défendre l'idée même de la survie conceptuelle de la liberté ‹ serait-elle défaillante chez eux, du moins elle devrait donc subsister au monde ? Et ils crient partout le refus du pouvoir mondial, et leur révolte contre les organisations unies sur la question des droits après la seconde guerre mondiale, qui devaient représenter universellement leur ³part maudite², alors qu¹elles se vendent dans le scandale absolu de la disparition de la démocratie jusqu¹au territoire qui l¹avait fondée de façon représentative. Et ils désignent que des répressions épouvantables dans le monde sont annoncées ‹ ou des révolutions supra-nationales. Il ne s¹agit pas d¹une opinion mais d¹un constat que nous ne devrions pas négliger de faire : les marcheurs, inclus ce qu¹il reste de paysans sur toutes les chaussées urbaines du monde, du plus dépourvu au plus pourvu, manifestent le triomphe de l¹universalisme pour ultime confiance anthropologique des peuples parvenus au terme des modernités. Or cette façon autonome, loin des partis s'agirait-il de Starhawk ou même des "Multitudes", est un concept qu¹aucune organisation politique, ni même d¹extrême gauche et pas davantage d¹extrême droite, afficherait-elle parfois la confusion des signes résiduels des nationalismes au sein d¹une masse qui ne les supporte plus, ne peut prétendre représenter ou avoir structuré, penserait-elle légitimement y avoir concouru pour sa propre part. Depuis l¹émergence de cette singularité d'autonomie pour événement, et son consensus universaliste spontané, il paraîtrait peut-être fécond de refonder la critique stratégique et l'importance des micro-localités, que ce soit face aux répressions ou aux réformes annoncées ? A Paris, le 21 mars 2003, Aliette Guibert-Certhoux Directrice des publications de ² - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2003 18:09:08 -0500 From: "Paul D. Miller" <> Subject: Allah be Chillin' - An Argument for War... That Christopher Hitchens, the author of the classic "The Trials of Henry Kessinger" could so blithely gloss over the Reagan Admin (and the start of the Bush Admin's engagement with Hussein and lay the blame at Carters feet is pretty amazing. I wonder who is paying him, or if he's had way too much drink (definitely, he's out of his mind on this one...). To start the article and omit the whole Iran-Contra angle that the Republicans set up is absurd, and an indication of how far people have lost hold of history. Anyone with a decent stereo who would like a real view on this scenario should check out "The Fire This Time" - audio documents on the first Persian Gulf war, and simply think of Saddam Hussein as a puppet in a system made of puppets, and look at Iraq and Afghanistan as failed client states in the proxy wars of Soviet and American hypocrisy. Can anyone say "hyper-accelerated Rome"? Of course Hitchens also fails to mention that the current Bush Admin has consistently failed to mention how much the war will cost, and with the cozy tax cutsand reconstruction contracts he's handing out to his friends (not to mention the oil contracts for the region - all tied to the U.S. currency instead of the Euro...) this is business as usual... I'm really stunned that Hitchens is being such a moron, but these days, very little surprises... weapons of mass deception have made this war look like the "Keystone Kops" meet "1984" - either of which was a better movie than the current charade of "freedom fries" and people pouring perfectly good chardonnay into the Hudson or Potomac rivers... if anybody doesn't want their french wine, send it to me!!! Paul fighting words A wartime lexicon. (Un)Intended Consequences What's the future if we don't act? By Christopher Hitchens Posted Monday, March 17, 2003, at 10:25 AM PT There has been a certain eeriness to the whole Iraq debate, from the moment of its current inception after Sept. 11, 2001, right through the phony period of protracted legalism that has just drawn to a close. It was never really agreed, between the ostensibly contending parties, what the argument was "about." (Nor had it been in the preceding case of Kuwait in 1991: You may remember Secretary of State James Baker on that occasion exclaiming that the justification could be summarized in the one word "jobs.") Nobody has yet proposed that this is a job-creating war-though it may turn out to be-nor has anyone argued that it will be a job-losing one (though it might turn out to be that, too). The president bears his share of responsibility for this, for having made first one case and then another. So do the "anti-war" types, for picking up and discarding a series of straw arguments. Conspicuous among the latter, and very popular recently, is the