See this ?
-----Original Message-----
From: Dick Eastman
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001
Cc: MadCowMorningNews Moderator;
Michael Rivero;
Subject: [APFN] Planes remotely
controlled. Government and media must address this overwhelming evidence.
Importance: High
"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face
with a conspiracy so
monstrous he cannot believe it exists".
-- J. Edgar Hoover
Here, in two postings, is overwhelming evidence that the
were remotely controlled, that the "terrorists"
were on what they
thought was a hijacking mission, but were themselves
"stung" when
control of the planes was taken over by remote controllers.
Several articles by several people lend support to this
aspect of
the frame-up/cover-up explanation of the September 11
crashbombings and the conquest of Afganistan.
The sabotage of New York-Cario
flight EgyptAir flight 990,
on 11-31, 1999.
The hijackers, never suspecting a suicide mission, were
"stung," by (CIA?,
Mossad?, renegade Mossad?, Mafia?) infiltrators posing as al Qu'eda field
leaders on a mission under orders from bin Ladin. It was infiltrators of
Qu'eda who gave the long-waiting Qu'eda moles the right activation passwords
and a set instructions to set a hijacking in motion -- but later,
when the
ordered hijacking was underway the infiltrator handlers on the ground
(offshore?, in an AWAC?)took remote control of the planes, turning them
into cruise missiles. (The infiltrators were most likely Mossad and not
because the the Israeli government has told us that the U.S. has no
infiltrators in Central Asia and is
dependent upon Mossad for all of its
on-the-ground intelligence there.
I am convinced that no one was knowingly on a WTC suicide mission. The
4 planes were all taken over by remote control on 9-11-10 after the
hijackings were begun.
The FBI has uncovered letters of the hijack suspects indicating that they
were expecting to be arrested following the hijacking, that the hijacking
was understood by the "set-up" hijackers to be a relatively harmless
operation to draw attention to some cause.
But the hijackers themselves were being misled as part of a grand
counter-espionage sabotage frame-up sting. They were not aware that they
were taking orders from Mossad agents and not Qu'eda (some even suggest
that the bin Laden himself may be a double agent in his own organization,
based on his prior CIA ties and the current economic ties of his family with
both Presidents Bush.
Crashbombing by Remote Control
And this was not to be the first time that a passenger jet was crashed by
sabotage --
EgyptAir 990 was crashed in a "test" for the WTC operation, on
morning, 11/31/99.
On November 31, two years ago, , EgyptAir flight 990, a giant Boeing 767
took off from New York's JFK Airport bound for Cairo Egypt with 100
Americans and 87 Egyptians aboard.
The takeoff had been successful and routine, but at one half hour into the
flight, at 1:48:30 ----at a moment when the pilot left the controls for a
trip to the toilet and the co-pilot was left in the cockpit alone -- an
English voice can be heard on the black box recorder saying "control
(the co-pilot was Egyptian and had not been speaking English with the pilot
that morning) -- when suddenly, one must conclude, control of the plane
taken from him,i.e., the cockpit controls were bing overridden. -- After
some seconds the co-pilot, reacting to his losse of control to a phantom
controller, says,
"I'm trusting you Jehovah" (or "I'm in your hands,
Jehovah") --"Tawakkalt
The co-pilot then attempted to disengaged the auto-pilot to restore control.
Control was not restored. The co-pilot again reacted with this prayer
exclamation as the elevators dropped putting the plane into a dive. After
sixteen seconds of this dive the Captain returned to the cockpit asking
"What happening? Whats happening?" Now captain and
co-pilot were
presumably working to pull out of the dive, but the controls were not
responding and now the throttles turned up to full forward -- at which
point the co-pilot cut the fuel lines. Then by phantom control the
and left elevators each moved all the way in the opposite directions and the
ailerons on both wings both went fully up. The pilot cried
"Get away in
the engines! Shut the engines!" To which the co-pilot
replied, "It's shut." The last words are those of the
captain frantically
instructing "Pull! Let's pull! Let's pull!" At this
point something shut
off the instrument recorders (or they were later erased).
The American investigation said that the co-pilot committed suicide, with
the Egypt AIr and the Egyptian government insisiting that that is an
impossible interpretation of the audio message. The Egyptians -- who
understand the language -- insist that that is an impossible interpretation
of last moments of conversation recorded or of the earlier conversation at
takeoff, and that the co-pilot gave no evidence of emotional instability.
