Announcer on Sun, 3 Mar 2002 15:20:50 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> Announcements [x10]

Table of Contents:

   <> newsletter march 2002                                               
     "" <>                                                   

   job offer: professur medientheorie humboldt uni berlin                          
     Andreas Broeckmann <>                                    

   Short Film Festival g-niale - call for entries                                  
     garage <>                                                       

   Call for Work/Papers -- Peace and Human Security Media Festival             
     Nino Rodriguez <>                                                 

   Announcing the MFA in Integrated Media Arts                                     
     Chuck Varga <>                                            

   anti-globalization rock                                                         
     John von Seggern <>                               

   engage via dialogue                                                             
     "megan rainey" <>                                                

   DIAN Announcement for March                                                     
     DIAN <>                                                    

   Fwd: RV: Argentina: call for global day of action                                                                                     

   Jo-burg/RSA - The | PREMISES presents ubermorgen:: :                            
     net_CALLBOY <>                                               


Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2002 18:00:00 +0100
From: "" <>
Subject: <> newsletter march 2002

________________________________________________________________________________ newsletter march 2002

        hi all,

        this month, we are very glad to announce that we
        have released the first plain ascii version ever
        of bret easton ellis' 1991 novel american psycho

        if anyone has a copy his 1999 novel glamorama on
        his or her hard drive, we would be very happy to
        get it. please attach and

        best regards,

          10 of our most popular textz in february

        Douglas Adams: The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy    1. ( 3.)

        a.s.ambulanzen: not found                   2. ( 1.)

        Kathy Acker: The Language of the Body                   3. ( 2.)

        William S. Burroughs: Naked Lunch                       4. ( - )

        Michael Hardt / Antonio Negri: Empire                   5. ( 6.)

        Theodor W. Adorno: Culture Industry Reconsidered        6. ( - )

        Neal Stephenson: Cryptonomicon                          7. (10.)

        David Lynch: Mulholland Drive                           8. ( 4.)

        George Orwell: 1984                                     9. ( 8.)

        CIA: Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare     10. ( - )

          10 of our most recent textz

        Michel Houellebecq: Extension du domaine de la lutte

        Oscar Wilde: The Importance of Being Earnest

        Alfred Hitchcock: Vertigo

        Jorge Luis Borges: La Biblioteca de Babel

        Sigmund Freud: The Interpretation of Dreams

        Umberto Eco: Foucault's Pendulum

        D.A.F. de Sade: Les 120 journées de Sodome

        Abbie Hoffman: Steal This Book

        Luther Blissett: Q

        Thomas Pynchon: V

          10 of our largest textz

        Leo Tolstoy: War and Peace

        Alexandre Dumas: Vingt ans après

        Rainald Goetz: Abfall für alle

        James Joyce: Ulysses

        Charles Baudelaire: Curiosités esthétiques

        Kevin Kelly: Out of Control

        Fyodor Dostoyevsky: The Idiot

        Herman Melville: Moby Dick

        Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: Phänomenologie des Geistes

        Franz Kafka: Tagebücher
________________________________________________________________________________ - we are the & in copy & paste


Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 16:03:57 +0200
From: Andreas Broeckmann <>
Subject: job offer: professur medientheorie humboldt uni berlin

(english version below)

Für den an der Philosophischen Fakultät III zum WS 2002/03 zu eröffnenden
Studiengang "Medienwissenschaft" ist eine

C4-Professur für Medientheorien

zu besetzen.

Kennziffer: PR/002/02

Der neue Magister-Studiengang "Medienwissenschaft" gehört zum Institut für
Kultur- und Kunstwissenschaften. Das neu gegründete Seminar für
Medienwissenschaft ist mit zwei Professuren (C3 und C4) ausgestattet und
verfügt über eine umfangreiche technische Ausstattung (Video- und
Computereinrichtungen, Videothek, Studiobühne, Bibliothek). Der Studiengang
dient der umfassenden Ausbildung in Medienkompetenz unter den hochtechnischen
Bedingungen gegenwärtiger Gesellschaften. Er wird durch medienspezifische
Lehrveranstaltungen der benachbarten Fächer ergänzt. Die Verflechtungen der
Medientheorien mit dem Prozess der historischen Ausdifferenzierung der
und digitalen Medien sind ebenso grundlegend wie die Kulturtechniken der
Repräsentation (Bild, Schrift und Zahl).

