nettime-l on Tue, 5 Jun 2001 15:14:36 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] Re: <nettime> Announcements [14]

You wrote:

>Table of Contents:
>   Interview Yourself - Latest Interviews 6/1/01                                   
>     Amy Alexander <>                                         
> A Virus in the Venice Biennale                                     
>     Aurora Fonda <>                                                 
>   FW:Neighbourhoods of the world                                                  
>     "dd" <>                                                 
>   =?UTF-8?Q?Jesse=20Bercowetz=20-=20Misunderstood?=                               
>   NYC: Parsons MFA Design/Tech exhibition                                         
>     t byfield <>                                                  
>   Pressemitteilung: COUNTDOWNTOWN > smARTdomains                                  
>     infozone <>                                                    
>   World Congress of Citizens Network, Buenos Aires, 5-7 December 2001             
>     "Michael Gurstein" <>                                           
>   CfP The Practice and Theory of Community Networks/Community Informatics         
>     "Michael Gurstein" <>                                           
>   e-mail art and maps                                                             
>     "daz zad" <>                                                
>   CULT 2001 - Copenhagen, October 3-5, 2001 - ANNOUNCEMENT                        
>     "Pia Vigh" <>                                          
>   new media programming for TV station                                            
>     Babeth <>                                                      
>   fwrd                                                                            
>     Jayce Salloum <>                                                   
>   net.congestion - the web launch - Friday June 8th                               
>     Eric Kluitenberg <>                                                
>Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2001 22:38:24 -0700
>From: Amy Alexander <>
>Subject: Interview Yourself - Latest Interviews 6/1/01
>Interview Yourself hits the big 4-0 (interviews) this week!
> is pleased to announce the latest additions to
>to the Interview Yourself Literary Archive:
>Judson - as interviewed by Judson
>Mikidot - as interviewed by Mikidot
>Darren McClintock - as interviewed by Darren McClintock
>francis - as interviewed by francis
>Miltos Manetas - as interviewed by Miltos Manetas
>Dan Katz - as interviewed by Dan Katz
>Vincent Salvati - as interviewed by Vincent Salvati
>Auto-Illustrator software - as interviewed by Auto-Illustrator software
>"jas" from - as interviewed by "jas" from
>chih-min chen - as interviewed by chih-min chen
>Remember, Interviews are accepted on a rolling basis at
>( will experience some downtime early in the week of June 4th, while it
>moves to a different server - if you submit an interview and do not receive a reply, 
>please resubmit later in the week! Apologies for any inconvenience - we look forward 
>to continuing to serve your self-interviewing needs!)
>- -----
>Join the Web Celebs at Interview Yourself... Celebrity interviews just
>like Warhol used to do 'em.... only cheaper.
>....IY-IY-IY-IY-IY-IY...Interview Yourself Interview Yourself Interview
>- -plagiarist
>Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2001 18:47:30 +0200
>From: Aurora Fonda <>
>Subject: A Virus in the Venice Biennale
>Press Release, June 1st 2001
>49th International Art Biennale of Venice
>Press opening: June 6th, 7th and 8th 2001; Opening June 9th 2001.
>Pavilion of the Republic of Slovenia
>Gallery A+A, San Marco 3073, Venice 30124.
>Tel/Fax 041 2770466 e-mail:
>Press office: Roberta Lombardo -
>A Virus in the Venice Biennale
>A group of artists and programmers will exhibit a new computer virus.
>A virus is usually considered evil, chaos. But what happens when it is a
>contemporary art temple to spread the chaos?
>Conceived and compiled for the invitation to the 49th Venice Biennale,
>"" is the product of the collaboration of two entities,
>0100101110101101.ORG and epidemiC, already known for other shocking
>actions, often bordering with crime. "" is both a work of art
>and a computer virus.
>The source code of the virus will be made public and spread on the
>opening day of the Biennale, June 6th 2001, from the Slovenian Pavilion.
>The main anti-virus software companies have already been informed about
>the technical specifications of "" and the disinstallation
>instructions will be attached to the virus.
>Computer viruses or self-reproducing programs behave according to the
>same modus operandi of biological viruses: they attack an "organism",
>that is a file, sometime to settle and install their own habitat, and in
>other more rare cases, to destroy it. Viruses, thus, spread respecting
>the species conservation laws and the survival instinct. A virus is.
>More, a virus wants to exist instinctively and without mediations, and
>it is just this the main and only function of "": to survive.
>The creation of a virus tout court, free and without an end or a goal,
>is in the worst case a test, a survey on the limits of the Net, but in
>the best case is a form of global counterpower, generally a
>pre-political form, but that resists the strong powers, it puts them
>under a new balance, it shakes and reassembles them. A new idea of a
>"virus that is not just a virus" is gaining acceptance, and that it can
>represent the outbreak of the social into the most social thing of all:
>the Net.
>Inside the Slovenian Pavilion it will be possible to read the source
>code of "" and test its functioning on a infected computer.
>During the opening days of the Biennale thousands of t-shirts carrying
>the source code of the program will show up. Paradoxically, such as in
>biological viruses, "" will spread not only through machines
>but also through men. The paradox becomes even more clear if you think
>that the virus, a vague and dangerous entity by definition, is for sale
>to adventurous curators and collectors. To buy a computer virus is
>probably on the most exciting investment one could make today.