Now in light of the above, an article from the New York Times,
becomes more significant:
"One F.B.I. official said the prayers found at the crash sites seemed
to exhort the foot soldiers to be strong in prison - unlike the four-
page set of instructions and prayers found in Mr. Atta's luggage,
which made it clear he believed he was going to his eternal paradise."
Dear Mr. Eastman:
What you relate about the EgyptAir flight would appear to be from a
transcript of the cockpit voice recorder. I would like to obtain a copy for
myself; where did you get yours? Also, your assumption that this was a test
fits the timeline very well. It would have done the planners no good to have
a bunch of people from the Middle East spinning
their wheels going from
flight training school to flight training school because of the security
problems they would raise while making sure the technology to do the deed
worked properly.
What this means for the motive is huge. The private actors involved would
need to have had their motive formulated prior to November 1999, and the
Russian, British, Pakestani, Israeli and US governments (among many) changed
administrations between then and now. Thus, if planners were a part of the
US government,
then they were quite possibly already ensconced in the
government. However, it is entirely possible, perhaps even more probable,
that the planners were private actors in 1999, but became part of the
government in 2001. Yet, there is a third possibility: The planners were
never a part of the government. And of course, there is the potential that
some combination of all three is the reality. As I see it, the main actors
are external to the government but operated with the consent of or knowledge
by the highest level of government.
Another question: Wouldn't each plane have needed its own external
controller? I also doubt that the planes were controlled by an AWACS;
remember your robber analogy about keeping it simple and not taking risks:
Too much can go wrong with an airborne platform, including detection, so
ground controllers makes more sense (Die Hard 2). All of this implies a
link to the manufacturer of the remote equipment or theft of same provided
to the Air Force. I seriously doubt any participation by another country in
this aspect of the plan.
Yet another question: How many conspirators, not including those who
on the planes, who knew about the ultimate end of the plan are involved?
First, there are the four controllers. Second, the person(s) controlling the
controllers (although, even this person isn't needed). That's it as far as I
can tell. All other involvement could easily be compartamentalized, but this
additional number of actors isn't necessary for the sufficient outcome of
the plan. It's entirely possible that the controllers acted as the
financiers, recruiters, and messengers. It would also have been possible to
place the numerous buy orders for the stocks in question from one location
via computerized transactions. Only one recruiter would be needed in
Chechnya, and that same person was most likely the handler upon the recruits
arrival in the US for reasons of security. One, possibly two, are the
financiers and stock traders. And someone had to procure the technology,
know how to use it, and train the other controllers in its use. Yes, it's
certainly possible that the group is larger than 4, but it need not be, and
this creates a large problem on one hand and a small one on the other.
Finding 4 needles in the many haystacks to be searched will be difficult,
but those needles have very singular attributes. The easiest one to find
will be the procurer of the technology; second, will be the recruiter; and
third, will be the financier(s)/stock trader(s). Proving any government(s)
complicity might prove difficult. For example, Bush might plead that his
situation is like Kennedy's after the Bay Of Pigs: He didn't know the
overall scope of this updated Operation Northwoods. The same will hold true
for Cheany, Rumsfeld, Powell, Rice, and Wolfowitz. I can hear it now: "It's
all the fault of that womanizing, immoral Clinton." (And it might be!)
given a great deal of thought to this, and although the whole event was very
complex on its surface, it would be entirely possible to carry it off with
only 4 actual conspirators.
I know what you're thinking: I haven't mentioned the bombs on the inside of
the WTC. I believe this part of the plan has two potential scenarios: 1) it
was compartamentalized, the explosives placed weeks if not months prior to
11 September, and the
people who placed the explosives were eliminated. Or 2) it is entirely
possible that our 4 controllers placed the explosives themselves weeks if
not months prior to 11 September. Certainly, the controllers would have had
to set off the explosives because only they knew the precise moment of
impact. This places two of the controllers in the New York vicinity, one in
the DC vicinity, and the other somewhere in Pennsylvania. All controllers
would need to have direct visual contact with their planes as they
approached their targets. This implies a high altitude vantage point with
unobstructed sight lines. I know I ruled out airplanes (AWAKs) above, and I
still do because of the high air traffic density over the target areas. This
leads to the question: How powerful a transmitter would be needed to send
the signals that controlled the planes and detonated the explosives? Another
set of questions just occurred to me: Do we know when the transponders of
the planes were turned off, especially the one over PA? Speculation is rife
about the target for the PA plane, with a nuclear reactor being the latest
hunch; what do we think given the available facts as we see them? The answer
to this question is important because we can then begin to figure out the
location of the fourth controller.
