Diwakar Agnihotri on 14 Nov 2000 01:13:31 -0000

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Re: <nettime> Asia and domain names, etc. (@)

last year a singapore-based company called i-DNS.net International
introduced the facility of registering/using native language domain names
- in chinese and thai - and in tamil this year (they also plan to
introduce more indian languages). lots of non-english domain names have
also been registered with the company. the company even submitted a
progress report at the Annual Internet Society Conference '99 (INET), San
Jose. why then did the Internet Society fail to advise this company
against implementing its technology? could there be any politics involved?
also, do you think language-chauvinism plays a role in such organisations
governing the net? i'd like to know your views (i'm planning to write a
story for our site, based on this "warning").

- Diwakar (i'm from india, working with a content and
community portal. i'm also into online creative writing)

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