Announcer on Sat, 1 Feb 2003 16:58:00 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> Events [20x]

Table of Contents:

   Bad Emser Medienkunsttage  (31.5-1.6.2003) CALL FOR PAPER BIS 31.1.2003         
     "geert lovink" <>                                                  

   Cultures of Journalism Conference at Goldsmiths College, UK                     
     =?iso-8859-1?q?Bertha=20Chin?= <>                        

   V2_: Call for Participation master class + workshop                             
     marije <>                                                               

   SFcamerawork: 2 media arts shows/events                                         
     "geert lovink" <>                                                

   the >wartime< project showing 15th Jan 2003                                     

   =?iso-8859-1?Q?V2=5F/DEAF03:_Symposium_Information_is_?= =?iso-8859-1?Q?Alive?= 
     Marjolein Berger <>                                              

   | PLUG AND PLAY - SUNDAY 19/01/20003 6PM - London |                             
     "pnp" <>                                                           

   ZEROGLAB NANOFESTIVAL v.01 - CALL FOR ON-LINE WORKS                             
     "Karoly Toth" <>                                                   

   V2_/DEAF03: seminar + call for participation master class                       
     marije <>                                                               

   FW: DERRIDA OPENS IN SF, BERKELEY, LONDON, AND CANADA!                          
     Aliette Guibert <>                                     

   BBA France 2002                                                                 
     Christine =?iso-8859-1?Q?Tr=E9guier?= <>                          

   Infrastructures of Digital Design - Graduate Conference - Immediate Release                                                         

   free video program in SMART Cinema, A Close Watch (Undermining the Overview: Par
     "SMART Project Space" <>                              

   =?iso-8859-1?Q?Munich-Video_Festival:_ES_IST_SCHWER_DAS_REALE_ZU_BER=DCHR?= =?is
     "geert lovink" <>                                                

   Sonntag 19. Januar                                                              
     "Frau von Sydow" <>                                      

   read_me 2.3 software art festival                                               
     olga goriunova <>                                                   

   'post demo' open_digi event, Jan 17th, Brixton London UK                        

   Vienna: Geography and the Politics of Mobility (exhibition)                     
     "geert lovink" <>                                                

   TV, Live STReam, Playing Field                                                  
     Station Rose <>                                                  

   ZKM/ResFest Digital Film Festival                                               
     Andrea Buddensieg <>                                           


Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2003 09:01:31 +1100
From: "geert lovink" <>
Subject: Bad Emser Medienkunsttage  (31.5-1.6.2003) CALL FOR PAPER BIS 31.1.2003

From: "Perrier" <>

Kuenstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral is an institution of the Foundation for
Culture in Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. It promotes international artists
through the allocation of residential fellowship. The Kuenstlerhaus also has
the objective of reaching the public through events such as lectures,
seminars, concerts and exhibitions.

>From May 30th to  June 1th 2003 Kuenstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral, together
with the Institut fuer Kunstwissenschaften der Universitaet Koblenz -
Landau, Campus Koblenz is planning an international Media Arts Conference
called Bad Emser Medienkunsttage (BEM). Alongside to established scientists
younger scientist as well as media artists are welcome to express their
thoughts on the possible influence of new media in art and society and to
reflect if new technologies have brought new means of expression in
contemporary art. The conference is open to the public and
interdisciplinary. The speakers will be selected by a call for paper. We
would appreciate your proposal of young scientists from your institution to
take part in the Media Arts Conference Bad Ems, Germany. The speakers will
be selected by a jury, other interesting lectures will be published.

At the same time Kuenstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral shows the exhibition "art
bytes". Some of the art works in the exhibition gave the idea for the Media
Arts Conference, others are new works that show the influence of the New
Media on art and also that there is no exact separation between traditional
art and media art.

The main questions of the Media Arts Conference Bad Ems are:

1 Who 'owns' the new virtual rooms? What would an adequate presentation look
like in museums, galleries, public spaces, at home?
2 To what extent do new technologies influence our concept of art? What
effects do they have on artistic content and form? How are these new kinds
of art to be judged in terms of quality?
3 How does the use of new technologies change our perception?
4 What effect does this have on society?

Scientists and artists who would like to apply for Media Arts Conference Bad
Ems as a lecturer should send a short abstract (max. 1 page) about the
proposed topic, a short curriculum vitae and a bibliographie to:

Kuensterhaus Schloss Balmoral
Villenpromenade 11
D-56130 Bad Ems
Reference BEM
Tel. +49.2603.94190
Fax +49.2603.9419.16

You can also address an email to

In external collaboration with Monika Fleischmann / Wolfgang Strauss
(direction) Media Arts Research Studies, MARS Exploratory Media Lab,
Fraunhofer Institut fuer Medienkommunikation, Prof. G.C. Tholen Institute
for Media-Sciences (Institut fuer Medienwissenschaften), University of

We are looking forward to your numerous proposals and remain

with kind regards

Dr. Daniele Perrier Director Kuenstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral

Prof. Dr. Ludwig Tavernier Geschaeftsfuehrender Leiter des Institut fuer
Kunstwissenschaften der Universitaet Koblenz - Landau, Campus Koblenz


In art, photography, film and New Technologies have developed new means of
expression, which have aesthetic and social consequences - or should we
rather say that society has developed possibilities of expression, which
reflect changes in ways of thinking? Media artists, who articulate
themselves only through digital technologies, take the medium as the
message, as an instrument to open up new freedoms. What started as a
self-reflexive system around the medium - in this sense a version of l'art
pour l'art -, opens its (cyber-)space  for new ('think'-)rooms, in which
text and picture  converge, time is measured in real time, virtuality
emerges as a new reality, simulation makes new forms of being possible.

The New Media use the internet and the computer, film, photography and video
are alienated, virtual realities are generated and the viewer participates
interactively in the construction of New Media works. The question is, to
what extent does art benefit from the new technologies and how do they
affect its development?

In the nowhere-land of the 'net new models of communication, new forms of
society and hierarchies, virtual landscapes and architectures arise. Spatial
and temporal distance is questioned as is the representation of the body:
eternal youth,  dream and trauma, idyll and horror, reality and fiction. Are
we confronted with the dissolution of the self or the power and manipulation
of and over individuals? Are appearance and being interchangeable in these
utopias? Do other cultural roles arise through the play with virtual

This congress deals with the main questions at the point of intersection
between (media-)art and new technologies:

Alongside established scientists, younger scientists and (media-)artists are
especially welcome to express their thoughts and ideas on this topic. The
speakers will be selected by a jury of international experts.

This event will take place in cooperation with the Institute for
Media-Sciences (Institut fuer Medienwissenschaften), University of Basel,
Prof. G.C. Tholen and the Institute for Media-Communication (Institut fuer
Medienkommunikation (IMK)), Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Monika
Fleischmann/Wolfgang Strauss.

Dr. Daniele Perrier
Geschaeftsfuehrerin Kuenstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral

Prof. Dr. Ludwig Tavernier
Geschaeftsfuehrender Leiter
Institut fuer Kunstwissenschaften der Universitaet Koblenz - Landau, Campus


Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 08:35:20 +0000 (GMT)
From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Bertha=20Chin?= <>
Subject: Cultures of Journalism Conference at Goldsmiths College, UK

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CULTURES OF JOURNALISMan international symposium at Goldsmiths' College, University of London,on 24 April 2003Preliminary noticeProposals are invited for this symposium which will initiate discussion intwo connected areas of journalism studies: how national cultures influencethe roles of journalists and the nature and significance of the practices,or cultures, of journalism.This symposium will be of interest to those comparing the treatment ofparticular events by different national media; examining the differentroles of journalists in different politics and societies; analyzing theimpact of practices on specific subjects; investigating the relationshipsof journalism to other institutions, and doubtless to scholars looking atother aspects of journalism.There is currently intense interest in this theme in the UK, evidenced bymedia coverage and several conferences including one in December 2002 atWindsor Castle, but this may be the first academic response. Attendanceneeds to be!
 restricted, so an early indication also from those wanting totake part, but not wishing to present a paper, is advisable.Those wanting to present papers should note that full papers will not beread. The intention is that they be made available, but that theproponents summarize the paper for discussion.Greg Dyke, Director General of the BBC, is expected to open the Symposium.There will be no attendance fee, but a charge will be made forrefreshments.Academic staff at Goldsmiths College whose work relates to the theme ofthe symposium include Tim Crook, Prof James Curran, Dr Hugo de Burgh, TonyDowmunt, Dr Des Freedman, Prof Angela McRobbie (Head of the Department ofMedia), Prof David Morley, Angela Phillips, Prof Kevin Robins, Dr DayaThussu.THOSE WISHING TO PROPOSE A PAPER SHOULD SEND AN ABSTRACT TO BERTHACHIN, via email to or c/o Unit for Journalism andMedia Ethics, Department of Media & Communications, Goldsmiths College,University of London, Lewisham !

Bertha C. Chin
MPhil/PhD Student
Dept of Media & Communications
Goldsmiths College
University of London

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Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 17:43:59 +0100
From: marije <>
Subject: V2_: Call for Participation master class + workshop

V2_, Institute for the Unstable Media invites you to participate in:
1.	Master class with Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, 3 - 7 February 2003 (see text 
below Ad 1), deadline for application: 17 January 2003.
2.	Reminder: workshop 'Media Knitting', 26 - 28 February 2003 (see text 
below Ad 2), deadline for application: 15 January 2003.

Both the master class and the workshop will be in English.


Ad 1
HUMO: A mobile platform for the rapid deployment of huge images.
Master class with Rafael Lozano-Hemmer
Ars Electronica Center, Linz, 3 - 7 February 2003


This intensive experimental workshop will invite participants to develop 
and present urban interventions using a mobile platform for the projection 
of huge images. Basically, we will place the world's most powerful 
projector (which produces 60 x 60 metre images with over 100,000 ANSI lumen 
intensity) on the back of a pick-up truck together with a diesel generator, 
a GPS tracker, a pan/tilt platform and an assortment of lenses. The project 
will consist of rapid deployment of strategic images to transform urban 
landscapes. Logos, emblematic buildings, quotidian spaces, suburban malls, 
advertising billboards, etcetera will be the targets of unannounced, 
unregulated ephemeral interventions. Documentation of these projects will 
be an integral part of the workshop, as the conditions of possibility of 
legal/political/aesthetic viability are fast, short interventions below the 
radar of potential regulators.

