Gil Tucker [ateliermobile] on 4 Sep 2000 16:41:55 -0000

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<nettime> silence is what?


What is silence to a city
What is silence to a mad woman
What is silence to a mad man
What is silence to a child
What is silence to a blind man
What is silence to a blind woman
What is silence to a military general
What is silence to a poet
What is silence to a painter
What is silence to a an empty house
What is silence to full house
What is silence to a dark room
What is silence to a lonely man
What is silence to a lonely woman
What is silence to a lonely child
What is silence to an angry man
What is silence to an angry woman
What is silence to angry child
What is silence to a school in session
What is silence to a priest
What is silence to the congregation
what is silence to a theatre in session
What is silence to a night club
What is silence to an empty street
What is silence to the living
What is silence to the dead
What is silence to the unborn
What is silence to those being born
What is silence to soldier at war
What is silence to a man without money
What is silence a woman without money
What is silence to a musician
What is silence to a lover
What is silence to lovers
What is silence to dreamers
What is silence to schemers
What is silence to a business woman
What is silence to business man
What is silence to a park
What is silence to the sea
What is silence to a river
What is silence to a dam
What is silence to those in power
What is silence to the earth
What is silence to the firmament
What is silence to the sun
What is silence to the moon
What is silence to the stars
What is silence to the planets
What is silence to the gods
What is silence against silence
What is silence to the unspoken word
to the unutterable word
the unthinkable word
before the word was Was silence there? 


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