That's enough for now. Remember Ockam's Razor before you argue for more than
four planners.
"Dan Smith"
posted by: Colonel Donn de Grand Pré (US Army Retired)
(12 November 2001)
CONSIDER: ON 9-11, American Airlines flight 11, takes off from Logan
(Boston) 7:59 am, Capt Oganowski, pilot, and Tom McGuinness, co-pilot...
Destination - Los Angeles. As they climb to cruising altitude of 33,000
feet, they head west on an azimuth of 270 degrees for 70 miles. They are
suddenly diverted from their intended flight route by an "unknown outside
force" and flown in a northwest direction of 315 degrees for a distance of
120 miles, which takes them into upstate New York. At this point, they are
again sharply diverted and swung south in a 135 degree change of direction.
They are now heading south at an azimuth of 180 degrees and in a high-speed
shallow dive toward their intended target of the Twin Towers some 200 miles
away. In a matter of minutes, they plummet from a cruising altitude of
33,000 feet to a height of 1,200 feet as they unerringly approach the NYC
skyline and the World Trade Center.
Do the math!
Impact time with the North Tower - 8:45... takeoff time from Logan -
7:59... flight distance - 390 miles; time in the air - 46 minutes; average
speed - 508 MPH, meaning that when considering the initial climb to
altitude speed of 350, the final dive toward the towers (for a distance of
200 miles) has accelerated to 600 MPH.
Mission impossible? Not if you have become a guided missile!
You can locate the flight manifests (passenger lists) of all four fatal
flights of American and United Airlines posted on CNN. Important that you
also read The Perplexing Puzzle of the Published Passenger Lists ( see
"NaJam Saqib" <> of 11/08/01).
Consider that each posted original list comes up short of the current and
official tally. For example, AA Flight 11 is supposed to have 92 people
aboard, including 11 crew members, plus 81 passengers. However, the flight
manifest from American Airlines lists only 76 passengers (by name), meaning
that "the phantom five" (supposedly Arab hijackers) are not on the
manifest. How come?
The same is true of the other flight manifests. Check the lists! Do the
numbers! There are no Arab or Middle East names on these lists. Each list
is short a few names from the "official" tally, meaning that somehow
total of 19 Middle Eastern (Muslim) names are missing from the passenger
lists. Of course, a separate listing is now available, along with photo
IDs, of these 19 phantom passengers, together with their aliases. How then
did they get on board the four fatal flights?
Please help the FBI (or the CIA) locate these 19 missing men; they are
wanted "dead or alive"; if you have a clue, let them know. Also,
please let
me know, as I too am perplexed... and clueless.
"Joe Star"
: The Parallax View
> A couple months ago I watched two skyscrapers crumble to the ground like
> they were wet sand castles and some bully came along and kicked them down.
> Now, this week an airplane fell apart-in the very same city- as if it were
> made of wet crackers.
> And, as usual, the public -like little kids gathered around the best of
> story tellers- believes any ridiculous story the government controlled
> tells them.
> This week's crashed plane's fuel only burned down a few wooden homes. The
> plane in each tower somehow burned down two entire steel sky-scrapers and
> many other steel sky-scrapers around them collapsed also. ( Those two
had much less fuel than the one that hit the wooden homes.) Never mind many
people saying they heard explosions in the other sky-scrapers and shut your
ears to witnesses saying they heard explosions
in the third plane that crashed this week. (Remember, all 3 planes crashed
New York too.)
The "boob-tube" is convincing you the rudder ripped off first
and the two
engines came off second. This is not what witnesses standing out side
and saw -like the pilot that talked to Brian Gumble on TV at 11AM- that
morning had stated.
They said they saw a plane with no engine and fire where the engine was
located, then the other engine off in their view, next , the rudder came
off but they thought it was a piece of the wing as the plane flipped over
nose dived down.
The plane was 800 to 1200 the air and was doing around 200
flying. This would not be enough stress to fling a man off of it as he
onto it with his finger nails.
Oh..No? Have you seen the old World War One dare-devils in
with shot up planes -smoking in fire-they fought for hours in the sky
>rolling over and flipping at high stress conditions.
Have you seen the civilian pilot-co-pilots standing on wings - during the
Roaring 20's-as the planes would flip and roll and turn over vertically
and horizontally??The stunt men were still there when they landed on the
ground.Also, the extreme stress of all of that crazy flying never
a plane in half.