More about Rafael Lozano-Hemmer

The workshop will have the following sections:
1. Theory and precedents, imparted by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer and theorist 
Brian Massumi
2. City scouting
3. Conception and development
4. HUMO realization
5. Documentation and publication

The HUMO workshop is limited to 10 participants. We seek to attract a 
diverse group of professional artists who may have already worked with 
public space and who are comfortable working with digital imaging. The 
participants will be selected by evaluating a statement of interest (Max. 
500 words) and a curriculum, which should emphasize previous works that 
might illustrate technical or conceptual resonance with the HUMO workshop.

Application details and further information:
Deadline for application: 17 January 2003.

The HUMO master class is an EncART project supported by the European 
Culture 2000 program. EncART (European Network for Cyber Arts, partners: 
Ars Electronica Center, C3, V2_, ZKM).

More information about the project:


Ad 2
Workshop 'Media Knitting'
A three-day hands-on workshop during the Dutch Electronic Art Festival 2003 
(DEAF03 'Data Knitting') organized by V2_, Institute for the Unstable Media.

Wednesday 26 February 2003, 12.00  22.00 hours
Thursday 27 February 2003, 12.00  22.00 hours
Friday 28 February 2003, 12.00  20.00 hours, public presentation of the 
workshop results 20.00  22.00 hours
Location: V2_, Eendrachtsstraat 10, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Costs attendance: 100,- euro (including lunch and drinks)

Collaboration between developers and artists from different disciplines 
often results in merged media or new media formats. 'Media Knitting' is a 
three-day hands-on workshop for artists, engineers, and designers working 
with software to knit various media formats and applications together for 
live or real-time interactive performances. The scope of the media used for 
collaboration in 'Media Knitting' will include video, streaming media, 
audio and 3D modelling. In this workshop thirty participants can work 
together to discover and patch each other's disciplines together by means 
of software and human interaction. Several experts will be brought in from 
the commercial software field for Mac and Windows as well as from the field 
of open source and free software. Among the software facilitated for this 
workshop are Max-MSp, Jitter, V2_Jam, PD, Blender, Cyclops, BigEye, 
gstreamer, Nato, MoB, FreeJ and Touch 101.

The participants and the workshop leaders will work together to realize 
performances or media jam sessions. The end result of the workshop will be 
presented in an informal media concert open to the audience of the Dutch 
Electronic Art Festival 2003 (DEAF03).

Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptop and software.

Application forms for participants can be found on
Application is possible until 15 January 2003.

If you have any questions about the workshop please contact Lobke Hulzink 
by e-mail


Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 10:35:04 +1100
From: "geert lovink" <>
Subject: SFcamerawork: 2 media arts shows/events

From: "Marisa S. Olson" <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 9:58 AM
Subject: 2 media arts shows/events

Dear friends,

Below is an announcement for the next SMAC show & panel @ SFMOMA.
Here you'll also be able to pick up copies of SMAC! #4, the newest
issue of our zine, guest-designed by Amy Franceschini/ Futurefarmers.
Please notice that tickets to the panel are paid and it looks like
it's about to sell out, so get yours now!

Also, please save February 18, from 5-8 pm, in your calendars. That
will be the opening of Id/Entity: Portraiture in the 21st Century,
featuring new work by Jim Cambell, JD Beltran, Julia Scher, and Paul
Kaiser/Merce Cunningham, at SF Camerawork. Ken Goldberg & Co will be
doing one of their tele-actor performance/exhibits during the
opening. Stay tuned for more details...

Happy new year!
See you soon.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------


Work by Jim Campbell, Scott Snibbe, and Crevice

Conversation with the Artists and Designer Bill Moggridge


The San Francisco Media Arts Council (SMAC) will host an exhibition
and a discussion exploring concepts and developments in Reactive Art
in the context of our current cultural climate and the field of
interaction design.


Thursday, January 23, 2003
Exhibit opening and reception: 6 - 8:30 p.m.

Friday, January 24, 2003
Exhibit open to the public, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Saturday, January 25, 2003
Exhibit open to the public, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Conversation with the artists, 3 - 5p.m.

The Schwab Room at SFMOMA
151 Third Street, San Francisco


Admission to this session is $10.  Purchase tickets online through

Space is limited. Advance reservations are required for Thursday
evening reception and Saturday afternoon panel discussion.
RSVP for Thursday reception by emailing


"Interactive computing" once referred to the paraphernalia and
procedures which enabled reciprocal data entry and output between a
machine and its human operator.  A keyboard, pointing device, and
some lines of alphanumeric text were typical terms of this to and
fro.  As the relationship evolved, cognition made its way into our
definitions of "human computer interaction," with a shift of emphasis
from the mechanics of the process to its conceptual accessibility.
And eventually the nature of data extended to pictures, sounds, and
3-dimensional space.  Today interactive technologies have evolved
into a medium through which we interact not so much with our
computers as with other people and with our environment.  The
computer itself has become an interface to culture.  As wireless
networks, body-sensing apparatus, and smart appliances proliferate,
the old challenge of exchanging messages with a machine has given way
to a scenario in which the machines are capable of tracking our every

Some artists wholeheartedly embraced the interactivity proposition.
If viewers as co-creators could shape the flow of events, then-it was
assumed-their engagement with the work would be enhanced.  Other,
more circumspect artists noted that the act of choosing does not
necessarily yield an aesthetic experience, or add meaning to the
observer's process of apprehension.

Media artist Jim Campbell, for one, has dispensed with the premise of
user control in favor of systems that measure and respond to changes
in their surroundings. Campbell points out that the "choice and
command" interface suitable for word processing, data management, or
playing games usually fails as a metaphor for dialogue or for
adaptive unfolding.  "Attempting to create systems that respond and
progress in recognizably non-random, but at the same time
unpredictable ways, I have tried to create works that have destinies
of their own."

Rather than requiring viewers to choose from a predetermined set of
prerecorded outputs, the "reactive artwork" poses a system in which
viewers' actions constitute an integral yet extemporaneous component,
and it displays an immediate reflection of a state in perpetual
change.  Through mimicking and engaging our cognitive faculties, such
work prompts us to examine our habitual ways of perceiving, while it
invites improvisation, resulting in potentially lyrical,
multi-sensory meditations on the nature of reality.

These concepts, as well as themes of perception, memory, control, and
everyday space, are common to the sensor-laden media artworks of
Campbell, Scott Snibbe, and Crevice, a Toronto-based art collective.

Campbell's clockworks manipulate our sense of time, compelling us to
recalibrate the way we experience it.  Snibbe and Crevice's
installations experiment with the spatial properties of camera and
projection frames, and invite viewers to act on the screen.  Such
works, says Snibbe, "increase their compositional complexity,
salience, and meaning, as more and more viewers take part in them."

Marisa S. Olson
Associate Director
SF Camerawork
415. 863. 1001


Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 22:00:03 -0500
From: (atty)
Subject: the >wartime< project showing 15th Jan 2003

hi nettime-l people

there will be a public showing of the >wartime< project with projection and public 
access user machines at the

Interactive Arts Centre at the Woodlane Campus
Falmouth College of Arts 
Falmouth, Cornwall, UK

between 14:00 and 16:00 on Thursday, 16th January 03

various showings of the >wartime< project in various countries and situations are in 
planning for the immediate future

the online edition of the >wartime< project is at

the following artists have contributed pieces to the >wartime< project which will be 
shown in Falmouth

jhave > Montreal, Quebec CA >
Andrew Mottershead > Shrewsbury UK >
here nor there > Bristol UK >
Tom Kelley > Willits, California US > 
E 8 Z ! > Gent BE >
dimos dimitriou > Athens GR >
Lisa Bloomfield > los angeles US >
dlsan > Lake Garda IT >
enrico > Venice IT >
jeff gompertz > NYC US >
Reynald Drouhin > Paris FR >
photomontage > Vancouver CA >
irene marx > berlin DE >
ui uuii > Vancouver BC CA > > toronto CA >
rechen > Rosario (2000) AR >
TJADER-KNIGHT inc. > Helsinki FI >
andy deck > New York City US >
Mervyn Diese > London UK >
ruth catlow > Stoke Newington, London UK >
Miguel Mendoza > Mexico City MX 
yara elsherbini > Pontefract UK >
microbo and bo130 > Milano IT >
Antoine Schmitt > Paris FR >
subculture > Los Angeles, CA US >
laura carmona > Mexico City MX >
philip wood > Marcillac-Lanville FR >
antonio dominguez > Monterrey, Nuevo Leon MX >
jimpunk > Paris FR >
mario hergueta > Frankfurt DE >
Glorious Ninth > Falmouth, Cornwall UK >
re:combo > Recife BR >
Dylan Graham > Amsterdam NL >
mircea turcan > monterrey MX >
mark river > Brooklyn US >
neil jenkins > Bristol UK >
jody zellen > Los Angeles US >
doron golan > New York City US >
jon williams > Raleigh, North Carolina US >
submeta > Paris FR >
Eduardo Navas > Los Angeles US >
joy garnett > New York City US >
Andrej Tisma > Novi Sad YU >
Crankbunny > New York City US >
Deb King > Detroit, Michigan US >
elkin atwell > Brixton, London UK 
eryk salvaggio > Ogunquit, Maine US >
chema > Barcelona ES >
stanza > Brixton, London UK >
brian mackern > Montevideo UY >
elout de kok > Amsterdam NL >
peter luining > Amsterdam NL >
Frank Shifreen > New York City US > 
margaret penney > New York City US >
katie bush > San Francisco US >
arcangel > Mexico City MX >
NeuroConditioner > Barcelona ES (JP) >
fernando llanos > Mexico City MX >
atty > Brixton, London UK >

and the following artists are registered to participate in the >wartime< project in the 