>The "" fits perfectly with the context of the Pavilion of the
>Slovenian Pavilion, that this year will present the Absolute One
>project. With Absolute One the Slovenian Pavilion, starting from the
>basic question on how the artist could consctructively operate and
>actively respond to the globalization process, offers a strong and
>optimistic signal instead of the spreading fatalism and of the idea of
>inevitability. The artists that will represent Slovenia in the 49th
>Venice Biennale, besides the forth mentioned ones, will be Vuk Cosic and
>Tadej Pogacar. The new commissioner of the Slovenian Pavilion and
>curator of the project is Aurora Fonda.
>website: HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG
>Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2001 21:01:08 +0300
>From: "dd" <>
>Subject: FW:Neighbourhoods of the world
>From: fournos []
>Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2001 7:06 PM
>New Deadline:  June 29, 2001
>Neighbourhoods of the world
>“Neighbourhoods  of the world” is a new international network that aims to
>create a new platform of different areas from all around their world. A
>number of neighbourhoods will be adjoined virtually and create a new
>community that wishes to build new strong and real relationships between
>areas and between people. While virtual communities expand more and more
>nowadays, at the same time they are accused that they tend to replace the
>real geographical ones becoming actually a substitute of them. This project
>wishes to readdress this subject starting off from the core of the
>geographical vicinities. We are looking back to the nostalgic concept of the
>neighbourhood that is being lost, aiming to recapture its sense and enliven
>it. The art centers, the organizations that will undertake the work for this
>project, need to reach out to the residents of the area and work with them
>so as to reflect their view of their place and transfer these images to the
>web site.
>The neighbourhood can be a street and its surrounding area, a small
>territory a kid may walk through every day, a small world that encloses the
>residents’ most familiar images and every day life.
>This project addresses to art centers, university departments, music places,
>libraries, or other associations of any place in the world that are
>interested to work on their neighbourhood. For the realization of the
>project these centers need to discover the distinctive character their area
>has and develop powerful relationships with the small surrounding community.
>They need to become the dynamic cells of their neighbourhood and form a team
>of people (residents, artists, professionals, students etc) that will work
>together on the project. Each team will need to start an ongoing research
>and gather material – videos, photographs, interviews, texts- where the
>specific features of the area will be documented. As this material is to be
>presented on line, the particular centers need to play a double role; acting
>as the coordinators of the workgroup of their area on one hand and as an
>intermediary between the area and the whole network on the other.
>The material of each neighbourhood, after its first procession by the
>project team will consist  part of the site. The overall construction,
>coordination and supervision of the site will be undertaken by Fournos
>Center for Art and New Technologies, in Athens. Fournos, that is situated in
>the area of Neapoli in Athens, will develop a project on its surrounding
>In brief, the workgroup of Fournos can be described as the following:
>1.	Project Internal Team:
>- -	Project “Wizard” (Person that acts as a supervisor for the whole project
>and plays a general overseeing role ensuring its development; is critical
>for its overall development and success; inspires the on going process of
>the work; negotiates with the external team)
>- -	Project “Anima” (Person that enlivens the spirit and the concept of the
>project; is responsible for the ongoing process, defines the needs and the
>steps; contacts and communicates with the other participant art centers;
>cooperates with the artists and the other people who are working for the
>- -	Project “Equilibrium Finder”  (Person responsible to define the core
>functionality and the architecture of the site. He needs to address the
>needs of the audience visiting the site and to define the user experience.
>As  the site aims to create a web community , his task is to oversee its
>development and keep the content of the site close both to its concept and
>the needs of its users)
>- -	Project “Web Monster”  (Equivalent to the Web Master but in a more extreme
>sense. Person that takes the material on the area and rebuilds it; creates
>the virtual neighbourhood that will be mostly based to the energy and the
>fantasy of a place; edits the pieces together and subtracts anything
>needless as trash, traffic signs or moody passengers…)
>2.	Project External Team:
>- -	Artists (Architect, Musician, Video Artist, Photographer,...)The
>participation of artists is essential. It is preferable if they live or work
>in the area. Their work inspired by the place can greatly influence the
>development and the content of the site. e.g. a musician can capture and
>record sounds from the vicinity.
>- -	Residents (Texts, photos by current habitants and newcomers )
>- -	Old people (Testimonies and thoughts from the past generation creating a
>documentation on the internet of their view of the world, a world that fades
>- -	Professionals (Reference to traditional professions that may be preserved
>in the area from the past till nowadays)
>- -	Kids (Words, pictures, photographs taken by children will be included)
>The virtual neighbourhoods will need to form a workgroup with a similar
>structure. Persons taking the positions of the Project Equilibrium Finder
>and the Project Web Monster may not be needed for the participant centers as
>the overall development of the site lies mainly to Fournos’
>responsibilities. The material gathered by the centers will be processed and
>edited within Fournos Lab. However, the process of the material by a site
>designer or an internal technical team can surely help before the data
>reaches our technical support team. It is important to notice that all work
>will take place within the center and that no external private company will
>undertake the designing, construction and maintenance of the site. This is
>to avoid any advertising interventions as well as possible alterations in
>the content and appearance of the site. As the ongoing administration,
>maintenance and modification of the site will be kept in-house, it becomes
>clear that a close and steady cooperation between the participant centers
>is necessary. A dynamic and creative network needs to be created that will
>present several and different images of the various neighborhoods.