Der/die künftige Stelleninhaber/in soll in der Lage sein, die historischen und
gegenwärtigen Medientheorien sowie mindestens zwei Medien umfassend in
Forschung und Lehre zu vertreten. Vertrautheit mit der Technikgeschichte der
Medien ist Voraussetzung. Der/die künftige Stelleninhaber/in soll in der Lage
sein, die organisatorischen Grundlagen, die wissenschaftliche Profilierung,
Integration des neuen Faches im Kanon der an der Humboldt-Universität
vertretenen Kultur- und Kunstwissenschaften und in der internationalen
Forschung kreativ und engagiert zu entwickeln. Wissenschaftsorganisatorische
Kompetenz und internationale Ausgewiesenheit wird erwartet.

Die Bewerber/innen müssen die Anforderungen für die Berufung zum Professor/zur
Professorin gemäß § 100 des Berliner Hochschulgesetzes erfüllen. Danach können
unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen an die Stelle der Habilitation gleichwertige
wissenschaftliche Leistungen treten.

Die HU strebt eine Erhöhung des Anteils an Frauen in Forschung und Lehre an
bittet deshalb qualifizierte Wissenschaftlerinnen nachdrücklich, sich zu
Bewerbungen von Wissenschaftler/innen aus dem Ausland sind erwünscht.
Schwerbehinderte werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt berücksichtigt.

Bewerbungen mit den üblichen Unterlagen (Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse,
Schriftenverzeichnisse) sind bis zum 28.03.2002 unter Angabe der jeweiligen
Kennziffer zu richten an die Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, den Dekan der
Philosophischen Fakultät III, Prof. Dr. Hartmut Böhme, Unter den Linden 6,
10999 Berlin.


The Faculty of Arts III invites applications for a full professor of Media
Theory (Bes.Gr. C 4) in its new Media Studies program.

Code: PR/002/02

The new undergraduate and graduate program in Media Studies is located within
the Department of Cultural Studies and the Arts. The newly founded Seminar for
Media Studies consists of two full professors (C3/C4) as well as technical
capabilities (video and computer equipment, video library, studio stage,
institute library). The course program will be supplemented with
courses in neighboring disciplines. The program aims to provide comprehensive
education in media competence for the highly technological conditions of
society. Connections between media theory and the process of the historical
divergence of analog and digital media are as fundamental as the cultural
techniques of representation (pictures, letters, and numbers).

The successful applicant should have an extensive research and teaching
in historical and modern media theory, as well as in at least two media forms.
Familiarity with the history of technology is expected. The successful
applicant should be committed to the development of the major and be able to
make creative contributions to its organization and academic profile and to
integration into the Department of Cultural Studies and the Arts of the
Humboldt University and international research.

Administrative competence and an international reputation are expected.
The Humboldt University follows a non-discrimination policy. Applications from
women and persons with disabilities are especially encouraged.

To apply, please send a letter of application and the usual documents to:
der Philosophischen Fakultät III, Prof. Dr. Hartmut Böhme,
zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Germany


Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 14:02:30 +0100
From: garage <>
Subject: Short Film Festival g-niale - call for entries

german version below. sorry for any cross-postings.
please feel free to forward.

Call for Entries -----------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------ 4th International Short Film Festival g-niale
- ------------------------------------- August 2002 in Stralsund/Germany
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------- playground

The 4th international short film festival g-niale will run in August
2002 and is part of the garage festival in Stralsund. Organizers of
the g-niale are garage and Filmclub Blendwerk e.V.

play and earnest, rules and spoilsport, power play and play instinct,
play within play, play with fire, role-playing and play on words.
Wanted are films which examine the principles of play on a
substantial or formal basis, films which are influenced by games or
tell about playing.

Students of film and art schools and professional filmmakers of all
genres are invited to send their newly produced short films (max. 20
minutes) to the festival. No restrictions apply to the genre of
submitted works. The preselected films will be presented to an
audience which, at the end of the festival, will choose the audience
prize worth 250 EUR. Additionally, the three prizes of the jury worth
1.000 EUR in total will be awarded. Deadline will be June 3rd, 2002.

entry forms and details available under:
tel: +49 (0)30 4412015

Ausschreibung --------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------- 4. internationales Kurzfilmfestival g-niale
- --------------------------------------------- August 2002 in Stralsund
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------- playground

Das 4. internationale Kurzfilmfestival g-niale findet im August 2002
im Rahmen des Festivals garage in Stralsund statt. Veranstalter der
g-niale sind garage und Filmclub Blendwerk e.V.