[-dhijo-] > Madrid ES >
Kang, Eunsu > Inchon KR >
Walter Cianciusi > Avezzano (AQ) I T >
Taeyoung > London UK >
shaina anand > Bombay IN >
tobias c. van Veen > Montreal, Quebec CA >
Juergen Trautwein > San Francisco US >
pitoiset émilie > Saint-Denis FR >
Evgeni Vasilev > Sofia BG >
michiel knaven > Zwolle NL >
Lee Wells > Brooklyn US >
parameterspace > Falmouth UK >
Gregory Chatonsky > Paris FR >
Daniel Leal Werneck > Belo Horizonte BR >
iKa > Turin I T >
robin > Ponce PR 
Rodrigo Loyola > Queretaro MX >
melinda rackham > Sydney A U >
Felipe Heder Machado > Sao Paulo BR >
Robert Marinara Montini > Derby, CT US >
Sasha Harris-Cronin > San Francisco US >
gabriel otero > Rosario A R >
Andrea Bianchi > Sant\'Agata Feltria I T >
erational > osaka JP >
Tamara Laï > Liege BE >
mobilegaze > Montreal CA >
Klaus Schrefler > Graz A T >
cybertarkus > Tijuana MX >
Mervyn Diese > London UK >
emilio > Malaga SP >
joesér alvarez > Porto Velho - Rondônia BR > http://www.enter-
Go-G > Buenos Aires AR >
Tom Corby > London UK >
Simon Biggs > London UK >
Gianluca Del Gobbo > Rome I T >
Moana Mayall > Rio de Janeiro BR >
sellam michael > Paris FR >
Marc McNulty > Rochester, New York US >
marco13 > Barcelona ES >
RSG > New York City US >
Ben Godfrey > London UK >
glaznost > Barcelona ES >
karsten schmitt > Crouch End, London UK >
zden > Bratislava SK >
80/81 > Torino IT >

the >wartime< project > reflections on and reactions against wars, past, present 
and future by digital and network artists 


the >wartime< project is a join initiative of the international digital artists group 
OFFLINE and the open_digi digital arts events 
association of Brixton, London UK To join the project as a 
participant go to To enquire about LIVE 
showings of the >wartime< project email


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 14:52:49 +0100
From: Marjolein Berger <>
Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?V2=5F/DEAF03:_Symposium_Information_is_?= =?iso-8859-1?Q?Alive?= 

28 February 1 March.
Time: 10:45  17:00 hours.
Location: Auditorium, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Museumpark 18-20, 
Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Admission: € 80,- for two days, € 50,- for one day, discount (student, cjp, 
RotterdamPas, 65+): € 60,- for two days, € 40,- for one day.

Lectures by:
Arjun Appadurai, Simon Conway Morris, Ingo Günther, Scott Lash, Winy Maas, 
Brian Massumi, Sadie Plant.
Moderation by: Manuel DeLanda

The symposium is part of and deals with the theme of the Dutch Electronic 
Art Festival  ‘DEAF03 Data Knitting’, organized by V2_, Institute for the 
Unstable Media (25 February - 9 March 2003 in Rotterdam)

The symposium will be in English.

Publication available: see text below.

Symposium ‘Information is Alive’

'Information is Alive' focuses on archives as unstable, plastic, living 
entities. Information storage, processing and transmission take place on 
many levels: individually, in our memories; collectively, in stories, 
rituals, laws, celebrations, games, concepts, language, image and 
architecture; biologically, in fossils and in bodies as living forms; and 
technologically, in archives and databases. In the last 20 years 
information has been stored and retrieved more and more by means of digital 

Unlike more classical archive models, digital databases need not be ordered 
hierarchically, for they are made accessible through highly complex linking 
technologies which no longer need to work linearly, as they did with 
old-style computers. Search engines can be designed to find the proverbial 
needle in the haystack or even to create a haystack where there are only 
needles. A digital archive, like the human memory, need not be a static 
system. The value of what is stored lies in how it can be used in the 
present, lies in it's operationality instead of its meaning. Memory is a 
process that functions in the present and is continually updated through 
that mode of functioning.

Research into neurological, social, cultural and evolutionary information 
storage  lived archives of habits and practices, continuously being broken 
down and rebuilt  provides a model or tool for understanding the 
possibilities of multilinear and nonlinear archiving. The atomization of 
the archive in the database has made the whole ‘Art of Memory’ into a 
technological, interactive art that suddenly becomes a highly urgent topic. 
First, for all those institutions that feel the need to ‘open their 
archives’, second for all those who describe and study modes of being, 
third for all those who design and use our new archives, be it books, 
websites, cities or other forms. The theme of the symposium lies in the 
exploration of unexpected developments that may arise through the storing, 
linking, reprocessing, transforming and complexifying of what otherwise 
would simply have remained as raw data.

‘Information is Alive’ brings together a high profile and interdisciplinary 
group of scientists, theorists, artists and architects who will present and 
discuss their ideas and projects and invite the audience to enter into 
active public dialogue.

Lectures by:
Arjun Appadurai (IND/USA), anthropologist, professor at Yale University. 
His recent research focuses on ethnic violence and the modern nation-state. 
Appadurai is writer of ‘Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of 
Globalization’ (1996).

Simon Conway Morris (GB), palaeobiologist, professor of Evolutionary 
Palaeobiology at the University of Cambridge (GB). In 1990 he was elected 
Fellow of the Royal Society. Conway Morris has done field research in the 
most diverse places, such as China, Mongolia, Australia and Greenland. He 
has published, among much else, ‘The Crucible of Creation’ (1998).

Ingo Günther (D), artist, journalist. In the early 1980s he evaluated and 
publicized satellite data that dealt with political and military hotbeds. 
Since 1989, Günther uses globes as a medium for his artistic and 
journalistic projects.

Scott Lash (USA/GB), sociologist, author of Critique of Information (2002). 
His interests include information society, global media, continental 
philosophy, technology and culture, and the problem of ‘flows’.

Winy Maas (NL), architect, co-founder of MVRDV, an office that produces 
designs and studies in the fields of architecture, urbanism, landscape 
design and design philosophy. With MVRDV he has published many books, among 
which ‘FARMAX: Excursions on density’ (1998) and ‘Metacity/Datatown’ (1999).

Brian Massumi (CDN), philosopher, teaches at the University of Montreal 
(CDN). Massumi is interested in the relationship between technology, 
science and humanoria. His publications include ‘Parables for the Virtual: 
Movement, Affect, Sensation’ (2002). Massumi is translator of the works of 
Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari.

Sadie Plant (GB), philosopher, teaches philosophy at Manchester University. 
She was director of the Cybernetic Culture Research Unit at Warwick 
University. Plant has published extensively in the field of gender and 
technology, among which ‘Zeros + Ones: Digital Women and the New 
Technoculture’ (1997). She is one of the pioneers of cyber feminism.

Moderation by:
Manuel DeLanda (MEX/USA), writer, filmmaker, media artist, programmer and 
software designer. Author of among others ‘Phylum: A Thousand Years of 
Non-Linear History’ (1997). DeLanda teaches at Columbia University New York 
(USA) ‘Philosophy of History: Theories of Self-Organization and Urban 
Dynamics’, and ‘Philosophy of Science: Thinking about Structures and 

Friday 28 February 2003

10.45: opening words V2_
11.00: introduction Manuel DeLanda
12.00: lecture Scott Lash

13.00: lunch break

14.00: lecture Simon Conway Morris
15.00: lecture Ingo Günther

16.00: tea break

16.15: panel discussion
17.00: end

17:15 Presentation of the ‘Digital Depot’ of the Museum Boijmans Van 
Beuningen, free entrance for symposium participants

Saturday 1 March 2003

10.45: openings words Manuel DeLanda
11.00: lecture Brian Massumi
12.00: lecture Arjun Appadurai

13.00: lunch break

14.00: lecture Winy Maas
15.00: lecture Sadie Plant

16.00: tea break

16.15: panel discussion
17.00: end

You may register for the symposium by sending an e-mail to or 
via the festival website For more information on 
registration, phone: +31 (0)10 750.15.15

Payment procedure:
Your registration for the symposium becomes valid upon receipt of payment. 
V2_ will confirm your registration when both reservation and payment have 
been received. Your ticket(s) may then be collected at the Museum Boijmans 
Van Beuningen on the day(s) of the symposium. In case of overbooking, V2_ 
reserves the right to cancel your registration.
Please forward your payment to account number 245 38 96 (Postbank) in favor 
of Stichting V2_, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, mentioning your last name + 
'symposium'. Alternatively, you may use the Direct Payment method at the 
festival website

Publication ‘Information is Alive’
V2_, in cooperation with NAi Publishers, will release a publication 
'Information is Alive'; accompanying 'DEAF03 Data Knitting'. The book 
features descriptions of the installations of the ‘DEAF03’ exhibition and 
essays and interviews by Arjen Mulder, Manuel DeLanda, Brian Massumi, Sadie 
Plant, Arjun Appadurai, Scott Lash, Simon Conway Morris, Antonio Damasio, 
George Dyson, Winy Maas, Boris Groys, Ryszard Kapuscinski and Ingo Günther.
Price: € 22,50 (during the DEAF03 festival € 20,-). This book is available 
at a discount in bookshops on presentation of the action coupon (action 
number 00000 743-7371). This offer is valid from 25 February until 9 March, 
ISBN 90-5662-310-9

More information can be found on ‘DEAF03 Online’:
‘DEAF03 Online’ offers the possibility to view the symposium online and to 
participate in various festival activities.

