nettime's_roving_reporter on Sat, 27 Jul 2002 16:35:50 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> subject / enunciation / literate-oral / typology

     [via <>]

----- Forwarded [NewsScan Daily, 26 July 2002 ("Above The Fold")]

A survey conducted on behalf of Woolworths in the UK indicates that the 
style people use to type text messages on their mobile phones reveals 
categories that relate to specific vocations. Researchers divided the 
messaging styles into four groups -- creatives, jugglers, controllers and 
facilitators. Creatives (actors, designers, advertising execs and landscape 
gardeners) used the latest text abbreviations and slang, mixed upper and 
lower case letters, used customized ring tones and screen settings, and 
lost their phones frequently. Jugglers (teachers, office workers and 
emergency service personnel) used capital and lower case letters and 
punctuation correctly, never lost their phones, and tended to nestle them 
between their chin and shoulder while talking, leaving their hands free. 
Controllers (military, lawyers and sales reps) favored brief, all-cap 
messages, never abbreviated, and tended to have loud ring tones and to 
speak loudly on public transportation. Facilitators (nurses, nannies, 
personal assistants) always used lower case and peppered their messages 
with emoticons like smiley faces. They tended to embellish their phones 
with colorful cases and were more likely to set their phones to vibrate in 
order not to disturb others. Psychologist Sidney Crown notes that messaging 
style is as revealing as handwriting, and suggested it could be used to 
predict vocational aptitude: "As fewer and fewer teens are using the 
written word nowadays, there is some validity in looking to other ways of 
determining the type of person they are, particularly with regards to what 
kind of job they are likely to be best suited to." (Ananova 26 Jul 2002)

----- Backwarded

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