Have you seen the movies of military pilots-like "Top Gun?"
Have you ever watched PBS or on satellite TV, the Discovery Channel
the History Channel of both World War I and World War II dog-fights in the
Have you ever watched bombing raids and airborne rangers bailing out?
These planes were shot up with dozens of bullets sometimes being hit by big
and explosions blowing off chunks of the plane and they still flew them
back to base -many times!
In miles of vintage war film footage you watch some crash from 20,000
in complete spinning nose-dives and not one wing,or rudder,or horizontal
stabilizer rips off from the high altitude and high speed fall -and the
plane is gapped with holes from being shot down.
But, these days with our modern high technology some 50 to 75 years
our planes just fall apart at low altitude and low speed as if they are
put together with Elmer's Glue- and they weren't even shot up or blown up.
Remember a few years ago when the entire top of a plane ripped off and
passengers made it back for a safe landing by wearing their oxygen
masks?(I can't remember if that was a bomb or what that did that?) In
any,event it was at high altitude and it made it back down safely. That
plane looked
like a convertible with the roof rolled back, only the floor structure held
> entire plane together-windows and all were gone.
The Empire State building was hit by an Airforce bomber-B-29 or
something-and it only had a few chips of concrete fall from it.
It is either simply corporations are making and maintaining planes and
buildings so cheap now or else we have something much more high tech and
clandestine happening here.
There was much more fuel in the plane on the ground that only
burned up a
> few wooden homes than they planes that traveled for miles and then melted
> the steel Twin Towers. This is very strange.
The plane that just crashed acted as if it hit 3 giant steel wires
stretched above the houses. Wire one ripped off the first engine, wire two
off the second engine seconds later , then wire three ripped off the
rudder -vertical stabilizer. The rudder section could have been ripped
as after it rolled over to crash.
Witnesses said one engine was off that area of the wing was on fire. The
plane tilted sideways,then the other engine was in view and it ripped
then the vertical stabilizer-rudder came off.
Now, let us use our imagination here. Suppose you are Black Operations
team sitting in a building aiming a new directional Star Wars type weapon at
airplane. Like a sniper with a rifle you only see one side of the plane.
You take out the engine , the plane rolls sideways and you can see the other
wing, now you can take out the second engine, and it is almost over head
so you zap the vertical stabilizer which is in the horizontal position
overhead now.
Power on, zap,zap and zap,then Boom. Is this what the witnesses heard?
Gee? What a Conspiracy Theory?Well, back to reality. Planes, I suppose,
just so cheap-- like the sky scrapers these days --we should never get
into any of them ever again. I boycott both for life!
But, just for the fun of it, about a thousand of us on the Net need to go
to Internet search engines - like Google-and do some link to link to link
digging into this matter. Just for kicks type in: Star War Weapons, Sonic
Weapons, Laser Weapons,Phaser-Orgon Weapons, Plasma Weapons, and other
research that the Department Of Defense has been allocated to work
on -under
Col.John Alexander and others of the D.O.D.(Doctors Of Death). They have
been given trillions of dollars after W.W.II up to now for this very
But, on the other hand it makes us feel better if we just our minds off
to it-right?We can say corporations just build things cheap these days. It
true that cars and guns and appliances and tools were made heavy but
and lasted through much usage. We just don't build things like that
anymore because we don't build anything anymore!
We don't like to get out of our comfort zones with these issues do we?
Besides, if we question the CIA's TV dominance we may wind up on their
"red-list" and get carpet-bombed also-right?
While you are at it, read his books - one is under Steve-"Future Warrior"
and the "Warriors Edge". In one of them he or Steve Anderson
states it is
to eliminate the Constitutionalists,Libertarians,Conservatives and Christian
Fundamentalists . Now, what are they doing in the Middle -East? They are
eliminating the Muslim fundamentalists over seas. Homeland Security,
Law and UN-NATO troops will do the eliminating over here someday too. I
mean, after all they have already written about it many times in many
places-they said they would. And, they will!
This in my opinion is also a part of the Masonic "Ordo Ab
secretly create the chaos ,blame it on somebody else or something
come up with their solution for a serene society.
By the way, all the players in this -the President,the Secretary Of
State,Attorney General,and the leader of Home Land Security -are all
members of the good-ol-boy occult clubs like Masons, Skull-and -Bones-,
Rosicrucians,Knights of Columbus, CFR, etc. It is in their very nature to
operate this way-- in the shadows- to seize,and hold economic fortunes
from the masses and then be appointed by the same blind masses to political
power from generation to generation.
> But, on the other hand, be logical and practical about this , we are not
the nation we used to be. We used to make good solid products- now we have
lost our production capabilities. We used to have free speech,the right to
privacy, the right to private property and self defense with weapons of
our own. But, they are getting ready to take all of that away from you also
within the next 5 to 15 years.
Within two decades the United States of America will be something on some
strange video or in some strange underground history book you will have
hide to read or view in a closet or attic out of the way of government
spy cameras.
It is the Parallax View !
Pointman USA
Was the CIA running a terrorist flight school?
By Daniel Hopsicker
November 7, 2001
Your "legend" is your cover story, in intelligence parlance; the lie
holds together long enough to let you skip the country . . .
The legends of Rudi Dekkers as "flight school owner" and Mohamed Atta
"fanatic Islamic fundamentalist" have been fraying at the edges since
collapse of the World Trade Center.
Still, they may have lasted long enough to do the job for which they were
intended. With a war on, no one seems to be losing sleep over the fact that
the version of events currently being peddled about the Sept.11 disaster
relies on what one law enforcement source wryly calls "the Magic Dutch
In the Kennedy assassination, "the Magic Bullet" theory allowed the
FBI to
apply Lee Harvey Oswald's "lone nut gunman" tag. The current
"lone nut cadre
theory" of the FBI for the Sept 11 disaster, goes this latest reasoning,
will only fly through use of a similarly-twisted logic trail, one now being
called "the Magic Dutch Boy theory."
It goes like this:
Both of the pilots who guided planes into the twin towers of the World Trade
Center had trained at Rudi Dekkers' Huffman Aviation when they first got to
America. Dekkers, a Dutch national, had only recently purchased the flight
school located at the small out of the way Venice, Florida, Airport.
The terrorist duo practicing touch and goes in the humid September air on
Florida's Gulf coast were soon joined by a third student terrorist pilot,
the one on UAL Flight 93. He signed up at the Florida Flight Training Center
almost next door to Dekkers' Huffman Aviation, making it a terrorist
trifecta out at the unsuspecting Venice Airport.
Just like Dekkers' Huffman Aviation, this second flight school had also just
changed owners. And the new owner of this flight school, too, turns out to
be a Dutch national. His name is Arne Kruithof from Rotterdam in the
The magic Dutch boy theory says that the appearance of these two foreign
nationals, both Dutch, purchasing flight schools at the same time at the
same airport is merely a "magical" coincidence . . .
Because if the appearance of a second Dutch national purchasing a flight
school right as the terrorist cadre show up isn't just a strange coincidence
belonging on Ripley's Believe it Or Not . . . then they're hiding what looks
unmistakably like a covert intelligence operation down in Venice.
It being Florida, that means the CIA is reputed to be active in the state.
"Two Dutch boys buying adjacent flight schools which shortly thereafter
'overrun' by terrorists is one damn Dutch boy too many," stated our law
enforcement source. "It's untidy."
Was the CIA running a covert, or black, operation out of the Venice Airport?
Might they have been training pilots for bin Laden in an effort to penetrate
his organization that went more-than-just-slightly-horrifically awry?
Will we someday be adding "Magic Dutch Boy" to the "Magic
Bullet" Wing of
the Secret History Museum?
The local Venice Gondolier two days after the disaster ran a huge black
headline reading: "Evil in our own backyard."
Underneath it they had placed a picture of Rudi Dekkers facing a phalanx of
TV cameras out at the Venice Airport. The irony of the juxtaposition did not
go unnoticed.
"At first everyone just thought it was kind of amusing," an aviation
employee at the airport said, "because it made Dekkers look like he was
'evil' in our backyard, which the newspaper probably didn't mean."
Pause. "And then it hit me. Dekkers had purchased his aviation school at
just about the time the terrorist pilots moved into town and began their
Is Rudi Dekkers just an innocent aviation executive whose flight school
received the most unfortunate business publicity since Ryder Trucks at the
time of the Oklahoma City bombing? Or is there a darker reality lurking
behind his widely promoted public persona?
Reporters swarmed the Venice airport in the days after the identity of the
terrorist pilots and their relationship with the local flight schools became
known. An analysis of their stories reveals that there were two different
versions of events being given by flight school representatives; versions
that were in disagreement even on basic chronology, such as which of their
schools the terrorists attended first.