>Features of the project
>The site will be the main feature of the project as it will represent the
>network of the neighbouhoods belonging to the new community. Each
>participant neighbourhood will be represented virtually on the net. All
>material gathered by the project team as images, texts and videos will be
>accessible to users entering the site. From the first page a photo-picture
>of the vicinity will offer links to all possible next steps. The user will
>be able to click on several spots such as buildings, roads and people and
>discover features related to the area. By clicking, for instance, on a
>person appearing on the screen a video or a small text will pop up where the
>particular resident will be saying his personal thoughts and memories, his
>favorite place on the area etc.  The profile of the resident, his name, age
>and profession will be stated, giving the sense of a new acquaintance to the
>people visiting the area. (e.g. Alison Parker, artist // Nick Papadakis,
>student, 12 yrs old).  Our aim is to give the info on the area mainly
>through its residents. This is to avoid forming a mere archive or a database
>on the area and to help creating a site that enlivens a particular space and
>brings it closer to people’s eyes and mind.
>A variety of information can be provided. If a person names also his
>favorite food, a picture of it can be included and the recipe can also be
>given. Likewise, images and texts related to the buildings, the flowers and
>gardens, the small shops or other features will be presented on line. The
>network created will enable users to pass at any moment from one
>neighbourhood to another, as there will be a common general pattern for all
>vicinities. For example, from the pop up video for the foods of one area,
>links will be given for the foods of the other neighbourhoods as well.
>In the context of the site a forum will also be created where various
>subjects will be open for discussion. Through this new web community, we
>want to encourage the communication and the exchanging of experiences
>between people coming from different regions of the world. This community
>can give birth to a new platform of creation and dialogue for artists,
>residents, curators and all the visitors of the site. Users will be invited
>to join discussions, send mails to each other or even have an on line chat
>with other people.
>Each person entering the site will have to register, state his username,
>password and email. If they wish, they can also complete their own personal
>profile, adding their interests and other characteristics. This will help
>create an archive of profiles that will enable future communication. After
>logging in, the user can visit the several neighbourhoods he wishes and view
>what’s on line.
>The travelling exhibition and the other events
>An exhibition focusing on the distinctive features of the participating
>neighbouhoods will be scheduled in the future time that will be hosted in
>succession by the participant art centers. Along with the exhibition, other
>events will be programmed each time; installations, performances, art events
>and happenings will take place in several spots of a neighbourhood and
>enliven it. These events will have a major contribution in the acquaintance
>and the cooperation of the different areas. Artists will be invited to work
>in the venues of the different neighbourhoods and work on projects that will
>be co-curated by more than one art centers. The participation of the people
>of the areas will also be essential. An exchange program between residents
>can take place where people will be invited to visit neighbourhoods and meet
>the people they may have been in contact with via the net. Most of these
>events will be programmed to happen after the completion of the first year.
>During the first year, that the project will be going through an
>experimental phase smaller happenings or actions can be scheduled to bring
>the different areas closer. One idea is for the teams of the art centers to
>exchange gifts! Gifts to approach another community, like kids do in school
>classes before Christmas…
>To sum up, we hope that through the process of the project the participating
>art centers and the neighbourhoods will succeed in: bringing the residents
>closer to their area aknowledging its specific character; create a dynamic
>group of residents, artists, professionals and people working in art centers
>that will be able to work together and reach out to the community; create a
>network of neighbourhoods and people from the world that will share their
>views and experiences; offer a new territory for collaborations between
>artists and art centers from all around the world that will turn more to the
>neighbourhoods and will be inspired by them.
>If you are interested in participating, please read the conditions for
>participation that are attached and send us:
>- -	the profile of your association
>- -	the profile of the creative team that will undertake the work for the
>- -	a short text describing how you will develop the project on your
>Also, please free to contact us for any queries you might have.
> Daphne Dragona
>General Coordination and Communication, Project “Anima”
> Manthos Santorineos
>Director of Fournos, Project “Wizard”
> Solon Sasson
>Project “Equilibrium Finder”
>Fournos, Center for Art and New Technologies
>Mavromichali 168, Athens, Greece
>Tel: +301 64 60 748
>Fax: +301 64 70 069
>Conditions of Participation for the “Neighbourhoods of the World Project”
>1.  The project shall be supported by an art center, a media lab, a
>university department, a  library, music center or other non-profit
>2.	All the associations will conduct a research on the area and present the
>material in the form of videos, photos and images.
>3.	The work for each neighbourhood will be accomplished by a group of people
>from the center and the people living in the area.
>4.	Fournos, Center for Art and New Technologies of Athens undertakes the
>overall construction of the site as well as the supervision of the project.
>5.	Fournos as well as the participant centers accept to host the travelling
>exhibition that will take place in the future in their venue or other area
>in the neighbourhood.
>6.	Each center should be able to support financially the part of the project
>for its neighbourhood.
>7.	Fournos is responsible the financial support for the construction,
>modification and supervision of the site.
>8.	Deadline for the first call of participation is June the 29th  , 2001.