Spiel und Ernst, Spielregeln und Spielverderber, Machtspiel und
Spieltrieb, Spiel im Spiel, Spiel mit dem Feuer, Rollenspiel und
Wortspiel. Gesucht sind Filme, die sich inhaltlich oder formal mit
dem Prinzip des Spielens auseinandersetzen, Filme, die von Spielen
beeinflusst sind oder über das Spielen erzählen.

Studenten von Film- und Kunsthochschulen sowie Filmschaffende aller
Sparten sind eingeladen, Kurzfilme neuerer Produktion bis max. 20 min
Länge einzureichen. Beschränkungen hinsichtlich des Genres gibt es
nicht. Die vorjurierten Arbeiten werden dem Publikum präsentiert,
welches am Ende des Festivals über den mit 250 EUR dotierten
Publikumspreis abstimmen wird. Die Jury vergibt drei Preise in Höhe
von insgesamt 1000 EUR. Einsendeschluss ist der 3.Juni 2002.

Anmeldeformular und Details unter:
tel: +49 (0)30 4412015


Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 12:52:51 EST
From: Nino Rodriguez <>
Subject: Re: Call for Work/Papers -- Peace and Human Security Media Festival


I have recently joined the steering committee of an exciting new
festival. Please see the call for submissions below and attached.

Please forward to any and all media-makers and organizations that may be


- -Nino


On 6-15 September 2002, the Center for Peace and Human 
Security will host a Peace and Human Security Media Festival to 
feature films, radio and television programs, photographs, 
paintings, drawings, sculpture, theatrical and other performances, 
print journalism, music, computer software, websites, prose, and 
poetry on the subject of or contributing to international peace and 
human security. Simultaneously, the Center will host an 
International Conference on Peace and Human Security Media. 

Within the broad theme of international peace and human security, 
CPHS is particularly interested in media that address the issues 
of conflict transformation, sustainable development, human rights, 
and international justice.  In convening the Peace and Human 
Security Media Festival and the International Conference on Peace 
and Human Security Media, CPHS hopes to: 

* Showcase media that contribute to international peace and 
human security 

* Explore constructive ways for mediamakers to cover issues of 
peace and human security 
* Engage in dialogue about the role of mediamakers in the 
dynamics of war, peace, and insecurity 
* Encourage and facilitate collaboration between peace and 
human security practitioners and mediamakers 

* Nurture the development of peace and human security initiatives 
that engage mediamakers constructively 

At this time, the Center for Peace and Human Security is accepting 
submissions for the Peace and Human Security Media Festival. 
Submissions will be accepted until 31 May 2002. Please find 
attached the official entry form, a submissions checklist, and a list 
of festival rules and regulations 

CPHS is also calling for papers, panels, and posters for the International 
Conference on Peace and Human Security Media.  Submissions will be accepted 
until 30 June 2002.  Please find attached the call for papers and the 
official registration form. 

For more information, please contact the secretariat at: 

                Center for Peace and Human Security 
                Columbia University Station 
                P.O. Box 250308 
                New York, New York 10025 

                Tel: (646) 342-0099 
                Fax: (212) 281-9269 

E-mail:  (Festival) 
                or              (Conference)


Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2002 04:47:23 -0500
From: Chuck Varga <>
Subject: Announcing the MFA in Integrated Media Arts  

February 14, 2002
From:    Hunter College President Jennifer J. Raab

I am very pleased to announce that our new Master of Fine Arts  Program
in Integrated Media Arts: Advanced Studies in Nonfiction Media Making
was approved by the CUNY Board of Trustees on January 28, 2002.  We are
optimistic about receiving approval from the New York State Education
Department (SED) shortly.

A truly innovative program, the MFA in Integrated Media Arts is designed
to integrate advanced interactive media technologies with the expanding
areas of nonfiction media, including news journalism, documentary,
biography, commentary and criticism, to prepare students for positions
of creative leadership in a wide range of contemporary media
organizations.   At the core of the program are production workshop
courses in three creative clusters: WORDS (emphasizing journalism,
script and treatment writing, and other forms of nonfiction media
writing); VISIONS(emphasizing visual communication of stories, ideas and
information); and CHANNELS (emphasizing designs for distributing and
exhibiting media work, publicizing ideas and using media to enhance the
quality of community interaction).  Students will also participate in
internships, interdisciplinary research and seminars focused on the
interrelatedness of media and society.

We anticipate that the new MFA in Integrated Media Arts will quickly
become a premier program at Hunter, and its graduates will be highly
sought after by the media industry in New York City and elsewhere.

