Florian Schneider on Sat, 16 Nov 2002 00:10:15 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> migrants.com

[unfortunately no texts of this french magazine, which has
appeared recently and which will be presented on

          mercredi 11 décembre 2002 à 20h au Web Bar
          (32 rue de Picardie, 75003 Paris - M°Temple)

are available online -- it makes no sense
to check out the domain MIGRANTS.COM which is just for
          "the minimum quoted price will be be at least $688,
          and could be as much as $10,000."  /fls]

From: Fanny Servole <fanny.servole@adri.fr>

Announcing the publication of the journal
issue n° 1240, entitled:

Mobile phones and the internet cannot in themselves provide solutions 
to the North-South gap, nor to all the problems posed by borders and 
human mobility. They have, however, already revolutionized the ways in 
which immigrants communicate, thanks to their global reach and their 
direct, user-friendly access.

New websites are created by and for immigrants every day. Their 
purposes are manifold: they can be community-based, transnational, and 
oriented toward mutual aid; they can aim at improving intercultural 
dialogue, favoring integration or advancing political struggles; or to 
provide information to broad publics. As for mobile phones, they can be 
used by activists who defend illegal immigrants, but migrants can also 
use them to communicate with their families back home, conduct informal 
businesses, or simply to exist socially when one is without a fixed 
address, a job, or legal recognition.

• Dana Diminescu, Migrations and the emergence of new technologies
• Myria Georgiou, On-line diasporas : a concrete experience of 
• Emmanuel Ma Mung, Defining diasporas on the Internet
• Renaud Sagot, Kabyles on the Net
• Ramón Flecha et F. Fernández Palomares, Immigrants, creators of a 
computer-based communication
• Mihaela Nedelcu, Rumanians  in Toronto: community-based and migrant 
• Pascale Egré, Internet, a new instrument of struggle for political 
• Anne-Marie Morice, Artists in solidarity : a selection of websites
• Dana Diminescu, The use of the mobile phone by immigrants in 
precarious socio-economic situations

Also with the synopsis
• Claire Rodier, European immigration policy, theory and case studies
• Monique Chemillier-Gendreau, Refugees, an unidentified status 
revealing the crisis of the modern state

And, as always, chronicles of cultural life:
Cultural initiatives, music, the mass media, cinema, culinary arts, 

N° 1240 - November-December 2002 - 152 p. - 10 Euros (plus postage:1,50 
(To order, contact info@adri.fr)

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