SME Plan - Webpage
Design Starting from - $499 only!

Our highly qualified designers create attractive websites upto
6 pages comprising of a customised homepage, company profile, products and
services, enquiries via email, FAQ’s, support and many more. For
customised design, please view: www.legendlanet.com/portfolio.htm
E-Card Design |
Newsletter Design |
- Customised Newsletter Design
- Ensure World-Class standard for your on-line
- Banners, Logos, Colours and more....
- Database at the low cost for the choice of
your needs.
Software Development Offshore |
provide following services and outsourcing your projects in Asia and South
East Asia:
Software Development Offshore
- leverage your cost to be more competitive to serve your clients'
- Customisation, Applications Development,
Web-based Applications and E-Commerce Solutions.
- Testing, Applications Upgrading /
- Areas include: VB SQL Server, ASP, Delphi,
Java, Cold Fusion, PHP, Oracle and more...
Onsite Consultancy - offering
the best solutions on your site for short term...
- Senior technical staff work on
your site as well as monitoring the projects in various
- We are offering Project
Managers, Project Leaders, Business Analyst and more...
Technical Staffing -
Sub-Contracting/Employing overseas staff on long term period such as one
- We will provide staff in the levels of:
Project Manager, Project Leader, Software Developer, Software Solution
Architect, Senior Java Developer, Lotus Note Administrator, Microsoft
Technical Trainer, Wed Developers, Programmers and more...
Advertise with Us |
Advertise with Legend La Net can be
beneficial investment! Legend La Net has been providing services
for various business, including designing the website, training IT staff
and offering marketing services. Therefore, we have attracted tremendous
visitors from all aspects to our site. We also encourage all business /
individual to advertise with us...
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs....

To visit our website
at: www.onlinestaff.com.au |
Shop Online

Good Optical Services
| |
Education, Migration, Travel
services and more..

| |
GST will be applied to
all charges The currency is in Australian Dollar (AUD) So make this
opportunity yours!!! For more details visit our website:
www.legendlanet.com Tel: +613 9693 6409 or +613 9699 8691 Fax: +613 9699
4179 |
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Legend La Net -
Copyright 2001 |
Level 10, 114 Albert Road, South Melbourne Vic 3205,
Australia Tel: +613 9693 6409 +613 9699
8691 Fax: +613 9699 4179 E-mail: info@legendlanet.com Website: www.legendlanet.com