assertion that proponents of regime change have been TOO consistent. On every hand, I hear it darkly pointed out that several neoconservative theorists have wanted to get rid of Saddam Hussein for a very long time. Even before Sept. 11! Even before the invasion of Kuwait! It's easy to look up the official papers and public essays in which Paul Wolfowitz, for example, has stressed the menace of Saddam Hussein since as far back as 1978. He has never deviated from this conviction. What could possibly be more sinister? The consistency with which a view is held is of course no guarantee of that view's integrity. But it seems odd to blame Wolfowitz for having in effect been right all along. Nor, by his repeated hospitality and generosity to gangsters from Abu Nidal to Islamic Jihad and al-Qaida (in the latter instance most obviously after Sept. 11, 2001), has Saddam Hussein done much to prove him wrong. So, the removal of this multifarious menace to his own population, to his neighbors, and to targets further afield would certainly be an "intended consequence" of a policy long-meditated at least on some peoples' part. What of the "unintended" consequences? By some bizarre convention, only those who favor action to resolve this long-running conflict are expected to foresee, or to take responsibility for, the future. But there's no evading the responsibility here, on either side. (I wouldn't want, for example, the responsibility of having argued for prolonging the life of a fascist regime.) But who can be expected to predict the future? The impossibility doesn't stop people from trying. Jimmy Carter, in 1991, wrote a public letter to Arab heads of state urging them to oppose the forcible eviction of Saddam Hussein from Kuwait. An American-led counterattack would, he instructed them, lead at once to massive rioting and disorder across the Islamic world. It would cause untold numbers of casualties. And it would lead to an increase in terrorism. Carter said all this again recently in a much-noticed op-ed piece. He could even be right this time, but not for any reason or reasoning that he's been able to demonstrate. As an experiment, let's take a Carter policy. As president, he encouraged Saddam Hussein to invade Iran in 1979 and assured him that the Khomeini regime would crumble swiftly. The long resulting war took at least a million and a half lives, setting what is perhaps a record for Baptist-based foreign policy and severely testing Carter's proclaimed view that war is a last resort. However, of these awful casualties, an enormous number were fervent Iranian "revolutionary guards," who were flung into battle as human waves. Not only did this rob Shiite fundamentalism of its most devoted volunteers, but it left Iran with a birth deficit. The ayatollahs then announced a policy of replenishment, financing Iranian mothers with special inducements and privileges if they would have large families. The resulting baby-boom generation is now entering its 20s and has, to all outward intents and purposes, rejected the idea of clerical rule. The "Iranian street" is, if anything, rather pro-American. How's that for an unintended or unforeseen consequence? Or take another thought-experiment, this time from one of Carter's lugubrious warnings. There are many smart people who have come to believe that the first bombing of the World Trade Center, in 1993, was in fact a terrorist revenge for Kuwait on Saddam Hussein's part. Ramzi Yusef, generally if boringly described as the "mastermind" of that and related plots-and the nephew of the recently apprehended Khalid Sheikh Mohammed of al-Qaida-may have been an Iraqi agent operating with a Kuwaiti identity forged for him during Saddam's occupation of that country. One cannot be sure. But suppose that this was a terrorist counterstroke of the sort that is now so widely predicted to be in our future rather than our past. Would it have been better to have let Saddam Hussein keep Kuwait and continue work on what was (then) his nuclear capacity? That seems to be the insinuation of those who now argue that a proactive policy only makes our enemies more cross. If consequences and consistency are to count in this argument, then they must count both ways. One cannot know the future, but one can make a reasoned judgment about the evident danger and instability of the status quo. Odd that the left should think that the status quo, in this area of all areas, is so worthy of preservation. Christopher Hitchens is a columnist for Vanity Fair. His latest book is Why Orwell Matters. ============================================================================ "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free...." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Port:status>OPEN wildstyle access: Paul D. Miller a.k.a. Dj Spooky that Subliminal Kid Office Mailing Address: Subliminal Kid Inc. 101 W. 23rd St. #2463 New York, NY 10011 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - From: Sasha Costanza-Chock <> Subject: NYC CALL TO ACTION AGAINST CORPORATE MEDIA HQS Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2003 20:29:38 -0500 *** ACTION AGAINST CORPORATE NEWS NETWORK *** WHAT: Rally against the corporate media, who blindly follow Bush into Infinite War. WHEN: 11am - 1pm, Saturday, March 22nd, 2003. WHERE: CNN Corporate Offices, 5 Penn Plaza, 8th Ave. and 33-34th st., NYC. As the US military machine swings into full gear, launching an unprecedented, unilateral, pre-emptive strike that violates international law and will result in thousands of civilian deaths, the corporate media brings us computer-game graphics, animated maps, and long-distance grainy shots of orbs of light in the night sky over Baghdad. 'Embedded' reporters eat, sleep, and travel with army units, reporting only what they are shown by the military, their reports censored by military censors. Reporters who file 'troublesome' reports recalled from their 'privileged' position. Those who venture out on their own have been told they can expect no protection from US attacks. Meanwhile, at home, the corporate media have already begun to denounce continued massive antiwar activity as 'treasonous.' Clearchannel, the largest radio conglomerate, has even begun to organize its own prowar demonstrations... The antiwar movement cannot ignore the centrality of the corporate media to the war machine any longer. We must target the corporate media for their consistent role in promoting the war in Iraq as well as their central role in manufacturing public consent for massacres in Afghanistan, Palestine, and elsewhere. We refuse their sanitized treatment of the war. We will gather to demand that they act as watchdogs, not lapdogs, of the state and the military-industrial complex... ACTION CONTACTS: 215.287.8668 607.351.0585 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - From: Pacifica Diversity <> Subject: **LEAFLET VS. THE WAR NOW IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2003 02:40:55 +0000 =========================================================== Want a Simple Explanation of How to Make Money Online? This no-nonsense, 5-page website shows you how, step-by-step:(The guy who wrote it makes $200K a year from his basement!) =========================================================== [NOTE: This message is technically off-topic but as all members of this list are members of the Pacifica Radio community, and as Pacifica is dedicated to peace, it should be of interest to every member of this list] Here is something very simple, personal and brave that each and every person reading this message can do right now to oppose the deadly war that has been launched against the people of Iraq: Leaflet your friends, neighbors, and the patrons of businesses in your area to mobilize them to act against the war. To that end, a set of flyers has been collected for demonstrations being held this weekend in major cities around the U.S., with full instructions for downloading and printing them, onto a single Web page. This material can be found at: Materials are supplied for demonstrations in Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Washington, D.C. and Houston. That is, every city in which Pacifica has a station. THESE DEMONSTRATIONS ARE ALL OCCURRING TOMORROW, SATURDAY, MARCH 22nd so please drop everything if you can and get these flyers out! If you receive this too late to leaflet today (Friday night) then Saturday morning will still provide plenty of time to get people to these demonstrations. Also included is a fact sheet from International Answer answering the myths and lies that the Bush Administration has been spreading to justify its murderous and unprovoked attack upon innocents. IF YOU DO THIS, IT WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE. ========================================================== Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Get the latest weather, sports, and lifestyle news you can't afford to miss, all at a price you can afford to pay! Click now! ========================================================== ==^================================================================ This email was sent to: EASY UNSUBSCRIBE click here: Or send an email to: TOPICA - Start your own email discussion group. FREE! ==^================================================================ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: