Announcer on Thu, 27 Jun 2002 18:00:34 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Publications [x10]

Table of Contents:

   Roots&Rhizomes/Koreni i Rizomi                                                  
     Misko <>                                                    

   2nd Oekonux conference: call4papers                                             
     "geert lovink" <>                                                

   Announcing Greplaw                                                              
     Mikael Pawlo <>                                                 

   Re: <nettime> Out Now: Battling Big Business - ed. by Eveline Lubbers           
     Rick Bradley <>                                            

   Starhawk in Balata Camp, Palestine                                              
     Jonathan Prince <>                                  's Mid-June E-Newsletter                                              
     Seth Thompson <>                                         

   mediachannel spring 2002 update                                                 
     "geert lovink" <>                                                

   FREE.THE.MEDIA! POLICE STATE AMERICA Book Release and Signing 20020629          
     FreeTheMedia <>                                          

     "R. A. Hettinga" <>                                           

   Kacho: Art in the context of the Cuban Revolution                               
     Ricardo Bello <>                                                 


Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 18:40:25 +0200
From: Misko <>
Subject: Roots&Rhizomes/Koreni i Rizomi

The Contemporary Art Center Skopje
cordially invites you to the promotion of the books (Macedonian and English)
CD -Rom and video tape 

	Roots&Rhizomes/Koreni i Rizomi

June 19th  2002 at 19.00 Hrs 
CIX Gallery
(Orce Nikolov 109, Skopje)

	The educational project Roots&Rhizomes took place  in the period between 
July 7th and 14th 1999 and September 17th and 22nd 1999. 
The promoters of the projects are the authors Bojan Ivanov and Branislav Sarkanjac. 
The books, CD ROM and video tape  include the lectures of Bojan Ivanov, Zoran Petrovski, 
Ana Dimiskovska, Ferid Muhic, Sonja Abadzieva, Branislav Sarkanjac, 
Thomas Mc Evilley, Nebojsa Vilic and Ivan Dzeparovski.

- -------------------------------------------------------
Melentie Pandilovski
Contemporary Arts Center  - Skopje
Orce Nikolov 109, 1000 Skopje
Republic of Macedonia
Tel/Fax: +389.2.133.541
Tel/Fax: +389.2.214.495
Mobile: +389.70.217.075
- -------------------------------------------------------


Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 22:45:08 +1000
From: "geert lovink" <>
Subject: 2nd Oekonux conference: call4papers

From: "Benni Baermann" <>
To: "Freunde des Maquis" <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 5:38 PM

Call for Papers

2. Oekonux-Konferenz

1.-3. November 2002

Technische Universität Berlin

Project Oekonux
- ---------------

Since July 1999 the Project Oekonux ( deals
with the question, whether and to what extent the principles of the
development of Free Software - valuelessness, individual
self-unfolding, collective self-organization, and global networking -
can give crucial impulses for a new society.

Day by day Free Software practices a new model of production. We think
about the question, whether this model can be transferred to other
fields of society, or, respectively, study examples where it is - in
rudimentary form - already transferred.

On this basis utopian thoughts are discussed, including thinking about
possible forms of organization of a society, in which individual and
collective self-unfolding is the main source of societal productivity,
and thus as a perspective abolishes the current form of economy based
on wage labor, money, and exchange. In these reasonings the way of
production of Free Software is the germ form of a model of a society
based on voluntary and self-organized cooperation. In other reasonings
inn the project Free Software is a text book example for a working

The discussions in the project are underpinned by an exact observation
of the current developments in the Free Software sector and other
fields, which try to transfer their principles. This includes critical
voices inside and outside of the project.

The Conference (
- ------------------------------------------

Contributions to the conference can come from a wide spectrum, but
should make clear there relation to the principles of Free Software
laid out above.

This will be the second conference of this kind. The first one took
place in April 2001 in Dortmund and was very successful. It is
documented extensively under
Discussions which started there in the meantime have been deepened and
of course can be continued on the second conference.

Contributions from the following fields are appreciated:

Free Software

     Experiences from projects, success stories, but also conflicts,
     contradictions (for example making money vs. self-unfolding, wage
     labor vs. Free Doing, etc.) as well as studies about the
     phenomenon of Free Software

Transfer of the principles of Free Software

     Presentation of projects or only thoughts, which transfer the
     principles of the development of Free Software to other fields of
     human life or the roots of these principles in older systems
     (science, art, ...)

Technological development

     Examples of open and cooperative development of technology, how
     does sustainable technology without domination look like and how
     can it be developed. Which significance do Free Standards have?
     What may such a technological development may mean for ecological

Alternative or anti-economy

     Theoretical models of the abolition of exchange, labor, and
     money, practical experiences in projects, contradictions of
     theory and practice


     Scientific researches about the changes in the world of labor
     with a perspective on the abolition of the labor society


     Thoughts from the sector of political organizations regarding
     Free Software, their principles or the relation between state and
     Free Software


     Free Music and Free Formats, experiences and projects, new
     developments in different fields of culture, Free Encyclopedias,


     The new role of subjectivity, acting differently in Free
     Projects, self-organization and self-unfolding, theoretical
     reflections and practical experiences

Power, domination, and liberation

     During the last year these issues and their relation to Free
     Software have been a very controversial field in the project. Is
     there power or even domination in Free Software? How does Free
     Software relate to the concept of free cooperation? Free Software
     and patriarchy?

Free Software, globalization and value criticism

     How do the theories discussed in the project relate to the
     currently hot debated other critical theories (Empire, Krisis,
     ...). What do our discussions have to to with globalization?

How can Oekonux become practical?

     Interesting are ideas for concrete projects, which try to
     practice our ideas. Free Licenses for other fields, gratis shops,

The planned conference shall give room to bundle, collectively
re-discuss and make fruitful for all thoughts, which developed in
different places independently. Besides to get to know each other on
talks and workshops the respective current state of the discussion
shall be presented.

Speakers wanted
- ---------------

People interested in giving a talk or preparing a workshop please
submit a short outline of their intentions to Project Oekonux

Deadline for outlines for a talk or a workshop is

1. September 2002

Decision about the chosen contributions is until 15. September 2002.

The conference languages are German and English. Translators are


Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 22:50:11 +0200
From: Mikael Pawlo <>
Subject: Announcing Greplaw

Greplaw: Your Rights Online --On Speed

The Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School is excited
to announce the grand opening today of a new cyberlaw community discussion
forum: Greplaw, at <>.

Our (admittedly lofty) goal? To make Greplaw the most interesting, useful,
and frequently updated source of Internet law and policy news and discussion on
the Internet.

How do we plan to do that? By connecting with the ever-growing number of
cyberlaw-related news sites and law weblogs. That way, we can provide a
common forum for the processing and integration of ideas and perspectives on
developments that impact the Internet community as a whole: the evolution of
copyright, the development of DRM technology, the enactment of new
Internet-related legislation, legal aspects and implications of free
software and open source, privacy issues and more.

Greplaw is run by Harvard Law School students and alumni and geared for a
broad audience. Thus our aim is to make cyberlaw understandable and
accessible to those who are new to the subject, while giving those
already "in the know" a daily dose of interesting tidbits to chew on.

We also expect to bring a little attitude into the mix.

With this announcement we invite the Internet community to join the Berkman
Center to weigh in with story submissions, ideas, and (of course) opinions.

Come check it out at <>. We'll see you there!


The Greplaw staff ->




Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 16:24:41 -0500
From: Rick Bradley <>
Subject: Re: <nettime> Out Now: Battling Big Business - ed. by Eveline Lubbers

* Eveline Lubbers ( [020614 16:16]:
> ---please circulate widely & sorry for cross posting!----
> Countering greenwash, front groups and other forms of corporate deception

- --- greenspam.orig	Fri Jun 14 16:21:17 2002
+++ greenspam	Fri Jun 14 16:21:29 2002
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
 Common Courage Press
- -$ 17,95
 ISBN 1-56751-224-0 

- --    MUPRN: 768    (94F/100F)
                       |  to get microphone
   random email haiku  |  for this beast, I'm excited
                       |  about trying it.


Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 00:51:36 -0400
From: Jonathan Prince <>
Subject: Starhawk in Balata Camp, Palestine

Please click here to watch the video:

My good friend and DC.Indymedia comrade Brian Long just got back from 
Palestine shooting video for the website.

I spent an hour and a half with him the last night watching pieces of 
the 30 hours of tape he has collected.  It was difficult to watch 
thinking how my tax dollars pay for the hell that Palestinians live 
through day-by-day.

Brian spent time following Starhawk, well known global peace 
activist, around the Balata Refugee Camp in Palestine and this 16 
minute video is an interview with her.

Please add your comments and thoughts on the website listed above.


- -- 
  . . . . . . . . . . . .
jonathan prince


Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 06:10:16 +0800
From: Seth Thompson <>
Subject:'s Mid-June E-Newsletter

WIGGED.NET  JUNE 2002 E-NEWSLETTER--VOL. 2 ISSUE 12 ( is an evolving Webzine focused on 
bringing innovative short videos, animations and interactive works 
over the Internet.  Our mission is to be a showcase, distribution and 
promotion center for pioneering artists via the World Wide Web.

=46or information on advertising in's E- Newsletter or on, please contact


+Call for Works
+Shows & Performances
+ Kudos
+Reflections on Utopia: Sarawut Chutiwongpeti's Work in Perspective.
+Publicity Opportunity


Seeking innovative and experimental video, animation and net art. 
Please visit and go to the "submit media" page 
to fill out our on-line registration form and send requested 

DEADLINE: July 15, 2002 for Wigged's September-December, 2002 issue.


Curated by Joy Garnett
June 14 - July 20, 2002

White Columns
320 West 13th Street (entrance on Horatio Street)
NYC 10014, USA

Night Vision presents artists who are influenced by technologies 
developed by the military, government intelligence agencies, and NASA 
for use in research, surveillance and combat. The title of the 
exhibition is taken from the high-tech optical apparatus used in 
nocturnal military operations, whose green glow has become familiar 
to television viewers. Some of the artists in this exhibition co-opt 
these technological advancements while others examine public 
perception of them as revealed by film, television and news media in 
order to explore the various murky implications surrounding their 

Participating artists:
Jordan Crandall | Christoph Draeger | Joy Garnett | Adam Hurwitz | 
Bill Jones + Ben Neill | John Klima |Joseph Nechvatal | Jonathan 
Podwil | Radical Software Group

Thursday June 27th, 2002, 7-10pm
Ben Neill and his mutantrumpet will play music from his forthcoming 
album "Automotive" along with midi-video performance by collaborator 
Bill Jones.

Wednesday July 17th, 2002 7-9pm
Night Vision artists and writer Tim Griffin will present their work 
and ideas touched upon in the exhibition.


A project by Critical Art Ensemble and Beatriz da Costa

The New Museum of Contemporary Art, 583 Broadway, NYC
Thursday, June 20, 2002,

GenTerra is a performance by Critical Art Ensemble and Carnegie Mellon
University Robotic Art Researcher Beatriz da Costa. Posing as a company
dealing with transgenics - the isolation of one or more genes from one or
more organisms to create another, new organism - GenTerra highlights the
complex relationship between for-profit ventures and the ethical
considerations involved in transgenics research and product development.
GenTerra is a participatory 'theater' made up of a lab tent, four computer
station displaying the company's CD-Rom, and a "bacteria release machine."

This event will take place on the first floor gallery and is free with
Museum admission. ($3 on Thursdays from 6-8pm)

GenTerra is planned in conjunction with Open_Source_Art_Hack on view through
June 30, 2002 in the New Museum's Zenith Media Lounge. For more information
about the exhibition, please visit .


Prints + Chips

529 west 20th
New York, NY 10011
212 366 6939

June 20 - July 27 2002
Opening reception Saturday, June 22, 2002 6-8
Guest Curator: Michele Thursz

"Prints + Chips" is realized as a unit of styles being presented by 
artists using gaming systems, communication platforms. Each work 
reveals the relationship between production and object specificity. 
As a dialogue Prints + Chips looks at the temporality of mediums and 
the fluidity of the concepts as objects being realized by artist 
using computer or electronic mediums.




A team of outstanding researchers, including fAf's Executive Editor 
Paul Brown, Dr Charlie Gere from the School of History of Art, Film 
and Visual Media at Birkbeck, University of London, and George 
Mallen, the co-founder of the Computer Arts Society, has been awarded 
over half million US dollar by UK's Arts and Humanities Research 
Board, to research, document, contextualise and archive the history 
of the computer arts in Britain from the 1950s to 1980. This piece of 
exciting news features in the June issue of fAf 


Evolving Traditions: Artists Working in New Media
Video Documentary. 2002. (Color, 56:35)
Directed and produced by Seth Thompson.

Profiles four internationally recognized artists who have 
incorporated current computer technology into their work to enhance 
their artistic visions.  Artists addressed are: Mark Amerika, 
Tennessee Rice Dixon, Toni Dove, and Troika Ranch.

The documentary is currently distributed by Wigged Productions and is 
available for $29.95 (includes S/H) at .   



Reflections on Utopia: Sarawut Chutiwongpeti's Work in Perspective.
By Seth Thompson

Two years have passed, since Sarawut Chutiwongpeti's Utopia 1997 came 
to my attention.  At first, I was intrigued by the aesthetics of the 
piece and did not realize the implicit foresight that the work would 
have in the upcoming years.  Due to a chain of events two years ago, 
I had placed the article on the backburner. 

Recently, Chutiwongpeti contacted me in regard to the status of the 
article.  This exchange began a dialogue with him that spurred me to 
look once again at his work and to reexamine his ideas in a June 2002 
timeframe. With such events as the September 11, 2001 terrorist 
attacks on the United States' financial and political capitols; 
inflated conflicts between Palestine and Israel; and now threats of 
suicide bombers and anthrax have crept into the United States 
landscape, I realize how Chutiwongpeti's work foreshadowed these 

The installation presents the viewer with ideas of more than just 
gorgeous lights and lines within an environment.  Pieces of broken 
glass lay on the floor; dates of long ago events accompanied by 
different geographical locales such as Iran and other texts are 
scattered throughout the room; video monitors lay on the floor 
presenting "man's" great accomplishments; and missile crater relics 
are encapsulated in this environmental sculpture. Utopia 1997 is not 
a depiction of Eden, but rather envelopes remnants of chaos and 
danger of a society past. It is a cautionary sign to be wary amidst 
superficial peace and beauty.

The piece reminds me of Thomas Cole's 1836 painting The Course of 
Empire: Desolation which can be found at the New York Historical 
Society.  The final piece in a series of five, the painting 
illustrates the aftermath of a society once great--destroyed by 
warfare, overindulgence and greed.  Nature is now overtaking the 
architectural artifacts of the once great society--slowly returning 
the urban landscape to its natural beauty.  In Chutiwongpeti's 
installation Utopia 1997, sounds of nature are all that remain except 
for audio artifacts from the media that reminds the viewer of what 
once was.

Chutiwongpeti writes,

"The contradictory side of utopia is full of pessimism.  Man's quest 
to conquer distant galaxies, endless search for territories and 
colonies reflect this inner instinct for power, aggrandizement, and 
control. The imbalance of power between those who control and those 
under control has contributed to this order and dilemma.

In the era of confusion and distortion values of aesthetics and 
common sense have been greatly transformed.  At the end of the 
century we are facing the crisis of world civilization."

It is my fear that Chutiwongpeti is right--that we live in a world 
that is becoming increasingly chaotic and inhumane.  I ask myself, 
"Why are we killing each other in the name of religion?  Isn't 
spirituality and religion's mission to provide us with a structure 
for peaceful living?" The beautiful fa=E7ade of Utopia 1997 is evident 
at first glance but as we look closer we begin to see some possible 
disturbing artifacts of our future's past.

Born in Thailand, Sarawut Chutiwongpeti is a young artist who has 
already received international acclaim.  He can be reached at . His website is:


We are looking to promote your upcoming exhibitions and new releases. 
If you would like for us to promote your work either through our 
newsletter or webzine, please send your press releases to:

Seth Thompson
Wigged Productions
418 Woodland Ave.
Akron, OH  44302

or you may e-mail press releases to  No file 
attachments will be accepted.  If you have images that you would like 
to include, please send them via snail mail to the above address.

Please Note: To remove your e-mail address from my list simply reply 
to this message and type the word "unsubscribe" in the Subject field 
at the top of your reply.  If you have more than one e-mail address 
through which you might be receiving this, please be sure to list 
them all.
- -- 
Seth Thompson


Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 17:23:34 +1000
From: "geert lovink" <>
Subject: mediachannel spring 2002 update

From: "MediaChannel" <>


A Quarterly Report to Readers, Funders, Friends, Advisors and
Affiliates, highlighting our recent accomplishments and plans

>From Executive Editor Danny Schechter

"Just wanted to say I've been using for the last
month or so and now find it invaluable. Congratulations, it's a
terrific, and important, site. "
- -- Richard Sambrook, Director BBC News

Linked to the OneWorld network in England, Mediachannel has become a
leading global voice for more diverse, independent and responsible
media.  MediaChannel is a portal to the best international critical
content, news, valuable resources, innovative projects and specialized
services for journalists, educators and civil society organizations
eager to improve journalism, independent media and media education
throughout the world. We offer opportunities for research, exchange,
and collaboration through our diverse global network that connects
individuals, agencies, publications, activist groups and professional
organizations in more than 70 countries.

Here are some of the highlights:

Bottom Line: We are proving that a public interest, global, online
media-issues network can survive, build an international audience and
have a real world impact.

Traffic:  We are up to 3 1/2 million hits monthly, and averaging
350,000 unique users a month -- an excellent performance by an
independent media site that is unaffiliated with a commercial network.
Half of this traffic comes from outside the U.S. We have subscribers
in 85 countries!

Participating Affiliates: UP! UP! UP! Since September llth Affiliate
participation has skyrocketed. Soon we will surpass 1000 affiliates.
New affiliates include: International Federation of Journalists, Pew
Internet & American Life Project, European Consortium for
Communications Research, Alternative Press Review and Colombia's
Medios Por La Paz.

Popular  Features: We offer daily news on the media aggregated from
hundreds of sources around the world, which will soon be offered as a
daily or weekly service sent out to you via e-mail (the daily news is
currently on summer hiatus). Another hugely popular service the News
Dissector Web log written by Executive Editor Danny Schechter. This
2-3000 word daily column has a dedicated fan base of tens of thousands
of readers, journalists and students worldwide who turn to Schechter's
Web log for timely analysis of crisis news, provocative media
criticism and a roundup of un-reported and under-reported news from
diverse sources and contributors worldwide. We also offer access to
our sister site, the new Globalvision News Network, a daily news
service bringing together sources from all over the world.