>The material should be gathered and processed by the centers by the end of
>October 2001 and the site is scheduled to launch by the end of December
>Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2001 14:53:28 EDT
>Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?Jesse=20Bercowetz=20-=20Misunderstood?=
>Jesse Bercowetz - Misunderstood
>Jesse and I set up an experiment which utilized the gallery as a film set. It 
>was staged as a crime scene with blood and travel bags from Jesse and his new 
>wife's recent road trip across America -- accompanying this was a performance 
>by Jesse.  At the opening he wasn't in attendance but rather around the 
>corner at a bar, very drunk and aggressively trying to raise money from 
>friends and gallery go'ers. We planned the show to foreshadow the events that 
>were going to take place and attract attention. The grizzly (real blood) 
>murder scene was visible from the storefront windows. The show "worked" and 
>on the opening day police came, checked it out, and took the bags.  Jesse's 
>apartment was later ransacked. The 90th Precinct denied any involvement. 
>Luckily, an Australian film crew who just happened to be doing a piece on the 
>Williamsburg art scene for Aussie TV was on hand.  They took an interest and 
>began documenting the events and then Jesse's family and circle of friends. 
>It proved an interesting way to see what people really think of Jesse, the 
>cops and much more. This show is an edited down version of over ten hours of 
>Conceived by Jesse Bercowetz & Chris Murray
>Filmed by Claudio Orrico & Co. for "Australian TV"
>Directed and edited by Chris Murray
>Additional video by Lars Haga.
>Monk Gallery
>301 Bedford, Brooklyn, 11211
>Opening: This Friday, June 8 (7-10pm)
>Through July 1, 2001 
>Gallery Hours: Sat & Sun (12 - 6pm)
>or by appointment #718.782.2458
>( Invitation photo available / .PSD file from )
>Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2001 22:40:53 -0400
>From: t byfield <>
>Subject: NYC: Parsons MFA Design/Tech exhibition
> The Parsons School of Design MFA in Design & Technology program
>          ___                             ___  
>         /  /\          ___              /  /\
>        /  /:/         /__/\            /  /::\
>       /__/::\         \  \:\          /  /:/\:\
>       \__\/\:\         \  \:\        /  /:/  \:\     
>          \  \:\__       \  \:\      /__/:/ \__\:\
>           \  \:\/\       \__\/      \  \:\ /  /:/
>            \__\::/                   \  \:\  /:/ 
>           /__/::/                     \  \:\/:/  
>           \__\:/                       \  \::/   
>                                         \__\/    
>                  is pleased to announce
>              _______     _______     _______ 
>             |\     /|   |\     /|   |\     /|
>             | +---+ |   | +---+ |   | +---+ |
>             | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |
>             | |I  | |   | |/  | |   | |O  | |
>             | +---+ |   | +---+ |   | +---+ |
>             |/_____\|   |/_____\|   |/_____\|
>            its Spring 2001 student exhibition 
>                           "I/O"
>        _/\/\/\/\______________/\/\________/\/\/\/\___
>       ___/\/\______________/\/\________/\/\____/\/\_ 
>      ___/\/\____________/\/\__________/\/\____/\/\_  
>     ___/\/\__________/\/\____________/\/\____/\/\_   
>    _/\/\/\/\______/\/\________________/\/\/\/\___    
>   ______________________________________________     
>What     Animations, broadcasts, interactives, installations, etc
>When     June 6 - 20, 2001 [Mon-Fri 9am - 9 pm, Sat-Sun 10-6]
>         Opening: Weds, June 6, 6-8pm 
>Where    Sheila & Arnold Aronson Galleries, 66 5th Ave
>         *and* the Parsons Gallery at 2 West 13th St
>Info     212.229.8908 / <>
>Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 17:10:23 +0200 (CEST)
>Vecerni branne instruktaze a performativni audiovideoexekuce jako utecha pro
>ty, kteri se jiz nevesli do umelecky benatskeho autobusu
>Centrum pro Soucasne umeni a exradio Jeleni porada
>"s obrazem i zvukem na i bez pocitace snadno a rychle"
>utery 5. cervna v 19.00 v Jeleni 9
>"zvemeli vas na uterni vlahy casne letni vecer do prostor dvorku, sklepu a
>pud budov v Jeleni ulici.pak jde o duvod jaksi malicherny, ale bezelstny..
>Predbezny program:
>1.Marko Kosnik z Ljublane ukaze jak a proc pouzivat software umoznujicimi
>propojit v realnem case zvuk a obraz.
>jako je:  Image/ine, LiSa, Max, MSP, NATO, BigEye, Quicktime.
>2. Ondreje Smeykala projekce mesmerickych svetelnych obrazu a hluku.
>3. Tamizdat intervention
>4. Posledni videopasky M. Zeta
>5. 2 prezentace video pasky s 10ti kratkymi filmy: Martin Klapper, Martin
>Blazicek, Vladimir Kokolia, Marek Maran, Jan Sery, Ana Daucikova, Zdenek
>Mezihorak, Filip Cenek, Zdenek Zavodny, Nadja Slovakova.
>6. Dokument o Romanu Signerovi a skupine Voice Crack.
>7. zvukove revokace na pude.
>8.vysilani Radia Jeleni:  live from Benatky Bienale- exkluzivni rozhovor s
>velkym moravskym umelcem Jirim Suruvkou na
>9. dalsi ocekavana prekvapeni,
>10.skrovne vegetarianske jarni pohosteni na zahrade.
>8. cervna setkani s Lisa Moren a Carol Hobson ze San Diega.
>13. cervna v VELPAL performance PERRY HOBERMAN
>Lets Make a monster!
>"since woody vasulka, the pioneer of digital video was originating his
>early works in prague, while studying  at film academy, it seems appropriate
>to call for an interest and rephrase the question: who are the artists,
>researchers and organisers interested in exchanging experiences, program,
>technology, software and visions in the field of synestesia, experimental
>film and video, digital video, live video connected to theatre, dance and
>Marko Kosnik
>Medialab Jeleni a Open Cultural Archive
>Jeleni 9
>118 00 Praha1
>stanice> c.33 Brusnice
>Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 23:56:16 +0200 
>From: infozone <>
>Subject: Pressemitteilung: COUNTDOWNTOWN > smARTdomains
>Schenkung der Domain an die Stadt 
>  Stuttgart am 31.07.2001 
>  1. Kurzinformation 
>  2. Pressebild 
>  3. Hintergrund 
>  -------------------------------------------------- 
>  1. Kurzinformation 
>  -------------------------------------------------- 
>  "COUNTDOWNTOWN" eine Transaktion von BETACITY.DE 
>  Im April 2000 veröffentlichte BETACITY.DE das Netzkunst-Projekt 
>  smARTdomains unter, das seither 
>  als Schenkung der Sammlung der Galerie der Stadt Stuttgart zur 
>  Verfügung steht. 
>  Ziel des Projekts smARTdomains ist, eine öffentliche Diskussion um 
>  das Nutzungskonzept der Galerie im Zuge des Neubaus anzuregen, 
>  insbesondere im Hinblick auf die bevorstehende Nutzung des Internets. 
>  Auf Wunsch der Galerie überschreibt BETACITY.DE am 31.07.2001 die 
>  Domain an die Stadt Stuttgart, 
>  nicht zuletzt in der Hoffnung, die Eröffnung eines 
>  zeitgenössischen "Online-Flügels" anzuregen. 
>  Unter 
>  werden während der Countdown-Phase SHOWS und aktuelle Informationen 
>  eingestellt. 
>  -------------------------------------------------- 
>  2. Pressebild 
>  -------------------------------------------------- 
>  Zum Download unter: http://www.galerie-der-stadt- 
>  -------------------------------------------------- 
>  3. Hintergrund 
>  -------------------------------------------------- 
>  Wie kein zweites Medium bietet das Internet neue Möglichkeiten der 
>  Interaktion und Partizipation, wie sie auch für öffentliche 
>  Einrichtungen interessant geworden sind: 
>  Mona: Hallo Herr Schily, was muss man sich unter "egovernment" 
>  eigentlich genau vorstellen? 
>  Otto Schily: Unter eGovernment muss man sich vorstellen, dass wir 
>  auch die Möglichkeiten der Neuen Medien nutzen wollen. Damit soll den 
>  Behörden die Arbeit erleichtert werden, wir wollen aber auch 
>  transparenter und interaktiver werden. 
>  Auch die Galerie der Stadt Stuttgart ist eine öffentliche Einrichtung 
>  und sollte mit dem Ausbau des eGovernments in 
>  Stuttgart "interaktiver" werden. Eine gute Gelegenheit die Galerie in 
>  diesem Sinne umzugestalten bietet der bevorstehende Neubau. Neue 
>  Nutzungskonzepte und Betreiberstrukturen sind gefragt, wie sie in 
>  anderen Kommunen bereits angestrebt werden. Eine wegweisende 
>  Initiative startete die Stadt Dortmund, die unter 
>  ein internationales Forum für Internetkunst plant: 
>  Bisher unternahm die Stadt Stuttgart keinen Versuch diesem Thema zu 
>  diskutieren oder das Gespräch mit Medienkunstschaffenden zu suchen. 
>  Pläne zur Eröffnung eines "Online-Flügels" für Internetkunst sind 
>  nicht bekannt. BETACITY.DE wurde deshalb vor einem Jahr mit dem 
>  Projekt smARTdomains initiativ und reservierte der Galerie, die bis 
>  dahin über keine eigene Domain verfügte den Domainnamen www.galerie- 
> BETACITY.DE wird mit einem KK/Providerwechsel 
>  am 31.07.2001 die Domain der Stadt 
>  schenken und hat anschließend keinen FTP-Zugang bzw. keine direkte 
>  Gestaltungsmöglichkeit mehr. Das Projekt smARTdomains ist damit 
>  selbstverständlich nicht abgeschlossen. 
>  Karin Hinterleitner und Jens Gebhart, 4. Juni 2001 
>Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 14:18:54 -0700
>From: "Michael Gurstein" <>
>Subject: World Congress of Citizens Network, Buenos Aires, 5-7 December 2001
>World Congress of Citizens Network, Buenos Aires, 5-7 December 2001
>For additional information write to the secretary of the Global CN2001:
>The Congress - Presentation
>Community networks is a generic term used to define different kinds of uses
>the Internet and the information technologies that transform our society. In
>some countries, they are called differently, such as freenets, telecenters,
>digital cities. However, in all cases, community networks gather people
>to use the new technologies for the renewal of their communities in the
>era. They are more than just a simple web: They are new forms of society. We
>define community networks as a way of using the new technologies by various
>local agents (association, town, neighborhood, indigenous community,
>young people's association, women's movement, etc.) as well as national and
>global agents for the purpose of generating a social transformation, either
>economic development, greater citizen involvement or lower social exclusion.
>The Global CN congress is the annual meeting of the community networks from
>over the world, as well as of people from different sectors interested in
>promotion. These networks are new forms of civic associations in the digital
>era. They play an extremely important role in the strengthening of social
>networks, in any given population´s access to the knowledge and work
>opportunities of the Information Society, in citizens´ participation in
>policy making, in the generation of better working conditions, and in the
>creation of companies with new production and service profiles.
>These issues will be discussed at the II World Congress of Citizen
>Networks -
>Global CN 2001 to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, between December 5 and
>2001. The event will gather members of the community, governmental,
>academic, and business sectors involved in the promotion of these citizen
>networks, around a clear theme: "Renewing communities in the Digital Era".
>Global CN 2001 is an initiative developed by Global CN Partnership, the
>international alliance of organizations of citizen networks of Europe, USA,
>Canada, in collaboration with community networks in the United States,
>Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay, Australia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Dominican
>Republic, New Zealand, Japan, Russia, India and Africa.
>Global CN 2001 aims to encourage the building of community networks around
>the world, based upon strategic alliances with the various organizations of
>civil society, the State, private enterprises and universities. These
>are oriented towards the construction of the Information Society´s new
>communities. These communities are built through the articulation of the
>initiatives of the sectors involved, the exchange of methodologies,
>processes, and the production of new knowledge.
>Global CN 2001 in Buenos Aires
>This second congress is the first one in Latin America, after the Global CN
>in Europe. We expect it to be a landmark in the evolution of citizen
>not only for the level of the issues and participants in the debate, but
>because it is a joint undertaking of all the social and political sectors,
>without which it will not be possible to build a society with equitable
>to information.
>This II World Congress of Citizen Networks, hosted by Buenos Aires, will
>gather for the first time in Argentina the efforts of the major political
>and economic players of provinces -through CFI, Consejo Federal de
>Inversiones / Federal Council of Investments-, together with the academic
>and research sector involved in the main subjects of discussion represented
>the Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani / Gino Germani Research
>of the School of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires, and the
>information and communication technology / ICT companies, represented by
>CICOMRA, the Chamber of Information Technology and Communications of the
>Argentine Republic. Global CN 2001 is supported by an international
>Committee and an international Executive Secretariat.
>The II World Congress of Citizen Networks is the continuation of Global CN
>2000, which took place in Barcelona in November 2000. Information and
>communication technologies -which meet on the Internet- are showing great
>potential for the economic and social development of communities. This calls
>the strengthening of an information society for everyone, which must be
>encouraged by the various social, political and business sectors.
>It is in the above setting that Buenos Aires will receive, next December,
>representatives from institutions of around the world. Global CN 2001 will
>include conferences with key international speakers, roundtable discussions,
>workshops, videos, a community organization exhibition, and other
>activities. In
>forthcoming communications, we will keep you informed about the general
>organization, the program, logistics and other issues of your concern.
>- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>- ----
>For additional information, please write to the secretary of Global CN2001:
>Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 14:16:41 -0700
>From: "Michael Gurstein" <>
>Subject: CfP The Practice and Theory of Community Networks/Community Informatics
>This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
>- ------=_NextPart_000_053F_01C0ED00.FA624120
>Content-Type: text/plain;
>	charset="iso-8859-1"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>An Invitation for Proposals
>A Refereed Workshop and Research Track
>The Practice and Theory=20
>Community Networks/Community Informatics
>A Joint Presentation of=20
>Community Network/Community Informatics Researchers and Community =
>Global CN 2001
>Buenos Aires, Argentina=20
>Dec. 5th, 2001=20
>Session coordinators: Michael Gurstein (Vancouver), Susana Finquelievich =
>(Buenos Aires), Artur Serra (Barcelona).
