Yukihiko Yoshida on Sun, 10 Jun 2001 08:17:09 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] Re: <nettime> Demokratica


The website by Karatani Kojin is in the following URL.


Best Wishes from TOKYO

Yukihiko YOSHIDA

>  Hello nettimers!
> First of all, I would like to tell you that www.demokratica.org is now up
> and running. Second, please let me introduce you to Demokratica itself.
> I would describe Demokratica like this: It is (at the moment) an idea of a
> social movement that redefines our economy in an ethical way.
> I would like you to give me as many comments as possible. Please participate
> if you think the idea is worth anything at all (you can change points that
> you don't like, if you have the sufficient majority >democracy<) - Or i
> would be just as interested in your reasons for not participating. Thank
> You. ( mailto:werg@demokratica.de )
> (note: yes, i read the post concerning NAM. i found it quite interesting ---
> it is baffling, how near our ideas are. yet they are a lot more scientific.
> maybe that is the strength of demokratica. demokratica is not a counter act
> against anyone! - and only against very few things. --- can someone give me
> Kojin Karatani's email-address?)
> // this is a text from http://www.demokratica.org/system.htm - so you don't
> have to read it, if you're already checking out the site ;-}
> Demokratica's measures will follow certain premises.
> - Non-violent. I choose non-violent, because it is good. If you have any
> objections, tell me.
> - Freedom of religion. While the freedom to choose (or not to choose) a
> religion would certainly be maintained, Demokratica still would encourage
> it's members to engage in spirituality of some kind - because people should
> be whole - and happier through it - and that involves spirituality. Members
> of Demokratica should find ways of interacting in a symbolical and cultural
> way.
> - Freedom of speech. Free speech should only be inflicted in very minimal
> areas where other humans are harmed seriously. Demokratica depends on a
> living discourse between it's members, because with out this discussion and
> criticism, certain groups would be able to dominate the whole process,
> analog to modern-day republican systems.
> - Ethical orientation: Maximizing Happiness, Minimizing Suffering.
> Demokratica is about changing things and all members should make an effort
> to influence everything for the good. This also involves perfecting each and
> every members own personality. Demokratica is a economical theory only to
> one half - the other half is made up of what happens inside the people.
> - Political, economical and cultural actions should be considered equal.
> This involves people not only with their workforce, but also with their
> hearts. Members of Demokratica are required always to think of how they can
> integrate Demokratica more into their lives and how they can integrate
> themselves more into Demokratica.
> - Property actually exists - and actually doesn't exist. For natural
> practicability, things, that a person, or module is momentarily using and
> which are really needed, are considered semi-property. But the big stuff,
> the land, the air, the stars, the fossil-oil, the gold don't belong to
> anybody, they belong to themselves, not even to everybody together...but on
> the other hand, if it doesn't belong to anybody, using in a good way won't
> harm (which means we don't all have to starve now).
> - Future generations have the same right of consideration as present ones.
> We are asked to primarily work on the problems nowadays, but we also should
> think ahead with like concern. For example, we should fight against poverty
> nowadays with 90% of our strength, but we should also invest into
> technologies like space flight or nano-tech, which might become important
> for future generations.
> What will it look like?
> - Think in Modules. Members group together in Modules of about eight people.
> These can be quite homogeneous (all members of one "profession"), or
> heterogeneous (for example two families).
> - Link these Modules. In a normal business-structure, it often does not
> suffice, only to integrate one group of this size into one
> production-process, that is why larger companies are born (next to enriching
> the owner). That is why Modules can be statically linked to each other - in
> a well defined interface, stating which goods, services or information are
> to be exchanged. A timeframe, a definition of the location, availability and
> other settings can be integrated if needed.
> - All information, goods and services, which a module receives or produces
> are recorded and weighed against each other. The front-end of each module is
> a list, like an account in book-keeping, it has two parts, the body, listing
> the input and output of goods and services, the head, showing the persons
> involved in the module and the sum of all received and given information.