Special Coverage And Experts: Due to MediaChannel's dedicated and
high-quality coverage of global crises, particularly September 11, the
"war on terrorism" and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, MediaChannel
editors Danny Schechter and Aliza Dichter have been asked to speak to
audiences worldwide. They have been interviewed in radio and print,
addressed academic groups and spoken on panels and roundtables on
issues of media bias in Middle East coverage, new visions for how
reporters can cover conflict and the role of independent media in
wartime. New offerings in our Issue Guide section, including Guides on
Mideast conflict coverage and Media and the Environment, have proven
very popular with readers and educators and have been linked and
promoted  on many other Web sites.

Strengthening Affiliates: ONGOING! works to serve its
affiliates by drawing attention to exemplary content and initiatives
and by enabling collaborations and coalition-building. Our newest
service is MC-NET, an email-based collaboration and  networking  list
that enables affiliates to exchange information, pursue partnerships,
share resources  and solicit advice. MediaChannel also empowers
research: the site is used by educators and academics, activists,
advocates and journalists to access reports, data, proposals and
best-practice models.

Funding efforts: UNDERWAY!  It is a challenge to keep our non-profit
public interest site alive. We are still actively seeking support for
our sustainability strategy built around generating multiple revenue
streams - corporate underwriting, foundation grants, book sales and
individual donors. The Ford Foundation has renewed its support for
2002, and we hope other funders will as well. We are proud that the
ABB company in Zurich Switzerland was so pleased with the response
they received that they renewed for another year. Other funders have
included the The Open Society Institute, the Arca Foundation, The
Rockefeller Foundation the Albert List Foundation, John S. and James
L.  Knight Foundation, the Reebok Foundation, the Barbra Streisand
Foundation and others. If you have any suggestions for new funding
prospects or/donors, please pass them on!  Tax deductible donations
can be sent to

1600 Broadway #700
New York, New York l0019
(please write "For MediaChannel" on the subject line)

Please let us know if you have any particular expertise in the
following areas.
We'd love to hear from you. Contact info is listed after each project.

Media and Communications Policy Center (MCPC) - As new Technologies
and economic and political forces transform the communication and
information landscape, MediaChannel is working to advance
participation and dialogue on the policy and regulatory decisions that
will shape the future. Currently in development, the Media and
Communications Policy Center will provide information, networking and
education on why media policy matters to all of us, how it affects us
as citizens and communicators, and what can be done to get involved
and advocate for change. Contact

Media Literacy Classroom - This interactive media education database
when completed will allow educators around the world to find and
exchange curriculum tools to teach students how to "read" the media,
how to use and create media and  how to effectively process and
critique the messages with which they are forming their opinions of
the world around them. Contact

Regional hubs: Focusing on the media's impact on the region, and
providing a hub for affiliates working to improve their media.

*Mediachannel: Latin America - in collaboration with the Mexico-based
producers of this project focuses on the
particular challenges, realities, and successes of the media in Latin
America, providing "best practice" examples of ways the media can
become more socially responsible and agents of positive change.  We
look at the relationship between the media and economic and social
development, the drug war, human rights, education and other issues of
particular interest to the region. Contact

*Mediachannel: Africa is being developed along the lines of the Latin
America project, providing a networking and resource hub for our
affiliates working in Africa, while focusing on the distinct
challenges of the African context such as the media and the AIDS
crisis, media and conflict, and media and the electoral process. For
more information about this project and why we need MediaChannel:
Africa, please visit:
and contact or

Organizational Development Initiative: In order to increase our
ability to assess our activities and strategize to increase our
effectiveness, impact, and sustainability we are working on activating
a dedicated, diverse group of advisors to form an executive advisory
council. *Please let us know if you would be interested in donating
more than your name to MediaChannel and what specific skills,
experience, affiliations or interests you have which could contribute
to our success. In particular we are looking for individuals that have
experience in Internet strategy, nonprofit business development and
marketing, and of course experience and/or contacts that can help with
fundraising are very welcome. Contact

