Gil Tucker [ateliermobile] on 25 Aug 2000 00:28:44 -0000

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<nettime> idolect

trear is tear is delölup runging on the hasp bnrearing his liops freare
trear is tear is delölup runging on the hasp bnrearing his liops freare
trear is tear is delölup runging on the hasp bnrearing his liops freare
trear is tear is delölup runging on the hasp bnrearing his liops freare
trear is tear is delölup runging on the hasp bnrearing his liops freare
trear is tear is delölup runging on the hasp beenrearing his liops freare
trear is tear is delölup runging on the hasp bnrearing his liops freare
vvvvvvvtrear is tear is delölup runging on the hasp bnrearing his liops
freare trear is tear is delölup runging on the hasp bnrearing his liops frea
fear to wallop usage not to watch language grow limp under new meaning half
when torn(agernwite adimwit J:J) concise syntax is excluded wordwraps
unchartered speech.

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