> This front-end is public. The back-end shows which information, in
> elaborate, a module has received or produced.
> - The two sides of the front- and back-end can also be considered as the two
> sides of an equation. Using a mathematical method for solving equations
> depending on variables (types of goods) you could find prices depending on
> one ground-unit (for example one kilogram of rice).
> - Think in projects and ideas. Every area of action has a project (there
> also can be concurring projects). Projects only contain ideas. They do not
> contain humans. Humans always belong to modules. Each link should define
> which project(s) it belongs to. Every project comes with a voting system,
> defining which type of issues should be voted public - and which should be
> decided by the people doing the work.
> - Each person has goals. The goods, services and information which a person
> uses or produces inside the module are associated with the goals that they
> were used for, or were caused by. A person's goals are derived from the
> ideas described in the projects that this person takes action in.
> - A better social environment. The learning process (schools) and the
> working process should be more intertwined. Children can have the feeling of
> doing "real" things even though they are still young. Equal rights between
> the rich countries and the (now) poor help to prevent social tension.
> - Work together. Communal work gets the job done best and builds solidarity.
> It also gives the individual access to parts of work-life that he or she has
> not experienced yet. It is mandatory for every member (not only that, every
> member has the right) to do work in diverse economical fields.
> - Move it. To make the inner renewal and the discussion of innovations
> easier, movements are a part of Demokratica. Demokratica itself is a
> movement. Movements do not have a clear structure. It should only be known
> that they exist and that anyone who wants to move things may take this way.
> How?
> - Buy companies. Then integrate them into this system.
> - Let businesses and organizations integrate themselves slowly. Giving them
> stages of compliancy. Their organization-structure would be modified
> gradually and the employees would slowly be released into the
> demokratica-system, still holding strong ties to their former employer. The
> brand-name would become a project, the product-palette ideas.
> - Start from scratch. Create your own economy inside and against the old
> economy just by connecting individuals.
> - Found parties. To support Demokratica's efforts in creating a better
> social environment. Use that political movement also to fight against
> dictatorship all around the world
> - Through the web-community, create interest, connect people and further
> develop the concept.
> - I myself have quite a few business ideas that could give the start of
> demokratica the decisive push.
> - Demokratica would change parts of public life quite radically. I would
> wish that certain aspects, like integrating agricultural work into public,
> everybody's life could be accomplished. Quite a few stores would be changed
> into public meeting-places. And so forth.
> // end of inserted text. let's get on with the personal stuff...
> I want to ask a bold question: ! Is Demokratica capable of becoming a
> mothership for our movement? ! Forgive me, if I give my idea too much
> importance. Becoming this, of course, would mean that it wouldn't stay "my"
> Demokratica any more. My friend Lech actually thinks that i have gone too
> far with definition and that we should have started earlier on, doing things
> and adapting the concept intuitively. I believe there are three main ways to
> interpret Demokratica. 1. Solely economical. The mechanisms of the system
> are taken and used in a economical process (for example
> high-tech-development). 2. Completely and social. A reconstruction of
> society according to the system and Demokratica's ethical goals ( would
> require a lot of change, very political - i favor this interpretation) 3.
> Artistic and theoretical. Implementing Demokratica an ideal Demokratica in
> ideas and actions on a very personalized level, without  a large social
> movement (This would be if you see Demokratica as a Utopia that has it's
> strength in being a counterpart to our momentary structure - this would
> require a much more precise and in-depth definition - and for what, just for
> art?).
> Well, thanks for reading, and remember, all of this stuff does not really
> mean demokratica, demokratica is in the doing. Let me also say here that it
> is also very important for me to do as much good as possible, otherwise, all
> of this loses it's sense to me.
> Anyway, this was the first real public post of this idea, let's hope for
> more.
> Kooperate!!  -- Gabriel. mailto:werg@demokratica.de
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