For educational programs and/or guided tours during DEAF03 please contact 
Valentijn Webbers, or +31 (0)10 750 15 18 


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 19:45:38 -0000
From: "pnp" <>
Subject: | PLUG AND PLAY - SUNDAY 19/01/20003 6PM - London | 

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

- ------=_NextPart_000_0057_01C2BD97.D879FDA0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

| PLUG AND PLAY - SUNDAY 19/01/20003 6PM - London |=20
- - \=3D   bring your laptop and plug in..=20

| so far SEMI-confirmed to play this month... |

| E-da - Japanese Percussionist
- -\=3D

| CEDRIC PIN : minimal electronics
- -\=3D

|Bjorn and Angus=20
- -\=3D

| Ron
- -\=3D

| Haz=20
- -\=3D=20


| RGBInvaded
- -\=3D

| Ryoutaro
- -\=3D=20

| as well as possible performances from nervoustestpilot, :BEFLIX, jk,
nick.k, and you!

entry is free

anyone can come along and PLUG in their laptops,
or any other a/v technology and PLAY music
or visuals they have made, whatever.....

| venue details
- -\=3D

- ------=_NextPart_000_0057_01C2BD97.D879FDA0


Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 22:12:51 -0800
From: "Karoly Toth" <>

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

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Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

22:11 1/14/03


%keywords = "film, automat, software-art, on-line festival, nano,
web-movie, "

We invite film makers, artists, students, programmers and
designers to contribute works to the Nanofestival and
share it with the internet community.
Our aim is to create an open source pool for extreme
short web-movies and software-art. This time we want
especially encourage creative people from Middle and Eastern Europe
to submit, since these countries has a very long tradition
of progressive film culture.
Naturally, every one from any continent, country or non-country, is
also warmly welcomed.

Nanofestival v.01 is a no-budget, on-line art festival for extreme
short (!max. 10 sec.!) web movies  and software art.
The event is organized by ZEROGLAB, an independent digital art-lab
in Rotterdam. <>
We are planning the festival as a fast sequence of events,
with a different theme every time.

(the next theme = HOLE)

The contributed works for AUTOMAT are going to be screened at ZECHS
in The Hague on 30 March 2003.
The ZECHS event is organized by the architect/design studio
v.l.n.r. (from left to right) of Denis Oudendijk:

If you like the idea and want to participate, please fill
the entry form at the end of this page and send it to:
Károly Tóth  <>
Please include: "nanofestival v.01 submission" in the subject line.

Want to host the next nanofest? Send an email to:

Nanofestival website: <>

Anybody can be part of the festival jury,
by using the polls of the festival office to vote.

We have set up an on-line festival office at Yahoo!.
This is going to be the place where you can post messages, art
critique, papers, vote for your favorite film and art software,
exchange ideas, etc. In order to use all the features of
the festival office, like voting, you should sign up.
It is free, and you can unsubscribe yourself any time.

- ----------

1. Deadline for submissions: (+/-) 15 February March 2003

2. We accept submissions in three categories:

Maximum length: 10 seconds
Maximum picture size: 720X576
Maximum file size: 5 MB
File formats: avi, (plain)mpeg, gif, mov, wmf, pd
Please use no exotic video/audio codecs; Indeo video or alike is
just fine.

Maximum length: 10 seconds
Maximum file size: 500 KB
Please make public your flash document (*.fla file) as well.

Maximum file size: 500 KB
File format: plain ASCII text files only, no executables.
We accept contributions for the following softwares / programming
pd (pure data)
web3d / vrml
java script

links to some art-software related web pages:

pure data        = <>
jmax             = <>
proce55ing       = <>
Web3d/VRML       = <> &
java/java script = <>

Anyone can contribute. After sending your entry form, please place
your work at your own website, or in a place where anyone can access
We have only a limited web space on our own, so we are not able to
store large movie files.

Please make sure, your web links are working by 20 March 2003

By submitting your work to the festival, you agree that you let
others copy,
distribute, display, and perform your work and derivative works based
upon it but for noncommercial purposes only, and only if they give
you credit.
Please read the full license text:


- ---- begin form ----


Artwork URL:

Artist(s) name:

Artwork title:

Year of creation:

Artist statement (if any):

Contact name:

Contact email address:

Web site:

Contact mail address:


Technical specifications:

{please note: The artworks must run on an average PC.
Please specify video/audio codecs, Web browser or/and player and
settings, which your work is tested on/with.}

Other (cv, notes, etc.):

- ---- end form ----
Károly Tóth /
Post message to festival:

- ------=_NextPart_000_0004_01C2BC1A.26EF8C40


Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 17:51:02 +0100
From: marije <>
Subject: V2_/DEAF03: seminar + call for participation master class

V2_, Institute for the Unstable Media and DEAF03  Dutch Electronic Art 
Festival 2003 invite you to participate in:
1. Seminar 'Copy the Rights!', 26 February 2003 (see text below Ad 1), 
registration now possible.
2. Master class 'Media Ecology' with Sher Doruff about interdisciplinarity, 
3 - 7 March 2003 (see text below Ad 2), deadline for application: 31 
January 2003.

Both the seminar and the master class will be in English.

Ad 1
Seminar 'Copy the Rights!'
Date: 26 February
Time: 11:00 - 17:00 hours
Location: Calypso, Mauritsweg 5, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Admission: 25,- euro, discount (student, cjp, RotterdamPas, 65+) 20,- euro

'Copy the Rights'! is a seminar about copyright. It will address various 
copyright aspects of opening up archives or databases, of archiving various 
expressions of digital culture and of (on-line) presentations of archive 
collections and databases. In a number of lectures and via hands-on 
presentations some examples of 'good practice' will be demonstrated. 
Archives, cultural institutes and copyright initiatives from both the 
Netherlands and abroad will inform the audience about their activities. 
Furthermore, a number of important recent international initiatives will be 
presented that offer alternative solutions to traditional copyright, such 
as a new kind of license, and open-access and open-content models. How 
useful and practical are these alternatives?

Moderation by Paul Rutten, head of the department Information and 
Communication at TNO Strategy and Policy (NL).

11:00: introduction by Paul Rutten
11:15: lectures by Darius Cuplinskas, Soros Foundation (H), Andy Powell, 
UKOLN (GB), Wendy Seltzer, Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard 
Law School (USA) and Jon Ippolito, Guggenheim NY and University of Maine (USA)
14:00: lunch and hands-on presentations by Kingdom of Piracy, Nederlands 
Archief Grafisch Ontwerpers, Netherlands Media Art Institute, Joost Smiers 
(NL), DiColore (NL) and different lawyers and policy makers
16:00: debat
17:00: end

You can register for the seminar by sending an e-mail to or 
via the festival website For more information on 
registration, phone: +31 (0)10 750.15.15.

Payment Procedure:
Your registration for the seminar becomes valid upon receipt of payment. 
V2_ will confirm your registration when both reservation and payment have 
been received. Your ticket(s) may then be collected at Calypso on the day 
of the seminar. In case of overbooking, V2_ reserves the right to cancel 
your registration. Please forward your payment to account number 245 38 96 
(Postbank) in favor of Stichting V2_, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 
mentioning your last name + 'seminar'. Alternatively, you can use the 
Direct Payment method at the festival website

Ad 2
Call for Participation
'Media Ecology', master class with Sher Doruff about interdisciplinarity
Date: 3 - 7 March 2003
Location: V2_, Eendrachtsstraat 10, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

'Media Ecology'
This master class will attempt to build an exploratory bridge between 
current discourse on collaborative dynamic systems and LiveArt's practice.

Since the context is inherently non-hierarchical and sensitive to bottom-up 
interaction it will focus on peer-to-peer exchange between the 'local' 
participants, guest presenters and an extended community of externally 
linked 'translocal' participants. It will address interdisiplinarity and 
interaction between mediums and persons as a processual dynamic with 
real-time, rich media multi-user creation. We will examine the conditions 
and qualia of live, networked, collaborative connections in relation to how 
we, as human agents provoke and negotiate events in distributed, online, 
interactive 'ecologies'.

During the week focus will fluctuate between theoretical angling and 
practical playfullness. Artists working with issues concerning information 
access, emotional computing, collaborative systems and social networks will 
present their work, interspersed with daily, hands-on, empirical assessment 
of online co-creation. The communication and digital processing of live and 
archived media, tools of LiveArt practitioners, inject a new set of 
conditions that reflect an emphasis on the gradient properties emerging 
from the process that evolve and grow the system itself. This is the 
beginning referent for the week's activities.

1. Theoretical correlations that will guide discussion within the context 
of real-time multi-user platforms and datamining methodologies include:
- - emergence in complex systems
- - distributed cognitive environments/pervasive computing technologies
- - transformative iteration as aesthetic production
- - synaesthetic perception
2. Guest presenters  artists and developers researching related issues will 
share their perspectives and research. Including Sharon Daniel, Michelle 
Teran, Sara Diamond, Just van den Broecke and Anne Nigten.
3. Hands-on presentations  participants will interface with translocal 
participants from the Anatomic Group at Waag Society in Amsterdam in 
assessing the potential and pitfalls of virtual engagement in media rich, 
self-organized, dynamic network scenarios. Playtime, in the enabling 
software environment KeyWorx (formerly KeyStroke), will be structured on a 
project basis, with participants focused on a common set of conditions, 
attributes and criteria relevant to the dynamic processing of media in 
networks. These online sessions will be streamed and archived for remix and 
recontextualization as an exploration of iterative content and dynamic 
change as emergent database.
4. Group projects in the workshop will involve preliminary designs for 
collaborative systems sensitive to cognitive/cultural aspects of real-time 
interaction, processual aesthetics and its relation to data classification, 
storage and access.

KeyWorx, developed at Waag Society, will serve as the primary experimental 
platform for this research. KeyWorx is an R&D project which enables 
collaborative distributed environments for multidisciplinary artists to 
create and disseminate new media performances from a shared workspace to a 
global audience. Live and archived media can be instantiated and modified 
by up to five participants in a session. The performance output is 
broadband streamed and/or beamed to local audiences and web viewers. The 
meeting and live interaction of diverse personalities and skillsets on a 
virtual, global stage will serve as a platform for an analysis of 
collective aesthetics.

Waag Society's Anatomic group in Amsterdam will be facilitated by Guy van 
Belle, Michelle Teran and Arjen Keesmaat.

More info about this master class:

The master class is open to 10 participants:
- - who have some experience or interest in real-time interactive 
technologies such as MAX/MSP/nato/Jitter, Isadora, Image/ine, KeyWorx
- - who have experience or serious interest in collaborative environments in 
arts practice

Application details and further information:
Deadline for application: January 31, 2003.
This master class is an EncART project supported by the European Culture 
2000 program. EncART (European Network for Cyber Arts; partners: AEC, C3, 
V2_, ZKM).

General Ad 1 and Ad 2:
The seminar and the master class are part of the Dutch Electronic Art 
Festival 'DEAF03 Data Knitting', organized by V2_, Institute for the 
Unstable Media (25 February - 9 March 2003 in Rotterdam)

More information can be found on 'DEAF03 Online':
'DEAF03 Online' offers the possibility to view the symposium online and to 
participate in various festival activities.

For educational programs and/or guided tours during DEAF03 please contact 
Valentijn Webbers, or +31 (0)10 750 15 18


Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2003 00:06:50 +0100
From: Aliette Guibert <>

> Ce message est au format MIME. Comme votre programme de lecture de courriers ne comprend pas
ce format, il se peut que tout ou une partie de ce message soit illisible.

Hello you all!

First, I want to tell you how we appreciate the critical debate on hip-hop
(for us regarding the first ³Last poets² as a splendid Breakers¹ beginning
in NY, more the London Jamaïcan community ‹ L.K.J. ‹ in the last sixties and
the early seventies). This sound have got a political hard way meeting the
gang opportunity about the market later... since its first cultural
performances in the street and then it was growing as an referential tempo
in all the cities of the world. So, the critical discussion has become
absolutely necessary.

Second I want to tell you about a special American movie as a tribute to
France Œalterity; I hope that you will think like us that the Derrida¹s
actual political active position, specially about the UN on the war question
since September 11, and the meetings that he had performed in Cerisy¹s
symposium (Fr) on the question of the losing Democracy in June 2001, owes
more attention considering who he is as a French and international
intellectual regarding his true life since Algeria where he was born...
Isn¹t a movie the best way for the first contact and the more collective way
for the second contact before the third: meeting him IRL ? :-)

Louise and the criticalsecret staff not so ³afraid of americans² ;-) (thanx)

- ------ Message transféré
De : Aliette Guibert <>
Date : Fri, 10 Jan 2003 12:43:09 +0100
À : <>

> Date : Thu, 09 Jan 2003 18:28:32 -0800
> À : <>
> One week only, exclusive run. Special Appearances by Filmmakers Kirby Dick
> and  Amy Ziering Kofman on Friday night Jan 10 at the Opera Plaza Cinema in
> SF,
> and in San Rafael and Berkeley on Saturday Jan 11.
> See our website for details:
> Or our eflier:
> Special Appearances by Filmmakers Kirby Dick and Amy Ziering Kofman on
> Sunday Feb 2. See ICA for details:
> Or our eflier:
> Thank you to all our Canadians friends for your interest and inquiries. Your
> interest helped us finally secure some Canadian release dates.
> Opens in Ontario Jan 24-30 and also coming soon to Montreal.  Please spread
> the
> word. If the film does well, we will be able to further book other cities in
> Canada.  See our website for details:
> Our our eflier:
> DERRIDA is in its 10th week in LOS ANGELES!
> Now playing at the Laemmle Monica in Santa Monica, and at the Academy Six in
> Pasadena.  Weekend Screenings ONLY.
> See our website for details:
> Or our eflier:
> Jan 17-18 - Columbus OH
> Jan 24-30 - Chicago (RETURNING!)
> Jan 24-30 - San Diego
> Jan 24-30 - Ontario (Canada)
> Jan 31-Feb 15 - London UK
> Feb 5-19 - Boston
> Feb 6-12 - Minneapolis
> Feb 7-9 - Ithaca NY
> Feb 7-13 - Albuquerque NM
> Feb 7-19 - Providence RI
> Feb 10 - Pleasantville NY
> Feb 24 - Detroit MI
> Feb 24-27 - Portland OR
> Feb 27 - Rochester NY
> Feb 28-Mar 2 - St. Louis     
> Feb 28 - Somerset NJ     
> Mar 2-Mar 4 - Hartford CT
> See our website for more details:
> See our website for dates and details on festivals:
> DVD and HOME VIDEO COMING SOON!  Video cassettes and a DVD should be ready
> for purchase sometime in 2003. We will keep you posted.
> Our DERRIDA poster is currently available for sale. Impress friends with
> both your erudition and art sensibilities!  Give it as a gift to your pals
> who like to think. See our website for details:
> Thank you for your interest DERRIDA.  Please pass on any of this info to
> others whom you think would be interested.  We appreciate your help!!!!
> Hope you enjoy the film.
> All of us at Jane Doe
> ============================================================================
> ============================================================================
> ============================================================================

- ------ Fin du message transféré


Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 13:45:43 +0100
From: Christine =?iso-8859-1?Q?Tr=E9guier?= <>
Subject: BBA France 2002


Here is some information on the french BBA, soon to be awarded on monday january
20th in Paris.  (sorry all in french )

Read all the Orwell and Voltaire candidates files on



- ---------------------
Les nominés, le jury...

Paris, 13 janvier 2003 -- Privacy International présente la liste des
nominés pour la 3ème édition des Big Brother Awards en France.
Tous les dossiers consultables en ligne sur

Le jury dévoilera son palmarès au cours de l'Orwell Party organisée dans
une semaine le lundi 20 janvier à partir de 19h au Flèche d'Or Café,
Paris 20ème.

Toute personne ou institution ayant porté atteinte à la vie privée,
négligé de la protéger ou faisant la promotion de la surveillance
individuelle ou  collective, peuvent se voir primer et recevoir un
"Orwell" dans 5 catégories (lire la liste ci-après). Pour saluer l'autre
côté du miroir,  cette année cinq prix Voltaire seront remis aux
individus, collectifs ou  actions qui se sont élevés contre les dérives
du tout-contrôle.

Les dossiers de candidature qui ont été sélectionnés par Privacy
International s'inspirent de faits, actes, propos ou initiatives
constatés en 2002. Pour constituer le jury cette année les BBA se sont
rapproché de la Fédération internationale des ligues des droits de
l'homme (FIDH), de la  Fédération informatique et libertés (FIL) et du
syndicat des avocats de  France (SAF) - et toujours soutenu par Act-Up
Paris, Souriez vous êtes filmés (SVEF) et l'Observatoire du droit des
usagers des institutions sociales (ODU).

- - Renaud Auguste-Dormeuil, artiste vidéaste
- - Sebastien Canevet, juriste, président de la FIL
- - Gilles Guglielmi, professeur droit public, Nanterre
- - Jean-Pierre Dubois, secrétaire général adjoint de la FIDH
- - Valérie Marange, philosophe Paris 8, revue Chimères
- - Anne-Lise Martenot, réalisatrice, SVEF
- - Jerome Martin, vice-président Act-Up Paris
- - Laurence Roques, avocate au barreau de Créteil, membre du SAF
- - Nathalie Vallet, travailleur social et membre de l'ODU
Et président d'honneur:
- - Loic Wacquant, sociologue, université de Californie (Berkeley)

Veuillez trouver ci-après la liste des nominés aux Orwell et aux
Voltaire pour l'année 2002.

NB - Presse: par simple retour de courrier nous donnerons les contact
téléphoniques adéquats.



ensemble des candidats - affichage selon catégories:

Les nominés:

+ Catégorie 1 - Etat, Administration, Elus et Personnalités

- -Christian Estrosi, député, pour ses amendements déposés en commission
dans le projet de loi sur la sécurité intérieure (PLSI)
- - Jack Lang et Xavier Darcos, deux ministres de l'Education, le premier
pour l'instigation du logiciel Signa et le second pour l'usage démesuré
de ses statistiques dans les établissements scolaires
- - Procureur Dintilhac et Juge Bruguieres, pour des écoutes téléphonique
sur avocats et journalistes
- - CSPLA, Conseil supérieur de la propriété artistique, pour ses
positions sur la copie privée

+ Catégorie 2 - Entreprises, organisations professionnelles

- - Atos Origin (SIS-II), pour la mise en oeuvre du fichier Schengen
- - La Poste, surveillance électronique des employés
- - Carrefour, pour ses menaces de délation sur les étrangers via une
société de recouvrement
- - Thales, pour ses fournitures de technologies de fichage en Chine
- - BNP Protection Habitat, promotion et discours sécuritaire
Autres candidats dans cette catégorie: Noos (entrave au droit d'accès
des fichiers nominatifs), ADAPI (Agence de lutte contre la fraude aux
logiciels), AVESTA (promotion de systèmes de géolocalisation).

+ Catégorie 3 - Localités, politiques urbaines

- - Maire et Procureur d'Albertville  pour une affaire de fichage des
jeunes par la police municipale
- - Gérard Collomb, maire de Lyon  pour sa politique de contrôle
sécuritaire, vidéosurveillance, traçage électronique des transports;
- - Dominique Perben et la ville de Chalon sur Saône  pour ses projets de
"traçage" des familles prévus dans son contrat local de sécurité;
- - Florent Montillot, maire adjoint, Orléans  pour ses initiatives en
matière de contrôle sécuritaire et de politique familiale;
- - Nicole Gouéta, maire de Colombes (92)  pour ses mesures de contrôle
sécuritaire et projets de vidéosurveillance
- - Charles Ceccaldi-Raynaud, maire de Puteaux (92)  pour ses projets de
vidéosurveillance et son refus de concertation
- - Autre canditatures de municipalités: Mulhouse, Marseille, Nîmes

+ Catégorie 4 - Technologies, produits et systèmes

Les nominés: - Géoprévention (Data-Image), logiciel de "cartographie de
la délinquance" conçu pour croiser les données et classifier les zones
de circulation
- - Securbus (Intégral Média), système de surveillance des transports et
de contrôle des individus
- - Palladium (Microsoft), projet de système informatique qui menace la
vie privée et le libre choix de l'utilisateur
- - Carte Tecely (Transports Lyonnais/SYTRAL), le pass électronique lancé
à Lyon depuis l'été 2002 en conservant les données de déplacement
pendant 13 mois
- - Monéo (Billetique Monétique Services), le porte monnaie à puce qui
laisse des traces pour des achats de la vie quotidienne
- - Autres candidats dans cette catégorie: Pass Navigo (RATP  Paris),
Aspirateurs de mails (spam)

+  Prix spécial du Jury pour l'Ensemble de son oeuvre

- - Terminaux CB - GIE Cartes Bancaires, pour le traçage des achats CB
laissés sur les réseaux bancaires et les terminaux des commerçant,
preuve de nos déplacements et de nos habitudes,
- - Nicolas Sarkozy, pour son passé sécuritaire et ses lois ou projets de
loi en cours sur la sécurité
- - Alain Bauer, consultant influent pour son zèle à prôner le recours à
la surveillance dans ses conseils sécuritaires sur la tolérance zéro
auprès d'entreprises ou de collectivités locales.