>Workshop=B4s goals:=20
>1) Encourage and strengthen exchange and co - operation between =
>University and other researchers working with CN members world-wide=20
>2) Strengthen the Practice and Theory of Community Networks and =
>Community Informatics jointly with Community Networkers worldwide.=20
>3) Analyse case studies of co - operation between Post-Secondary =
>Institutions working with Community Networks=20
>Proposals and papers for this workshop can be sent to:  =
>Community Networking initiatives are being incubated, are in active =
>social service and are growing in diverse geographic localities around =
>the world. Global CN2001 follows along the path of Global CN2000 =
> , the first international community =
>networking conference, held late last year in Barcelona. =20
>Buenos Aires, the 2001 host city, will provide its cosmopolitan setting =
>for a most important sharing of ideas about the diverse development of =
>local and regional information societies in a rapidly changing networked =
>global environment.=20
>The "Research Studies on Community Networking/Community Informatics" =
>session is being  organized to provide an academic - practitioner =
>context and understanding of the practical work that lies ahead for the =
>local sphere: Universities, government, the marketplace and civic =
>organizations, and a better understanding of individual, and collective =
>actions, information exchanges and knowledge building to support =
>Community Networking.=20
>Papers are currently being solicited that address the complex =
>theoretical subject and practical applications of this conference =
>A few rhetorical questions meant to evoke possible responses include:=20
>1. What are potential major trends in academic studies about CN? What =
>are present and potential pro and con effects of joint studies on =
>community networking that bring together Universities and CN members?=20
>2. What is the outlook for community networking amid evolving economic, =
>cultural, and social restructuring and values?  Will community =
>networking become increasingly reinforced by joint work with =
>Universities? Which successes and failures have been registered in this =
>area? Do community networks offer potential opportunities for added =
>value and vitality for academic groups / Universities?=20
>3. How might Universities, through research, knowledge building, =
>education, training, in tele-technologies and information exchange, have =
>positive effects on Community Networks? Which are the conditions and =
>changes (organizational, financial, etc) that Universities should =
>overcome to introduce the new academic and research areas that are =
>4. Might community networking initiatives serve as 'living laboratories' =
>and examples for newly evolving and diverse local-global social and =
>political processes?=20
>5. - What is contemporary understanding of Academics and practitioners =
>about the character of  "communities" in CNs? What are the new =
>mechanisms that permit new forms of social integration (community) and =
>how these forms are different from classical neighborhood proximity? =
>What are the potentials and limits of generating "electronic community" =
>in social contexts of poverty and inequality?=20
>6. How can University - CN cooperation reinforce social and political =
>power of marginalized communities in their struggle against social =
>exclusion? How this cooperation may help to increase communicational =
>power of CNs in squatter or under-privileged areas? What is the role of =
>CNs (and universities) in major social transformations?=20
>7. How universities can play an important role in detecting non-local =
>potential of community articulations and can provide CNs with tools =
>which permit access to worldwide informational and consulting resources =
>(that's not only a "hardware problem")? How to understand local - global =
>articulations of CNs and their potentials and threads for community's =
>8. How can academic research and discourse disseminate a broader social =
>and political recognition of CN's importance as a mean of democratizing =
>societies? How can they put the necessity of empowering CNs onto the =
>public agenda? How can public policy - in the national, regional and =
>local level - stimulate and support local (or non-local) CN initiatives? =
> =20
>Submission Guidelines:=20
>Please email paper abstracts of no more than 400 words by June 19. =
>Abstracts for papers, digital media, and other forms of participation =
>should not exceed 400 words (one page). They should include: the session =
>title, presentation title, author's name, institution, address, =
>telephone, e- mail and URL. They are to describe clearly the proposed =
>presentation, paper or activity.=20
>Please use Arial 11 pt., at 1.5 space, page size A4.=20
>Abstracts should be e-mailed to, indicating =
>the author's last name in the title of the message. The deadline for =
>receipt of abstracts is June 19, 2001.=20
>The abstracts will be evaluated by the Working Groups' Coordinators, =
>with the participation of selected researchers and activists in each =
>field. The Congress Secretariat will communicate the results of the =
>evaluation by August 31.=20
>Abstracts and papers may be written in any of the Global CN2001 =
>official languages: Spanish, English and French. However, due to =
>translation costs, discussions in the Workshop will develop mainly in =
>English and Spanish. Plenary sessions will be translated to all three =
>official languages.=20
>June 19: Deadline for receipt of abstracts.=20
>August 31: Communication to authors regarding the approval of the =
>October 1: Deadline for the submission of papers.=20
>For additional Congress information, write to the secretary of the =
>E-mail:    URL: =
>Date: Sat, 02 Jun 2001 13:41:44 -0000
>From: "daz zad" <>
>Subject: e-mail art and maps
>"Different new maps have been drawn for this occasion by artists, maps
>that serve mostly to enrich our imagination and creativity, not to
>produce antagonisms and war. These maps and their authors should be
>welcome as open minded statements on mappings of the powerful, sometimes
>critical, sometimes humorous..." Andrej Tisma.
>  I would like to announce the completion of 'E-mail art, Mapping' at
>contributions were recieved from 27 International artists on the theme of 
>mapping. This project began with a call to artists approached either 
>directly or through mailing lists, online and off. The original message 
>asked for artworks, on the subject of maps and mapping, to be delivered via 
>email and/or 'snail' mail. The majority of the contributions were sent 
>through email although some postal entries were received. in using both 
>traditional and tecnologically advanced communications and distributive 
>systems for the realisiation for this project a dialogue has been created 
>between the two, reinforcing their relationship and similarities.
>Forewords by Daniel Stringer and Andrej Tisma.
>Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
>Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2001 23:36:55 +0200
>From: "Pia Vigh" <>
>Subject: CULT 2001 - Copenhagen, October 3-5, 2001 - ANNOUNCEMENT
>CULT 2001
>Exploring an interface between Cultural heritage, Net art and State of the
>art projects
>Copenhagen, October 3-5, 2001
>New Culture and visions of collaborative culture
>Old structural barriers have been transgressed on the cultural scene, due to
>the digital economy and the new media strategies. New creative models of
>collaboration emerge between institutions preserving cultural heritage,
>performing arts creating new expressions, and information technology
>providing tools of communication.
>The interface between Cultural Heritage, Net Art and State of the art
>projects is new. It is both innovative, challenging and a critical vehicle
>for issues concerning collaboration, communication and dissemination
>strategies in modern societies.
