dicksonoboh on Tue, 18 Feb 2003 02:27:01 +0100 (CET)

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. PLEASE RESPOND TO (email- dicksonoboh@hknetmail.com)



Forgive my indignation if this message comes to you as a surprise and may 
offend your personality for contacting you without your prior consent and 
writing through this channel.In a brief introduction,

I am DR.DICKSON OBOH,Head of operations AFRIBANK its head office in Lagos. I 
got your information through eletronic media database when I was searching for 
a reliable,honest and trustworthy person to entrust this fund meant for our 
investment. I was divinely inspired and motivated to pick your contact from 
many names andlist in the directory.

After discussing my view with my colleagues,they were very much satisfied and 
decided to contact you immediately for this mutual business relationship.We 
wish to transfer the sum of USD20,000.000 (Twenty Million United States Dollars 
only)into your bank account details. This fund was found in a contractors 
account when I was given the instruction by Ecowas to pay all their contractors 
their overdue contract payment which we serve as the official banker.

We discovered this sum in one MR PATRICK SMITH an Australian, of IDEAL 
CONSULTANT with contract number :461/ICD/18-98/ECOWAS who did not come up for 
his payment when all other contractors have received their fund,left with his 
own contract sum unclaimed. After due investigation ,we discovered that MR 
SMITH was among the passengers that died in EAS plane crash on 29 of august 
1999 with one of his company director who he indicated in the account as his 
secretary left with no one to claim this fund.

Hence I am soliciting for your assistance to forward your information to put 
claim on this fund for immediate transfer into your account.I have decided to 
utilize this golden opportunity that normally comes once in ones life due to 
our new bank rules and regulation stipulates immediate transfer of any un claim 
contract fund to the Bank Treasury .We intend to pay this fund out urgently to 
avoid Ecowas from noticing the existence of the fund as they have already 
approved the fund for payment. This DEAL was deliberately hatched out and 
carefully protected with all concerned.

As the Head of operations in the Bank.We have the Co-operation and mandate of 
the Financial controller and Payment/verification Director who will assist 
perfect the claim on your favour immediately you declare your interest. Based 
on the laws and ethics in Banking institution ,we as civil servants working 
under this Bank, are not allowed to operate/own a foreign account.if not we 
would have executed this deal alone.This is the more reason why we needed your 
assistance to provide an account that can sustain this fund for safe keeping 
and our future investment with your comprehensive advise,assistance and 
partnership in your country.

As once you confirm the receipt of this fund,I and my colleagues with our 
families will be coming over to your country for the disbursement of the fund 
according to the agreed percentages and subsequently invest our own share 
subject to your own supervision. We have however agreed,as the account owner in 
this deal to allow you 30% of the entire sum as compensation, 65% will be held 
on trust for us while 5% will be used to defray any incidental charges and cost 
during the course of the transaction. This transaction will be successfully 
concluded within 7-14 working days if you accord us your unalloyed. As a 
practice of all organized (sensitive)and conspired DEALS,we solicit for your 
unreserved confidentiality and utmost secret in this business.

 We hope to retire peacefully and lead a honorable business life 
afterwards.There are no risks involved. Once we receive your interest on this 
deal,We will proceed d short list your name among the next batch of contractors 
that will be receiving their contract payment which the date will be announced 
by Ecowas soon and we will also start to perfect the authentication of all the 
legal/necessary documents that will confirm you the true beneficiary of the 
fund to forestall any hitch in the course of receiving the fund.

 While thanking you for your anticipated Co-operation,it is my fervent hope 
that you Call me for more clarification on my confidential line.

 With regards,




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