Ensemble des candidats - affichage selon domaines:

Sont nominés dans quatre domaines d'intervention:

1 Vie privée, correspondances et données personnelles

- - Collectif, pour leur travail de veille sur les atteintes
répétées à la Loi Informatique et Libertés de la part de sites internet
publics ou privés
- - Globenet, pour le service No-log de protection des données
personnelles, en réaction au vote du principe de la rétention des
données obligatoire (LSQ)
- - Act Up Paris , pour leur travail constant de ré-information et de
défense des droits et des libertés des plus démunis, notamment sur les
traitements des données médicales.
- - Union CFDT de Savoie, les responsables locaux ont dénoncé le fichage
de jeunes par la police municipale;

2 Liberté de circulation, de rassemblement

- - Collectif Non à Big Brother (Lyon), pour leur travail d'information et
de résistance à la vidéosurveillance et au contrôle des populations sur
la ville de Lyon; - Collectif RATP (Paris),
- -Opération No Border/ D-Sec opération d'information sur le Système
d'information Schengen SIS II organisée en juillet à Strasbourg à
l'occasion du camp No Border.(Strasbourg);
- - Collectif TCL (Lyon), -GISTI Le GISTI pour son combat en faveur des
droits des immigrés, et en particulier pour la liberté de circulation.

3 Moyens de surveillance et contrôle sécuritaire

- - Association internet solidaire IRIS, pour ses alertes et actions
contre les projets menaçant les libertés sur internet, dont une plainte
contre la France en 2002 (rétention des données);
- - Collectif Les mots sont importants, pour son travail de
ré-information, de veille et de critiques autour des politiques, mythes
et amalgames sécuritaires;
- - Francis Teitgen (ex-batonnier, Ordre  des avocats Paris), pour avoir
pris position dans le Figaro suite aux attentats du 11 septembre,
"Liberté vient avant sécurité";
- - Laurent Muchielli et le collectif CLARIS, pour son travail de
ré-information et de mise en évidence de la des manipulations du
discours sur "l'insécurité".

4 Liberté d'expression et d'information

- - Bureaux d'étude - Strasbourg (Univ. Tangente), pour son travail de
décryptage géocentrique des leviers de pouvoirs politico-économiques,
présentés sous forme de posters graphiques;
- -, pour son travail de veille, d'information
et de facilitation du droit d'accès des citoyens aux différents fichiers
de l'administration;
- - Pierre Carles, documentariste dénonçant la cuisine des médias,
censures et manipulations et tout "discours dominant";
- - Ligue Odebi, pour sa campagne de défense de la liberté d'expression
sur les forums internet "zéro forums"
- -, pour son travail d'information et de rencontres - zelig
sur les atteintes aux libertés et à la vie privée, la résistance aux
politiques totalitaires de contrôle des individus.

Rendez-vous le 20 janvier dans la soirée pour le palmarès.
Orwell Party à partir de 19h  entrée libre  Flèche d'Or Cafe, 102bis rue
de Bagnolet, 75020  Mo: Alex. Dumas

L'équipe des BBA France


Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 23:38:33 -0800
Subject: Infrastructures of Digital Design - Graduate Conference - Immediate Release

For Immediate Release (information) (live event stream)

+ + +

Infrastructures of Digital Design Graduate Conference

January 31 -­ February 2, 20 at UCSD

"³Infrastructures of Digial Design" is a graduate conference that will
take place January 31 to February 2 at the University of California San Diego
Center for Research in Computing & the Arts as part of the UC Digital
Cultures Initiative. This conference will feature paper presentations and
new media works from 30 graduate students inside and outside the University
of California, and will be supported by distinguished faculty members and
invited guest speakers.

"Infrastructures of Digital Design" will commence with a keynote speech
by Howard Becker leading sociologist of art and professor emeritus at the
University of California, Santa Barbara to be followed by two days of
plenary presentations that will address the following issues: Enabling
Design - What strategies and models of cultural production can be developed
from the realization of new infrastructures? Health Information Systems -
What are the ethical and technical questions produced through the
representation and collection of patient data and the formulation of new
medical knowledge? Spatiality and Built Environments -  How does the
collection, mapping and visualization of data affect the understanding built
environments and the relationship between the local and the global? Digital
Environments for Learning/Community/Identity -  What types of models
facilitate and produce new forms of understanding between both oneself and
the group or others? Designing Regulation and Regulating Design -  How are
infrastructures developed and employed by both the private and public
sector, setting standards for new policy and invention?

Graduate projects will be showcased in a New Media Works Festival, held at
the Herbert Marcuse Gallery in the Visual Arts Department, concurrent to the
panel presentations. Between exhibition and presentation, a night of
emergent performance, real-time data-mixing and sonic intervention
will take place the evening of Saturday, February 1st as part of the

All panels and paper presentations will be held at the Center for Research
in Computing and the Arts (CRCA) located in building #408 University Center
on the campus of UCSD. Artist presentations and installations will take
place at the Marcuse Gallery in the UCSD Visual Arts Facility across from
CRCA on Russell Lane.

All panels and presentations will be streamed and available for viewing at Since the facility has limited seating, virtual attendance is encouraged via the Live Media website, although art events will be free and open to the public.

Support for Infrastructures of Digital Design is being provided by the UC
Digital Cultures Project; UCSD Departments of Visual Arts, Communication,
and Sociology; the UCSD Divisions of Social Sciences, and Arts and
Humanities; the Center for Research in Computing & the Arts, and the Science
Studies Program of UCSD.

A full conference program can be found at
Questions and requests for more information may be sent to

Maps and directions to CRCA and the UCSD Visual Arts Facility are available

+ + +


Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 16:17:27 +0100
From: "SMART Project Space" <>
Subject: free video program in SMART Cinema, A Close Watch (Undermining the Overview: Part 1)

SMART Project Space | 1st Constantijn Huygensstraat 20, Amsterdam  +31 (0)20 427 5951

 A Close Watch (Undermining the Overview: Part 1)

 Every Sunday and Wednesday at 17.00 SMART Project Space presents free video programs in Smart Cinema.  This video program accompanies the exhibition, Someone To Watch Over Me |  January 12 - February 16, 2003

 Sunday, January 12 and Wednesday, January 15,  17.00 hrs. 

 Saiki Hiromi ? You Can't Always Blame the Sky (2000, Japan, 18 min.)

Submitted for close study is "example #792813" who is obsessed with how she appears to others.  Her own self scrutiny becomes our entry into our own studied overview.

 Mark Rappaport ? From the Journals of Jean Seberg  (1997, USA, 100 min.)

The intimate view of a small town girl turned iconic creature turned multiple surveillance subject.  Beyond the chilling inexorability of the biographical details, Rappaport explores the ideological attitudes that commercial films subliminally offer above and beyond the story, the stars and the price of admission:  the message and value assumptions that linger on long after the plot is forgotten.  A tape about film theory:  semiology in practice.


 Sunday, January 19 and Wednesday, January 22,  17.00 hrs.

 Rashid Mashawari ? Tension (1998, Palestine, 26 min.)

A study in the malaise of living under the panoptic watchful eye of security and control which is in turn exposed to close and detached scrutiny.

 Michael Klier ? Der Riese (1983, Germany, 82 min.)

Klier's  by now immortal compendium of urban surveillance material from traffic control to department store security practice reaches symphonically paranoid heights and finally resolves in an image of cathartic and breathless paradox.

 Kurt Sayenga ? Spies Above (1996, USA, 55 min.)

Taking a little more distance than Der Riese, this work collects the products of industrious spy satellites in space and presents a confidential history of the secret CIA agency which initiated and maintains their use since its inception during the Eisenhower fifties.


 Sunday, January 26 and Wednesday, January 29,  17.00 hrs.

 Jane Campion ? Passionless Moments (1993, Australia, 13 min.)

An incisive panoptic scrutiny of a few particular specimens at a few particular moments that prove particularly pertinent.

 Manthia Diawara ? Rouch In Reverse (1995, Mali/U.K., 51 min.)

A conceptual coup of sorts: an effort at what its maker calls "reverse anthropology"; the first work to look at European anthropology from the perspective of its subjects.  Diawara's provocative tape examines the anthropological enterprise through the work of reknowned ethnographic film-maker Jean Rouch.  

 Gene Searchinger ? Paradox on 72nd Street  (1980, USA, 55 min.)

The intersection of West 72nd street and Broadway in New York City becomes, under close scrutiny, a microcosm of human interaction. This active and attuned surveillance delineates the struggle between individualism  and collectivity. Systems and institutions  which provide order and control are analysed as well as the unconscious  gestures and modes of etiquette which human beings impose on themselves. This work was suggested by ideas in Philip Slater's book The Pursuit of Loneliness and was made with the collaboration of sociologist Slater and biologist Lewis Thomas.


 Sunday, February 2 and Wednesday, February 5,  17.00 hrs.

 Mori Fumitake ? A Tick By the White Tower (2000, Japan, 30 min.)

