Brandon Keim on Thu, 16 May 2002 02:52:42 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> nonviolent palestinian resistance

The following is an outtake from an op-ed piece I hope to have 
published in outlets that would probably be turned off by such a 
suggestion.  Still, perhaps it may be of use as an idea, or to start 
a debate on forms of visible, immediate nonviolent protest:

The situation demands the development of a drastic, nonviolent 
Palestinian strategy of resistance.  Not cute, first world sociology 
major sign-waving and puppet-making, but something real that cannot 
be ignored.  Widespread hunger strikes, perhaps, combined with the 
tattooing of identification numbers on forearms and a mass 
procession, under a vow of silence, to every Israeli checkpoint.

This would be seen as an unforgivable obscenity by many, but it could 
be no more obscene than the bloodshed that is already happening.

Peace be with you,


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