Special Projects: New MediaChannel Book in the works: Danny
Schechter's reporting on media reporting since 9/11 is being collected
in a new book called MEDIA WAR. Stay tuned for an announcement on its

** Help Us Promote with Viral Marketing **

Three ways to promote MediaChannel.
1) Sign up for our free, weekly e-mail update. ( -
bottom of left column, or pop-up box) or send a blank message to:

2) Carry our banner on your site, see

3) Tell your own e-mail lists about


Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 03:17:59 -0400
From: FreeTheMedia <>
Subject: FREE.THE.MEDIA! POLICE STATE AMERICA Book Release and Signing 20020629

please circulate this notice!
- --------------------------------------------------------


Book Release and Signing
of the new book

edited by Tom Burghardt

with texts by
Frank Morales
Michael Novick
Ron Ridenhour
Arthur Lubow
Mitzi Waltz
Douglass Valentine
Tom Burghardt

6:30 to 9:30 pm

(downstairs at Two Boots Video)
Avenue A & 3rd Street
New York City

RSVP: send email to <>

Author and FREE.THE.MEDIA! Co-Founder
FRANK MORALES will be there to present
the book and to sign personal copies.

"In shocking detail, the meticulously researched
articles in this anthology expose the national security
state's sinister blueprint for destroying democracy and
crushing dissent.  Deploying "civil disturbance" strategies
as part of a comprehensive doctrine of "homeland defense,"
police, national guard and elite Army counterinsurgency
units are gearing up for "operations other than war" in
U.S. cities."  --from the foreward


Pick up your book at the event
(and save shipping charges)

There are limited copies of the
book available at the signing so
be sure to reserve yours now!

See you there!

...and if you can't make it, don't let
that stop you from buying the book! and
other items from the SHADOW.SHOP!

JOIN FREE.THE.MEDIA! at the "Activist+"
level and get a copy of POLICE STATE AMERICA
FREE as our gift for becoming a member!


Download and print the poster for
the event:

hi-res version if you have a fast connection:

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
FreeTheMedia!  Become a member!
Support Sustainable Non-Commercial Media Infrastructure!  contact <>
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Get Private Encrypted Email:
        Switch to Name.Space:


Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 14:01:12 -0400
From: "R. A. Hettinga" <>
Subject: poemscol

- --- begin forwarded text

Status:  U
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 11:06:02 -0400
From: John Burt <>
Subject: poemscol

Dear Bob,
So, here's my first open-source freeware program.

Poemscol is a package of macros in the TeX (actually, LaTeX)
language. Poemscol is especially suited for typesetting large
collections of poems, such as a collected works. It provides
structures for accurate line numbering (remembering that a line is a
logical structure, not just a carriage return),  and for producing
several series of endnotes (emendations, textual collations,
explanatory notes), each tied to the line number. It also
automatically marks cases where stanza breaks fall on page turns (you
don't have to keep track of these at all). It automatically generates
a table of contents, and, with MakeIndex (a related piece of TeXware
that is part of every TeX installation) an index of titles and first
lines. It provides strucures for generating the divider pages in
poetry collections that concatenate several volumes of poetry. It
provides structures for numerous special cases  for poem titles
(multi line titles, titles of poetic sequences and of the sections of
poetic sequences, and so on), and commands for dealing with special
cases I didn't anticipate. In addition to the normal running headers
for the contents and poetry sections, it provides running headers of
the form "Explanatory notes to pp. xx -- yy" for the notes sections.

If you are interested in this, I can send you my macros as an email
attachment, or you can download it yourself  at

or by ftp at

with best wishes,

- --- end forwarded text

- -- 
- -----------------
R. A. Hettinga <mailto:>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'


Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 13:43:02 -0400
From: Ricardo Bello <>
Subject: Kacho: Art in the context of the Cuban Revolution

An article on Kacho´s work (a cuban artist working with the exile issue):


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