Joaquin Barrera Lopez on Sat, 15 Sep 2001 09:23:01 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> USA: A War Without Conflict

A War Without Conflict


Joaquin Barrera Lopez

Through media: ‘Terrors attack America’, ‘Terrors hit
US’, ‘the myth of America was destroyed with the World
Trade Center in New York’, ‘It is the prestige,
arrogance and institutions of America that burn’, ‘The
attacks against U.S. Federal buildings were a natural
reaction to American rulers, hegemony, deception, and
foolishness’, ‘No shortage of volunteers for attacking
to US’, ‘America under Attack’ 

Suicide machines spawn war machines. Suddenly, we
encountered a huge amount of science fiction
literature; the symbolic power of America has been
interrupted by the swarming symbolic (both symbolic
and metaphoric) supremacy of Ayatollahs. Now, at this
critical point, we should reassess our visions
concerning that fluid essence which America and its
government were believed possess. We, the people of
the world, encountered the luminous fact whose
wrap-velocity switched on targeting our central
nervous systems; the fact which Americans experienced
Tuesday morning; that whose immanence exposition has
been assembled through absolute deterritorialisation:
‘America is still solid, unyielding and frozen through
the concrete structure of stratificated organizations
through which the power of simulacra is launched,
representing everything as a big cosmic joke, a big
big fucking joke - the delusion of dynamic America.’
Besides, there is another viewpoint: regarding Deleuze
discussion of Masochism and re-territorialisation, the
America (as a body without organ) has been trapped in
handling itself over to transcendence; its immanence
and actual desire have collapsed into the rules,
partnerships and rearranged bodies.    

America is still a body, not a Body Without Organs.
Accordingly, it is still on the route of dissolution,
namely, solid impossibility. Now, it is in a war which
is going to melt US transcendental architecture to
what in accordance with Deleuze should be named
filamentation of solid. The anonymous terrorists’
attack should be a filamentation which flies the near
static lines of the entire battlefield to the volcanic
lines of war which have no conflict at all in a
transcendental sense; they transform, deteriorate and
dislodge each other as they are intersecting, creating
the formless nodes of discontinuous intensity,
virtuality and disemboweled power. In such a war,
America has no chance of winning or the chance of
being survived (as Bush optimistically emphasizes on
winning or a good end). So far, the Muslim opponents
do not have any chance of winning as well. This is a
war which is all about losing and breakdown.
Nevertheless, there is a great difference between
those who name their failure a national catastrophe
and those who name it victory, between US government
which name their failure a total tragedy and those
Muslim antagonists which celebrate as they are losing
- an ultimate victory; a conquest which Nietzsche
describes in his ‘Der Fall Wagner’ concerning
Wagnerians who declare: Bene navigavi, cum naufragium

To be continued in the next essay, ‘USA: A Septic

Joaquin Barrera Lopez, Spain, Seville
14 Sep. 2001

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