>CULT  2001
>CULT 2001 wishes to establish a platform for discussions and reflections on
>these new visions of collaboration and dissemination strategies. Central
>keynote speakers from major cultural institutions, as well as international
>net artists and computer scientists will provide the basis for this
>A central experience of this conference will be the manifestation of
>national and international cultural networks, and national CultureNets that
>brings together institutions dealing with Cultural Heritage, Net Art and
>State of the Art technology.
>CULT 2001 offers an opportunity to reflect on this cultural interface. This
>opportunity is aimed widely at international cultural institutions,
>organisations for technology and the visual arts, web oriented artists and
>curators, as well as already existing national CultureNets.
>We invite artists, theorists, the cultural sector, festival organisers and
>new media industry people to meet, discuss and reunite within the framework
>set by international keynote speakers. There will be plenty of opportunities
>to reflect further on the future of this new cultural interface in parallel
>sessions and social events during these two days in Copenhagen.
>CultureNet Denmark, organiser of CULT 2001, has since 1997 gained a unique
>experience being a web based platform for various cultural institutions and
>expressions. These include traditional state cultural institutions,
>independent net artists, international cultural networks and market based
>technology. CultureNet Denmark participates in the development and
>implementation of national IT visions on behalf of the Danish Ministry of
>Programme and registration will soon be available at:
>Kind regards,
>Pia Vigh
>::  C U L T   2 0 0 1   ::   C o p e n h a g e n  ::
>CultureNet Denmark
>Christians Brygge 3
>DK-1219 Copenhagen K
>P +45 33 13 50 88
>F +45 33 14 11 56
>Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 16:59:26 +0200
>From: Babeth <>
>Subject: new media programming for TV station
>As Head of Programming for the Buddhist Broadcasting Foundation that airs
>on TV on the national channel 1 in the Netherlands I would like to
>communicAte to you that I am looking to hire a part time programming
>advisor/ technician for new media applications.
>Please reply to
>(T: 31-35- 6293192  or  fax  31-35- 6293195)
>Date: Mon, 04 Jun 2001 15:51:03 +0000
>From: Jayce Salloum <>
>Subject: fwrd
>If interested reply directly to:
>      The Pacific Film Archive in Berkeley, Ca, is looking for films
>and videotapes concerning issues of the Human Genome. These works can
>be traditional or experimental in form, but should address, at least
>marginally, such genomic topics as biotechnology, cloning, eugenics,
>frankenfood, chimera, transgenic species, boutique babies.
>       The works selected will travel to at least two sites as a
>complement to a museum exhibition on the Genome. All works selected
>will be given a modest honorarium. Please contact Steve Seid, Video
>Curator, Pacific Film Archive, no later than July 15. Seid is
>available at 510/642-5253 or at this e-mail address.
>- --
>Steve Seid
>Video Curator
>Pacific Film Archive
>2625 Durant Avenue
>Berkeley, CA  94720-2250
>Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2001 01:27:49 +0200
>From: Eric Kluitenberg <>
>Subject: net.congestion - the web launch - Friday June 8th
>>>>>   A   N   N   O   U   N   C   E   M   E   N   T   <<<<
>net.congestion - The Web Launch
>Friday, June 8, 2001
>De Balie -  Salon
>Doors & streams open @ 20.00 hrs   (Local Amsterdam Time)
>GMT: 19.00
>LAT:  20.30 : Official launch of the web archive
>GMT:  19.30
>During the past months an on-line web archive has been built of
>net.congestion, the International Festival of Streaming Media, which was
>organised in Amsterdam in October 2000. As far as possible all the debates,
>workshops and presentations of the festival have been included in the
>archive. Besides these archived streaming components the on-line archive
>also contains all the texts of largely sold-out festival reader, the web
>journal, interviews and other source materials.
>LAT:  21.00 :  Live on-line - looking good
>GMT: 20.00
>A kaleidoscope of projects that were present during the net.congestion
>festival will be presented during the evening. All contributions will be
>made live on-line via the internet from various locations shattered around
>the globe: E-Lab / RIXC (Riga/Latvia), Radio 90 / Sleeping Buffalo
>(Indigenous from Banff, Canada, Open Streaming Alliance (New
>York), House of Laudanum (Sydney), Consolidated Works / HugeCaster
>(Seattle), Sarai (Delhi), and others have been asked to make an on-line
>contribution to this program, and share some of their views and insights
>into the future of streaming media for arts, culture and activism.
>LAT:  22.30 :
>GMT: 21.30
>The remote presentations will flow into the a
>transcontinental re-mix and live-jam of images, sound and digital data
>structures, presented as a virtual audio-visual planetary Ping-Pong match
>via the internet. The is a well established concept of the
>xchange network of net.broadcasters, a world-wide coalition of sound and
>media artists who investigate the internet as a medium for live
>audio-visual transmissions.
>The evening program in Amsterdam will take place in an informal atmosphere
>with drinks, projected live streams and chatrooms and on-site musical
>Seattle promises to organise a rich-media lunch, about the other locations
>we have no reliable data as yet.
>- -> chill out in the post-dot-com new media jungle!
>** Remote participants:
>IRC chat at:
>Links to live streams at:
>The festival & archive web site:
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