Applications are being accepted for Fall 2002 admission to the program.

- --
Andrea Polli
Associate Professor
Film and Media
Hunter College


Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2002 22:43:36 +0800
From: John von Seggern <>
Subject: anti-globalization rock

Fun rock video satirizing globalization...this video certainly has more
copyright violations per minute than anything else I've seen lately...

- --
John von Seggern


Date: Sun, 03 Mar 2002 18:58:29 +1030
From: "megan rainey" <>
Subject: engage via dialogue

A new thread has arrived on the CACSA dialogue board.

P l e a s e  E n g a g e  !

Elastic has provided a valuable space for discussion on contemporary visual
arts over the last three days (Wed 27 Feb to Fri 1 March) at the Adelaide
Symphony Orchestra Grainger Studio.

The plenary session was titled 'BEYOND ELASTIC'. It was well documented and
extensive notes are available from the cacsa dialogue board which poses
questions and invites you to engage with and expand the debate.

Representatives from the Adelaide Festival 2002, Adelaide Fringe 2002,
national public and private contemporary art spaces address the relationship
between visual arts and festivals, and the future of artists week.

CHAIR    Cath Kenneally

Gus Clutterbuck (Visual Arts Coordinator, Adelaide Fringe)
Sarah Miller :(Director, PICA)
Paul Greenaway (Greenaway Art Gallery)
Angus Trumble (writer and critic)
Amanda McDonald Crowley (Associate Director, 2002 Adelaide Festival)

apologies for any cross postings


Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2002 01:02:18 +0100
From: DIAN <>
Subject: DIAN Announcement for March

              DIAN - Digital Interactive Artists' Network




DIAN - Digital Interactive Artists' Network -
Our focus for the month of March is BRIAN MACKERN. We proudly present
his work:


Reflection-concept about content/no-content:

A random gallery of preloaders that announces the data-loading of the
site It is, simultaneously, an aesthetic investigation
on the creation of reactive-interactive objects and random audio
surroundings, within the boundaries of minimum bytes possible.

DIAN - Digital Interactive Artists´ Network - is a network for artists
who are seriously involved in using Internet technology in the domain of
contemporary art. We are deeply interested in artists working in this
Artists working with the web, the net and related domains, please submit
your work here:

        Visit DIAN and explore what can be done on the Internet.


to unsubscribe from this list send an email


Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2002 15:17:26 +0000
Subject: Fwd: RV: Argentina: call for global day of action

- ----- Original Message -----
From: Ezequiel Adamovsky
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 1:06 PM
Subject: RE: Argentina: call for global day of action

(English translation below)

24 de marzo
Llamado a un Día de Acción Global

Cacerolazo, piquete u otras acciones
en solidaridad con el pueblo argentino y
contra la dictadura de los mercados

(Próximo Día de Acción Global: 20/4)

El 24 de marzo de 1976 comenzó el golpe de estado que, tras asesinar a 30.000 
personas y detener y torturar a muchas más, logró imponer el programa 
neoliberal que el pueblo argentino resistía. Durante la dictadura, los 
militares contaron con el apoyo de las corporaciones financieras y las grandes 
empresas locales, y de créditos millonarios del FMI. Por ello, la última 
dictadura militar argentina es un símbolo de la dictadura global de los 

En la represión de la rebelión popular en Buenos Aires el 20 de diciembre de 
2001, la policía asesinó a 7 personas en la Plaza de Mayo. El 20 de cada mes se 
recuerda ese evento en amplias manifestaciones en Argentina.

En solidaridad con el pueblo argentino y contra la dictadura global de los 
mercados, se invita a los pueblos del mundo a realizar un cacerolazo, piquete u 
otras acciones globales el 24 de marzo de 2002 (y nuevamente el 20 de abril).


24 March
Call for a Global Day of Action

Cacerolazo, Blockade or Other Actions
in Solidarity with the People of Argentina
& Against the Dictatorship of the Market

(Next Global Day of Action: 20 April)

The 24th of March 1976 the last military dictatorship in Argentina began. After 
the murdering of over 30.000 people (and the torture of many more) the 
dictatorship carried out a program of neo-liberal economic reforms, which the 
Argentinians resisted. During their unlawful rule, the military were supported 
by the IMFand the local and transnational financial corporations and big 
companies. Therefore, the dictatorship in Argentina is a symbol of the global 
dictatorship of the market.