Having grown up under the panoptical gaze of the impassive central tower of his high school campus, our inveterately self-conscious hero is determined to become a tick that might risk stopping time.

 Alan and Susan Raymond ? American Family Revisited (1990, USA, 58 min.)

Another anthropological/media turnabout in the form of an epilogue which provides a ten years after update on the Loud family: the subjects of the Raymond's pioneering documentary program An American Family of the seventies and the true dawn of  "reality TV".  Here is a case where the subjects have been completely altered by the process of scrutiny and tele-visual surveillance.

 Sachiko Hamada and Scott Sinkler ? Inside Life Outside (1988, USA, 57 min.)

Following a closely knit group of homeless people living in a lower east side shantytown over a two and a half year period. This work proposes an alternate anthropology of the self where all categories are mediated and found contradictory. Unlike the typical television family, these people thrive on the self awareness that the watchful eyes inspire.


 Sunday, February 9 and Wednesday, February 12,  17.00 hrs.

 Jane Campion ? A Girl's Own Story (1991, Australia, 27 min.)

The dawning of rigorous self-scrutiny and its reflexive desire: a clarion call for "someone to watch over me".

 Danielle Smith ? Song of Umm Dalaila  (1993, Algeria, 35 min.)

Smith shot this work in a Sahrawi refugee camp in Algeria concentrating on the women which made up 80% of the adult population of the camp. What interests us here is how these women come to assume primary responsibility for the survival of the refugees and offer a different paradigm of the watchful eye of scrutiny.

 Nina Rosenblum? Through the Wire (1990, USA, 77 min.)

The brutal flipside of the implications of Umm Dalaila:  Locked in a basement, deprived of sleep, psychologically tormented, strip searched daily by male guards, video taped in the bathroom-three women are political prisoners in the USA-where they say this can't happen.  In a high security dungeon in Lexington, Kentucky is the United States government conducting secret experiments in brainwashing and behavioural modification on these women? Is this what we can expect from the brave new world of panoptic security?


 Sunday, February 16 and Wednesday, February 19,  17.00 hrs.

 Sven Augustijnen ? Something on Bach (1998, Belgium, 37 min.)

The rear window surveillance approach is taken to a rehearsal of Alain Platel's Les Ballets C. de la B. seen through the windows of the rehearsal space from a vantage point across the street which produces a multivalent reading of a complex set of events.

 Ross McElwee ? The Six O'Clock News  (1997, USA, 102 min.)

We now seize that ultimate daily moment of scrutiny and world surveillance:  the six o'clock news and what's more we choose to engage it directly and call its bluff.  McElwee decides to enter into the events of the news when they come close to home after a hurricane has leveled the town where he has previously filmed and where his friend Charleen Swansea, a frequent McElwee subject, lives.  Thus a new journey for the ever watchful eye begins.  This work also constitutes a sequel of sorts to Time Indefinite included in last month's program "Like Real".


To be deleted from our mailing please return mail with subject 'unsubscribe SPS'. 


Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 11:38:32 +1100
From: "geert lovink" <>
Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Munich-Video_Festival:_ES_IST_SCHWER_DAS_REALE_ZU_BER=DCHR?= =?iso-8859-1?Q?EN?=


7 - 9 February, 2003
12noon - 11pm
Kunstverein München/Germany

3 days with about 50 videos and many discussions.

9 artists for whom the notion of the "documentary" provides an important
subject of investigation, each present 5 videos of their choice !

the selection is made by:

Ursula Biemann (Zurich)
Johanna Billing (Stockholm)
Annika Eriksson (Stockholm/Berlin)
Ruth Kaaserer (Vienna)
Nina Könnemann (Hamburg)
Mari Laanemets & Killu Sukmit (Tallin/Berlin)
Oliver Ressler (Vienna)
Gitte Villesen (Copenhagen/Berlin)
Für den Kunstverein: Søren Grammel and Maria Lind

Information on the whole project:

Information on the ----festival----:

Please, forward this to videofestival-maniacs

Let us know if you plan to come (which days).
This helps us a lot with the preparation of the festival.

Kunstverein München
Galeriestrasse 4
D - 80539 München
+49 - (0) 89 . 221152


Date:  Tue, 14 Jan 2003 16:36:32 +0100
From: "Frau von Sydow" <>
Subject: Sonntag 19. Januar

(scroll down for english)

Total Ãœberzogen

Symposium 19. Januar 2003

"Repräsentation durch künstlerisch-ästhetische Strategien" oder 
Aktivisten setzen Künstler ein, Künstler setzen Aktivisten ein, Firmen setzen Kunsthäuser ein, Kunsthäuser setzen alle ein.

Das ganztägige Symposium lädt Künstler und Aktivisten ein, um Videos zu zeigen, Vorträge zu halten und eine rege Diskussion anzustiften über den Einsatz von ästhetischen Strategien in Kunst, Kulturförderung und Aktivismus.
Rosanne Altstatt (Leiterin, Edith-Ruß-Haus für Medienkunst) stellt das Symposium in den Kontext der Ausstellung ‚Total Überzogen‘. Antek Walczak, Mitglied von ‘Bernadette Corporation‘ (USA) wird das neue Video der Gruppe über die Teilnahme an der Anti-Globalisierungsdemo in Genua zeigen und zur Diskussion stellen. Stephan Dillemuth (Künstler und Autor "The Academy and the Corporate Public", Hamburg) fragt, ob künstlerische Forschung eine alternative Form der Kritik außerhalb von Repräsentations-Strategien sein könnte. Marion von Osten (Künstlerin, Autorin und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Theorie der Gestaltung und Kunst Zürich) hält einen Vortrag mit Videomaterial zu Künstlern und dem Thema "Creative Industry". Deportation Class und Silke Wagner führen ein Gespräch über die Zusammenführung aktivistischer und künstlerischer Aktionen gegen Abschiebung von Asylbewerbern. 

Symposium: Eintritt: 5 €

Sonntag, 19. Januar 2003, 11 – 18 Uhr

11.00 Rosanne Altstatt, Einführung 
11.30 Marion von Osten "Büro De-Construct" / Vortrag mit Video, Diskussion 
12.45 Stephan Dillemuth "The Academy and the Corporate Public" / Vortrag, Diskussion 
14.00 Mittagspause 
15.00 Bernadette Corporation "Get Rid of Yourself" 
Videovorführung und Kommentar von Antek Walczak in englischer Sprache, Diskussion 
17.00 Podiumsgespräch "Ästhetische Strategien im Aktivismus und Aktivismus in der Kunst" 
mit Deportation Class und Silke Wagner, moderiert von Rosanne Altstatt 

Ausstellungsdauer 29. November 2002 – 9. Februar 2003
Adbusters (CAN), Banner Art Collective (USA/IR), Urs Breitenstein (CH), Candice Breitz (ZA), Deportation Class (D), Johan Grimonprez (B), Lise Harlev (DK), Swetlana Heger (CZ), Jenny Holzer (USA), Inventory (GB), Adria Julia (E), Dagmar Keller/Martin Wittwer (D/CH), Michael Mandiberg (USA), Julian Opie (GB), Peter Roehr (D), Daniel Pflumm (D), Johannes Wohnseifer (D) und Florian Zeyfang (D) 

Total Ãœberzogen

Symposium 19 January, 2003

Representation through artistic-aesthetic Strategies Or
Activists Engage Artists, Artists Engage Activists, Companies Engage Art Spaces, Art Spaces Engage them all

"Representation through artistic-aesthetic Strategies" or Activists Engage Artists, Artists Engage Activists, Companies Engage Art Spaces, Art Spaces Engage them all. This all-day symposium is an invitation to artists and activists to present videos and talks in order to ignite a lively discussion on the use of aesthetic strategies in art, sponsoring and activism. 
Rosanne Altstatt (Director, Edith Russ Site for Media Art) begins by setting the symposium in the context of the exhibition "Total Ãœberzogen". Antek Walczak from "Bernadette Corporation" (USA) presents a new video on the anti-globalization demonstrations in Geneva. Stephan Dillemuth (artist and author of "The Academy and the Corporate Public", D) asks if artistic research can function as an alternative form of criticism beyond conventional strategies of representation. Marion von Osten (artist, author and lecturer at the Institute for Design and Art Theory, CH) will hold a talk with video material on artists and their roles in the "Creative Industry". Deportation Class and Silke Wagner will discuss the cohesion of activist and artistic actions against deportation.
Symposium, Entrance Fee: 5 euros

19 January, Sunday 11 am – 6 pm

11.00     Rosanne Altstatt, Introduction
11.30     Marion von Osten "Büro De-Construct" / Talk and video (German), discussion 
12.45     Stephan Dillemuth "The Academy and the Corporate Public" / Talk (German), discussion
14.00     Lunch Break
15.00     Bernadette Corporation "Get Rid of Yourself"
               video screening und commentary by Antek Walczak (English), discussion
17.00     Panel Discussion "Aesthetic Strategies in Activism, Activism in Art"
               discussion with Deportation Class and Silke Wagner (German), moderated by Rosanne Altstatt

Exhibition 29. November 2002 – 9. February 2003

Adbusters (CAN), Banner Art Collective (USA/IR), Urs Breitenstein (CH), Candice Breitz (ZA), Deportation Class (D), Johan Grimonprez (B), Lise Harlev (DK), Swetlana Heger (CZ), Jenny Holzer (USA), Inventory (GB), Adria Julia (E), Dagmar Keller/Martin Wittwer (D/CH), Michael Mandiberg (USA), Julian Opie (GB), Peter Roehr (D), Daniel Pflumm (D), Johannes Wohnseifer (D) und Florian Zeyfang (D) 

Edith-Ruß-Haus für Medienkunst
Edith Russ Site for Media Art
Peterstraße 23/Katharinenstraße 23
26121 Oldenburg
t. +49 (0)441 235 31 94
f. +49 (0)441 235 21 61


Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 23:10:21 +0300
From: olga goriunova <>
Subject: read_me 2.3 software art festival

call for submissions - please, distribute

Read_me 2.3

Software Art Festival

May 30 - 31, Media Centre Lume, Helsinki, Finland

Deadline for entries: March 1

More info at:

Read_me 2.3 is a festival of software art that explores the territory between art and software
culture. Read_me 2.3 draws connections between histories and practices in both software culture
and art, and aims at creating an extended context, against which software art may be mapped. 

