DESMOND STEVENS on Thu, 20 Feb 2003 00:57:01 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] PLEASE RESPOND.


                            RESPONSE PLEASE.
   You will be surprised receiving this letter from me since you do not know me personally.
   I am Mr.Desmond Stevens the son of Dr.Dennis Stevens who was murdered in the land dispute in Zimbabwe. I was furnished with your contact information from the World trade centre in the Netherlands here.
   My father before his death, took me to the Netherlands here where he deposited the sum of 10.5 million united states dollars in the vault of the private security company as if he forsaw the looming danger in my home countryZimbabwe. This money was deposited as family valuable to avoid extra charges by the security company and for our security.
   He wanted using this money to purchase new machines and chemicals for his intended farm
   IN Swaziland. The land problems in my country emanated from the President Mugabe's
   oppresive land reform policies aimed at denying completely the whites from owning lands
   in my country. This, my father vehemently faught against which led to the sponsored violent
   demonstrations that led to his death.
   Being the first son of my father, I am saddled with the responsibilty of keeping my
   father's dream alive by carefully looking for a foriegn partner that will come to
   the Netherlands here and open a non resident account(S) through which this funds
   will be transfered to your nominated accounts overseas. This tax I cannot handle
   because of my status here in the Netherlands as a political asylum seeker.

   This funds if released to us by the security company will be invested in any viable investments
   you may genuinely and honestly choose for us. Your percentage share of this funds 20%
   will be given to you immediately it is released even if you choose not to help us in the in
   investment of this funds or joining us as partner in the investment of our remaining 75%.
   We have set aside 5% percent of this funds for the expenses you may incure in helping us to
   getting the deposit released from the security company. It will also cover your transportation
   expenses together with hotel and other miscellenous expenses like Telephone calls e.t.c.
   You should please treat this as confidential as possible as I will not want any thing to happen
   to this funds because this is all we have got left in our entire lives and also I would not want
   my procedure here to be tampered with.
   Do send through my e-mail address, your confidential Telephone and Fax numbers for further
   communications and clarifications.
   Thanks for giving me your attention and God bless you.
   Desmond Stevens.