Almost twenty years after the end of the dictatorship, the people of Argentina 
are still resisting neo-liberal rule. In the repression of the last popular 
rebellion the 20th of December 2001 seven people were killed in Buenos Aires. 
The 20th day of each month this event is remembered in big demonstrations all 
over Argentina.

In solidarity with the people of Argentina and against the dictatorship of the 
market, the people of the world are invited for a global day of action the 24th 
of March (and again the 20th of April). As a symbol of international 
solidarity, many groups all over the world will organise protests in the spirit 
of the two main methods of the Argentinian rebellion --the banging of pots and 
pans ("Cacerolazo") and the blockade of streets ("piquete")-- and other actions.


Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 15:11:45 +0100
From: net_CALLBOY <>
Subject: Jo-burg/RSA - The | PREMISES presents ubermorgen:: :


The | PREMISES p r e s e n t s


[V]ote-auction digital legal art [f]originals <documents>

An exclusive exhibition by ubermorgen:: : artist | company

"we make money!"


opening on March 8, 2002 at 18h00

closing on March 23, 2002

the exhibition will feature [f]original legal documents and products 
from various and ongoing digital legal activities by the ubermorgen 

about ubermorgen:: : artist | company
The approach that ubermorgen:: : artist | company has taken is far 
removed from the traditional understanding of art practice, 
resembling acts of social net terrorism or radical corporate 
marketing strategy. Operating largely within the web environment, but 
not obeying normative approaches to performative public interventions 
or structured net art activity, ubermorgen applies the professional 
approaches of a corporation in marketing approaches and brand 
building, backed by the understanding of online communities and 
radical thinking to a range of projects that make an impact on large 
audiences (whether directly or indirectly) around the world. The 
byproducts of their digital legal art projects often exist in the 
form of printed documents as well as photocopies, thus making the 
distinction between originals and fakes very difficult. The 
exhibition [f]originals (fake - originals) evolves out of this 
process and focuses on the legal documentation resulting from (initially, where they 
offered United States voters the opportunity of selling their votes 
online during the last general election, which saw George W. Bush 
elected as president.

Extract from 'the DAILY ubermorgen BRIEFING'

brought to you by uberNEWSAGENCY;

[[ubLZ:2002BSE2701am,live f/UNA_STUDIO st. moritz]] 27//01//2002

[<>RSA/republic of south africa 
<>* ] / 
VIENNA/BERLIN, gallery "THE PREMISES" will show ubermorgen 
"[f]originals" in march 2002. this exclusive show will feature 
foriginal legal documents, products from various and ongoing legal 
activities by the ubermorgen group. this unique and exclusive show is 
curated by <>marcus neustetter and financed by 
the ministry for energy and the justice department of the republic of 
south africa.

africa is member of the following international legal organisations: 
ICRM, IDA, IFAD, IFC, IFRCS, IHO, ILO, IMF, IMO, Inmarsat, Intelsat, 
WFTU, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WToO, WTrO, ZC. Flag description: two equal 
width horizontal bands of red (top) and blue separated by a central 
green band which splits into a horizontal Y, the arms of which end at 
the corners of the hoist side; the Y embraces a black isosceles 
triangle from which the arms are separated by narrow yellow bands; 
the red and blue bands are separated from the green band and its arms 
by narrow white stripes. Airports - with unpaved runways: total: 599, 
Military - note: the National Defense Force continues to integrate 
former military, black homelands forces, and ex-opposition forces. 
Illicit drugs: transshipment center for heroin, hashish, marijuana, 
and possibly cocaine; cocaine consumption on the rise; world's 
largest market for illicit methaqualone, usually imported illegally 
from India through various east African countries; illicit 
cultivation of marijuana.

Please see attachment for additional information. A full transcript 
of the CNN interview can be downloaded at 

For more information, please contact Marcus Neustetter on 082 9291569 
or <>

Tuesdays to Saturdays : 12.00 pm to 8.00 pm

johannesburg civic theatre
parking level 1
10 loveday street
south africa
tel : +27 11 403 3408 X 184 (Boy Bangala)
email: <> / URL: 

If you don't wish to receive any more information from us, please 
email <> with 
UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line.

The | PREMISES apologizes for any cross-postings.

- -- 

  net_CALLBOY hans_extrem brainhard ETOy.HANS;
  luzius a. bernhard, h_e, hans a. bernhard he
  hitme icq38302022 uberNEWSAGENCY_Pop CHECKdaTALKA;now re_LAUNCH!!!CHECK ITO

  uberDISCLAIMER _______________________actctg


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