A flight instructor at Jones Aviation Flying Service, Inc., which operates
from the Venice-adjacent Sarasota Bradenton International Airport, told the
Associated Press that Atta and Al-Shehhi arrived in "September or
and asked to be given flight training.
Jones Instructor Ivan Chirivella said the two came to Jones Aviation from
Huffman Aviation in Venice. Chirivella said he spent four hours almost every
morning from September to October last year instructing Mohamed Atta, 33,
and Marwan Yousef Alshehhi, 23.
But Rudi Dekkers at Huffman Aviation, who has been getting all the national
face-time, had been telling a different tale.They signed up at Huffman in
late July, he stated in innumerable interviews, and stayed until December or
January. The two cadre principals paid $20,000 apiece at the rate of $1000 a
Dekkers says the terrorist were at his school, located a half an hour south
of Sarasota, down the Tammiami Trail, an old Indian path that wends through
the mangrove swamps of Florida's Gulf Coast, at the same time the two Jones'
Aviation instructors say the terrorist duo were flying four hours every
morning with them.
Dekkers told his new buddy Larry King, and anyone else with a microphone who
would listen, that when Atta & Co. showed up at his school they were
grumbling about a bad experience at another school. This directly
contradicts the story the two Jones instructors gave reporters.
Why can't the flight instructors at the two schools get their stories
straight? Did Atta and his sidekick attend both flight schools at once?
Here's another journalistic snapshot that gets a little blurry when you look
at it a little closer:
In their inimitable British tabloid style, London's Mirror TV filmed a
segment at the Venice Airport two days after the disaster, which they
"THIS is the cockpit of the light aircraft in which hijackers Mohamed Atta
and Marwan Al-Shehhi learned to fly," the Mirror's American correspondent
told British viewers.
"Under the guidance of instructor Mark Mickart I went through the same
pre-flight checks and maneuvers on the white single-engine Cessna 172,
terrorists Atta and Al-Shehhi had done on July 9."
"The same preflight checklists!"
Wow. Kitsch history. What is of interest is the flight instructor, Mark
Mikarts, busily showing the audience how the terrorists checked off.
Mark Mikarts used to be somebody else.
His real name is Mark Wierdak. The only relative of his we were able to
locate is a half-sister. She works in the British consulate in Venezuela.
When we got in touch with her to ask about her "flight instructor"
new name all she would say was, "We used to share the same father."
Pilot Mikarts also flies out of the Sarasota-Bradenton Airport for a
Christian missionary group called Agape Flights, which describe themselves
as an independent ministry fighting disease, poverty and illiteracy by
serving missionaries in the Western hemisphere and beyond. They have been
running a weekly flight down and back to the Dominican Republic for more
than 20 years.
How many guys using aliases fly American missionary flights servicing the
Caribbean Basin? Mikarts is a perfect example of why things seem a little
out of skew at the flight schools at the Venice Airport.
"Rudi's greedy, and when you're greedy you can be used for
something," a
Special Operations Commando leader from the nearby McDill Air Force Base
told us.
"I've always had some suspicions about the way he breezed into town out of
nowhere," said one observer at the Venice Airport. "Just too many odd
things. For example, he has absolutely no aviation background as far as
anyone can tell. And he evidently had no use for, nor knowledge of, FAA
rules and regs."
These statements struck us as strange. "Breezed into town out of
and "no aviation background" doesn't square with the portrayal of
Dekkers in
newspaper clippings announcing his purchase of the flight school two years
ago, which stressed his broad business aviation experience in neighboring
"Ambassador Airways owners Rudi Dekkers, 42, Naples, president, and Wally
Hilliard, 67, also from Naples, were both said to be experienced pilots."
Their Ambassador Airways was said to "own several jet aircraft including
Lear jets." The new owners of Huffman Aviation have global presence
The friends of Rudi Dekkers
Lack of proper aviation background was also a comment heard about Dekkers in
an interview this week with Richard Boehlke, a partner of Dekkers in a
recent airline venture called Florida Air. Boehlke accuses Dekkers of not
having enough experience to run a commuter airline and training facilities:
Portland Native's Brush with Terror
"He (Dekkers) was an oxymoron the day I met him," Boehlke told
reporter Eric Mason. "I can't believe anyone handed him millions of
to run a business he had no experience in."
Boehlke leveled another charge in his interview, stating Dekkers had
suggested that his students hone their skills by acting as co-pilots on
commuter routes in Florida and elsewhere. Boehlke said Dekkers urged him to
allow students to ride-along as co-pilots on scheduled airline flights,
which is illegal.