Read_me 2.3 is the second edition of Read_me, the first festival dedicated entirely to the
phenomena of software art (Read_me 1.2 at: ).

Read_me 2.3 continues with the open structure of Read_me: all projects are submitted on-line
to a publicly accessible database. However, the second Read_me edition has logically developed
this idea further: the simple database / submission form has turned into the software art
repository (

All projects, submitted to up to the Read_me 2.3 deadline (1 of March) will be reviewed
by a collective of  "experts" ( and the best ones will be
presented on the Read_me 2.3 event.

Read_me 2.3 is not a competition in the traditional sense, and it will not have monetary prizes.
The festival event on May 30-31 will present, discuss, and celebrate a selection of works singled
out and featured without ranking by the Read_me experts collective. Read_me 2.3 will
focus on the variety of discrete contexts and will aim at building bridges between them.

To submit a project for Read_me 2.3 go to and follow instructions.

If you have any questions, please, contact and


The project is a co-operation between NIFCA, The Nordic Institute for
Contemporary Art (, Lume (,
and m-cult (

Curators: Olga Goriunova, Alexei Shulgin


Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 19:14:25 -0500
From: (atty)
Subject: 'post demo' open_digi event, Jan 17th, Brixton London UK

hi nettime-l people

'post demo' is latest in South London open_digi digital nights out series.

Zden Hlinka (group satori) from Bratislavia, Slovakia of, demo 
de-constructivist and leading VJ, supplier of visual stimulation to clubs and bands from 
Riga to Prague to Vienna to Munich, will give us a live session of his work with sounds, 
deploying his own custom VJ software CIRCULATION (Zden will give a short tour and 
explanation of this software before his session). First at 8.30pm, an illustrated 
explanation of the history and current situation of the 'demo scene' + his own work from 
Karsten Schmitt of

'Demo Scene' refers to the 'scene' around the making of 'demo' executables that run 
outside of normal computer operating system and aim to test the CPU to full graphic and 
sound creative potential, a practice originated and followed, including at special 'demo 
parties', particularly in ex-Sov block Eastern Europe, and since the earliest popular 
computers, still thriving in many countries.

RITZY CINEMA CAFE (upstairs front of cinema)
£2 on the door
8pm > 11pm, Friday 17th Janaury

more details



Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 14:59:31 +1100
From: "geert lovink" <>
Subject: Vienna: Geography and the Politics of Mobility (exhibition)

Geography and the Politics of Mobility
Bureau d'études | Frontera Sur RRVT | Makrolab | multiplicity | Raqs Media

 January 17 trough April 27, 2003

 Generali Foundation
 Wiedner Hauptstrasse 15
 1040 Vienna
 Phone (+43 1) 504 98 80
 Fax (+43 1 ) 504 98 83

The exhibition presents five collective and recently produced art projects
to examine the concept of "geography" in a way that goes beyond its
geo-scientific definition. The increasing circulation of people, goods, and
data is creating new cultural, social, and virtual landscapes that inscribe
themselves materially in the terrain. Here, geography is seen as a model of
thought for concepts of boundaries, connectivity and transgression within
society. The exhibition takes a critical look at an increasingly
consolidated Europe as well as its borders and at the same time presents
emerging formations of artistic and activist "geographies".

 Makrolab is a temporary, autonomous art-science laboratory initiated by the
Slovenian artist Marko Peljhan. It provides changing participants with means
to listen into data from around the world under isolated conditions. So far
this nomadic research and residential unit has been stationed at Documenta X
in Kassel, in Slovenia, on Rottnest Island in Australia, and in the Scottish

 The project group Frontera Sur RRVT examines the Spanish-Moroccan border as
an area for mobility motivated by various causes. A complex system of forces
has emerged there that raises questions of gender, ethnic filters and
debates about migration and labor.

 The multi-video work A/S/L (Age/Sex/Location) by Raqs Media Collective from
Delhi maps the "time geography" of shifting identities in the New Economy.
It addresses the gendered conditions of the new data outsourcing agent: the
online working woman, who is the quintessential "digital proletarian" of the
21st century.

 The artist duo Bureau d'études from Paris conceives gigantic maps that
disclose an increasingly interconnected network of data-gathering systems
involving the military, energy and biochemical sectors as well as the
entertainment, information and social surveillance systems. Their
pictographic installation World Monitoring Atlas transfers the "politics of
space" to an abstract level.

 The Milan based collective multiplicity proposes Case 01 and 02 of their
ongoing Solid Sea project on the nature of the Mediterranean and the fluxes
that cross it. While Europe reformulates its borders, multiplicity presents
the Mediterranean as a solid space that is traversed by vessels and
individuals holding different statuses.

 A publication in German and English will accompany the exhibition. It will
contain a foreword by Dieter Karner, an editorial by Sabine Breitwieser, and
texts by Ursula Biemann, Brian Holmes, Lisa Parks, Irit Rogoff, and the

 For further information please go to:
 Press office: Susanne Buder (+43 1) 504 98 80 ext. 24,
 Artistic and Managing Director: Dr. Sabine Breitwieser


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 23:24:51 +0100
From: Station Rose <>
Subject: TV, Live STReam, Playing Field


1) Best of Webcasting 8 on TV starting tonite
2) Live Webcast 160: <ASCII-Spielbank>,  WED/22.1.03
3) Station Rose part of the STReaming Art Project_< Playing Field>


ad 1)  Best of Webcasting 8 on TV starting tonite:
        content: <Nothing-Remixed>.
- -__________________________
hr Fernsehen, Late Lounge
16.01.03 = tonite shortly after midnight (0:40)

plus:  FRI, 24.01.03
MON, 27.01.03
TUE, 04.02.03

 Late Lounge hessen fernsehen (hessischer rundfunk, hr)
 on astra 1C, transponder 40, 11,068 ghz. ARD-Digital

<nothing> was originally the topic of webcast 116, STReamed in summer 2000.
Nothing was performed in realtime by Gary Danner & Elisa Rose in the
Now it got re-animated to <Nothing-Remixed> as the first TV-production in 2003.

All we can say is it is hard to do nothing. This goes for 2000 as well as
for 2003. So take a look to the 50mins of nothing and find out how nothing

In case midnite is too late for a TV session, VCR-recording could be the
(long lasting )answer.

ad 2) Live Webcast 160
 _________________ is coming up

WED/22.1.03, 10 p.m. cet

at <>,
STReaming a live jam session once more to your harddrives.

topic: ASCII-Spielbank
content: STReaming Net Art.
feelings oberserved: the 1st session in 2003, with the oxygen 8 in action.
advice 01: great in that little streaming window. but if you blow it up
full screen, it looks bigger.
advice 02: jump in live, be there in time, it´s getting crowded.

ad 3) Station Rose  part of the STReaming Art Project_< Playing Field>.

Webcast 160 is part of Playing Field: a project of the Netherlands Media
Art Institute, Montevideo/Time Based Arts in co-operation with IMG/Institut
für Mediengestaltung und Medientechnologie, Mainz, Germany, and
MECAD\Media Centre of Art and Design of the Superior School of Design ESDI,
Barcelona, Spain. Sponsored by the European Commission's Culture 2000
programme, XS4ALL and Thuiskopiefonds.

A recent interview with Station Rose with answers to the following questions on
their STReaming projects can be found here:

     1. What is "Station Rose?" (a group of people/ an idea/ a company)
     2. What are the roots of Station Rose? or - How was Station Rose
     3. Why you are engaged in streaming? or - Why do you stream?
     4. Do you see streaming as a technology or an aestethic intrument?
     (What are its main characteristics? (Or- What are the main
      characteristics of streaming?))
     5. What are you working on at the present or planning to work on in
         the near future?

More on Playing Field soon.

                                                "Cyberspace  is  Our Land!"

stay with us
             station rose   1-2003


Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 15:50:08 +0100
From: Andrea Buddensieg <>
Subject: ZKM/ResFest Digital Film Festival

ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe
ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe

Digital Film Festival

ResFest 2002

Friday – Saturday, 24 – 25 January 2003

ZKM-Media Theater, Friday 8:00 pm, Saturday 7:00 pm
Day Pass, each EUR 4,50/2,50 

The  R e s F e s t  from the USA is the first and most famous
international Digital Film Festival based in San Francisco and New York.
Editor-in-Chief of the magazine by the same name RES, Holly Willis, will
present this year’s highlights of the RESFEST-Touring Program.


Friday, 24 January, 2003

8:00 pm Short Film Program
S t a t e  o f  t h e  A r t—Short films that come up with
hyper-stylization and cross visual borders in their picture stories.

10:00 pm Music Video Program
C i n e m a  E l e c t r o n i c a—The best electronic music videos of
the past years have been united by the astonishing diversity of their
visual forms, ranging from cartoon Disney classics to an ultra-real
pictorial language.

Saturday, 25 January 2003

7:00 pm Lectures (in English)
H o l l y  W i l l i s: Contemporary developments of digital film and
its possibilities of distribution

8:00 pm Short Film Program
B y  D e s i g n—With a focus on the graphics and the aesthetics of
pictures, this selection of films is concerned with the central
obsession of this hybrid film/design-genre.

10:00 pm
C h r i s  C u n n i n g h a m  R e t r o s p e c t i v e—Chris
Cunningham belongs to the guild of excellent music clip directors with
masterpieces such as For Björk, Aphex Twins and Portishead.

- -- 
Dr. Andrea Buddensieg

Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Leitung
Head of Public Relations

ZKM ///////  / |< ||| | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie
Lorenzstr. 19
D-76135 Karlsruhe
Tel +49-(0)721-8100-1201
Fax +49-(0)721-8100-1139


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