nohave " <> on Thu, 6 Sep 2001 17:35:25 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] small idea

-how does the ideas come to my mind?
everytime an idea comes to my mind i feel i recieved a small packet a fragment. it is like somebody is trying to communicate with 
me through TCP/IP protocol, and i just recieve a small packet from what this person sent me, the rest is dedicated to the noise. 
and because i am a writer, i take happily this small packet this minor fragment and try to build up something around it, usually 
text. an idea strikes your mind is a sweet feeling full of euphoria, you can not imagine how witty is this feeling. but how poor are 
we writers, like children we enjoy what we found but then like adults we start to build isolation around this small idea, forcing her 
to say things she wouldn’t say, we try to make a big idea out of small idea, this is what we think a text is, just a big structure. of 
course my try to use the small idea leads to a dead end, i can not finish a statment based on this small idea, it just keeps running 
away from me transforming herself to another idea which i run after to put it in a new statment. at the end i found out that i am 
just a poor hunter all what i am doing is building traps for birds, my ideas are like birds i never cared about theme, i just wanted to 
hunt theme in my bloody beutiful trap to satisfy my bloody ego.

-but who is sending me ideas?
it seems that every mediated communication uses the TCP/IP protocol, digital or analog, real or virtual, every medium uses this 
protocol. in other words this protocol is the condition to mediate any medium, there are no information without noise and no 
noise without information, there are no big units can be transfered but a lot of small monades penetrating the noise. my mind is 
just a network exists in this space where the cosmic wind blows, the wind is full of noise and information, what one network 
recieves is diffrent that the other. but because we can not get rid of the static perception of subject, we keep thinking of the ego as 
an unit, and when we recieve a small idea we just think about who sent this idea, and where is the rest of the whole package. small 
ideas has no sender no owner they are just there like the universe, only big ideas have owner and sender, they are territorial.
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