"They could have been terrorists on a ride-along!" Boehlke told
Eric Mason of Portland, Oregon, radio station K-Pam. He said a
"chill" runs
through him when he thinks about it.
Said an FAA spokesman, about Dekkers' proposed scheme, "Having a student
without enough hours or that type rating as a co-pilot is not legal."
Boehlke said, "I was amazed knowing how close we'd been to that training
environment. It would have given them legal access to cockpits and other
secure areas in airports across the country."
Richard Boehlke's claim to be "amazed" is like Capt. Renaud telling
Bogie in
Casablanca that he's shocked-shocked!-to find gambling going on, while
pocketing his winnings at the same time.
For the 53-year-old Boehlke, the sun-drenched parties aboard his personal
Grumman Albatross with friends in the San Juan Islands are supposed to be
over. His huge flying boat sits for sale at the Tacoma Narrows Airport in
Gig Harbor, along with other assets from his troubled aviation company. He
is not however running noticeably short of cash, observers note.
Boehlke was hot news because of his proximity to terrorist flight school
owner Dekkers and his concurrent participation in what the Securities &
Exchange Commission has called "the biggest fraud by an investment manager
n U.S. history."
"Ex-money manager charged with fraud" was the headline in an Oct. 6
story. A federal grand jury indicted Jeffrey Grayson whose firm
losing hundreds of millions of pension investments. Grayson was charged with
mail fraud, conspiracy, money laundering, witness tampering and paying a
former union chief union trust funds in a scheme that cost Grayson's clients
over $355 million in failed and fraudulent investments.
Might the two stories have a connection?
Might the same "international network" responsible for stealing
almost a
half billion dollars have been simultaneously training terrorist air corps
in Florida?
Boehlke got $25 million to build a condominium project that court documents
reveal cost only half that amount.
Before Dekker's airline partner Richard Boehlke ever broke ground on his
failed project, someone had already pocketed $13 million.
"I've known Jeff Grayson (Capital Consultants' former CEO) for 12
Boehlke said. "I have never known him to have any shady or, you know, some
have asked me about . . . Mafia affiliations."
There. He said the "M" word.
"Boehlke would do anything for money, he was so desperate," an
executive who had witnessed Boehlke's descent told us. "I'm surprised he
hasn't skipped the country by now, what with all the trouble he's gotten
himself into farting around with those Mafia boys down in Portland."
Another grateful beneficiary of the money they were giving away in Portland,
Oregon, from the retirement pension funds of the little people-laborers and
secretarys-was a Miami Florida man whose complex web of international
connections is legendary.
Alvin Malnik has been called "Meyer Lansky's heir" as the head of
crime so often in print that he should put it on his business cards.
But it is not Malnick's gangster ties that make your jaw drop: it's his
connection with the Saudi Royal Family.
Jewish "gangster" Alvin Malnick's son is married to the daughter of a
leading prince of the Middle Eastern kingdom's founding family.
"The Saudi prince not only blessed the marriage, but regularly works with
the US organized crime associates," states one report on the connection.
"The Saudi king would frequently send his private 747 to Florida to pick
Malnik and his associates, so they could conduct business on the plane away
from prying eyes."
A Saudi King, A Mob Boss, and a Terrorist Drug Kingpin
"Frankly, we can't differentiate between terrorism and organized crime and
drug dealing," Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff told the Senate
Banking Committee hearings about the terrorists' money trail in the
aftermath of the Sept 11 disaster.
Terrorist groups have been implicated in the $360 billion a year
international narcotics trade, directed by organized crime, says Judge
Thierry Cretin of the European Anti-Fraud Office.
As recently as six weeks ago, crime families were being seen as particularly
important for terrorist groups involved in the acquisition and transport of
arms, like in the case of a Jersey City man, accused of attempting to
smuggle Stinger missiles out of the country to Osama bin Laden, who is now
reportedly helping federal agents investigating the Sept 11 terrorist
If the deal he got caught doing was typical, insiders say, it was oil and
heroin up front for guns and training.
Oil and heroin upfront for arms and training. Now there's a story we haven't
heard about yet in the roiling skies above the terrorist flight schools on
the Gulf Coast of Florida.
And no one is saying anything about the proximity to the terrorist's
training sites of nearby Tampa, Florida, long the domain of reputed mob boss
and heroin kingpin Santo Trafficante.
Daniel Hopsicker is the author of "Barry & 'the boys;' The CIA, the
Mob &
America's Secret History."
"Agent Smiley" has these comments about Hopsicker's research:
> Let's go through the check-in routine
> Pretend that it's September 11, and you are a
> check-in
> agent at either a United Airlines counter or an
> American
> Airlines counter. It is your job to ask the
> standard
> questions. "Did you pack your own luggage? Have
> you had
> it in your possession at all times?" Then you ask
> for a
> photo ID. The name on the ID must match the name on
> the
> ticket. The photo must match the person presenting
> the
> card.
a] the entire list is faked and there were few or no
passengers or
b] they did not board the plane as passengers or
c] september 11 was a george lucas production...just
> So, the published names in no instance match
> the total
> listed for the number of people on board. CNN
> really
> should offer an explanation for this discrepancy.
> In no case does an Arab name appear on a
> let
> alone one of the alleged hijackers.
> How did CNN fail to count the names
> Did
> the airlines not provide the full list of each
> flight's
> names? Perhaps so.
in fact, the total missing names equal 35 people...16
more than the supposed 19 hijackers
> This raises the next question. How did
> airlines
> know how many people were on each of these flights?
> The
> airlines must have had a list for each flight. What
> possible reason could they have had for not
> releasing the
> full lists?
the american airlines stock sins had something to do
with american airlines executives...theorizing
Finally, why are there no Arabs listed
> on any
> of these lists, let alone the specific Arabs
> identified by
> the Attorney General and the head of the FBI in an
> Associated Press story?
american airlines did NOT know in advance and released
the accurate list and then were asked to spin the
story...still theorizing
who manufactured that plane?
what a great commercial - the following week boeing
sold about 400 million dollars worth of planes to
suddenly, in october, we find out that american forces
are "for the first time" using remote controlled
airplanes...camel puckey!
it seems that the plane that was shot down was flight
93 - before it was shot down it changed course and
began to head in direction other than new york or
dc...prior it is said that it was on course for three
mile island...perhaps a knowledgable pilot or
technician [or perhaps the flight happened to have an
electronic engineer on board] was able to disable the
remote control mechanism...
was it shot down to get rid of witnesses to how it was
Yes a bomb did go off on the 23rd floor of the North Tower.
There was a bomb on the 23rd floor of the North Tower, but it was not set
off to bring down the structure. Here is how that bomb prevented critical
FBI files stored there from exiting the building.
The FBI offices on the 23rd floor --under the false shingle front of New
York Blue Cross - Blue Shield -- of the North Tower were bombed to
prevent agents from removing grand jury evidence in important cases
stored there following the jet crashbombings. The evidence of this was
given on the program 60 minutes, though one doubts CBS was aware
what they were revealing.
A fellow in Main, Steve, has given me, over the phone and into my tape
recorder, his recording of this interview. Here is my careful
of that recording.
Steve's intro: "This is a segment of the 60 minutes report,
They're interviewing the Chief of Security for the World Center Towers.
60 Minutes reporter is doing the interview of George Tabeek [phonetic
spelling of audio -- could be "Tabeak," etc.] They
are talking about him
and a fire fighter named Andy Desparino.
(Steve starts his vhs recording with his phone held to the speaker):
...In another part of the tower George Tabeek got a call that three Port
Authroity workers were trapped in command center on the 22nd floor.
Tabeek (fuzzy sound-- as if dubbed in from an edited-for broadcast phone
I said, "Stay calm, I'll be up there." I went to the battalion
chief; he
assigned a lieutenant -- it's all I know is his first name, his first
was Andy ...
Reporter (clear sound-- not phone interview):
Andy Desparino of Engine Company One
And worked our way all the way up to the twenty-second floor
Reporter (fuzzy -- phone interview clip again):
Are people going down?
People were coming down. I was telling them, "Please be calm"
walk to the
Reporter (clear -- with jet impact sound in background during first
What George Tabeek didn't know was that a second jet had just struck tower
seven (sic) And when they reached the twenty-second floor of Tower One
Desperino and his men tunneled through the debris and opened up a path for
those trapped inside. Helen Reese, meanwhile, was at another Port
Authority Command Center talking to those unable to get down from the upper
floors ...
(end of excerpt)
Clearly a bomb went off 50 floors below where the first plane hit
the North Tower, on the 23rd floor, collapsing the ceiling of the
22nd floor. No records would be saved from the FBI offices.
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