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[Nettime-bold] [ot] [!nt] \n2+0\ SF WoW Announces Winners of "Top 25 Women On The Web" Awards for 2000

For Immediate Release   

Leticia Borges

SF WoW Announces Winners of "Top 25 Women On The Web" Awards for 2000

Exceptional Women Recognized For Advancing Technology
and Contributing to Growth of the Online Community

SAN FRANCISCO, CA (March 28, 2000) - San Francisco Women on the Web (SF WoW)
announces the winners of its esteemed Top 25 Women on the Web Awards.  The
award highlights the accomplishments of 25 local and international women who
have inspired people worldwide with their efforts to advance technology,
contribute to the community, and demonstrate the success of businesswomen in
the Internet and new media industries.  It also emphasizes the
community-based network of women helping each other in technology-related

The complete list of winners (which include Louise Kirkbride, CEO, Broad
Daylight; Tracey Pettengill, CEO, 4charity; and Ann Navarro, President, Web
Geek Inc. ) are available at <>.  The winners will be
honored at the Top 25 gala event on April 24, 2001, at the George Coates
Performance Works, near Civic Center Plaza in downtown San Francisco.  

"SF WoW honors the contributions of women in the high-tech community who
have made an impact in technology as well as for their community work," said
Mary Choy, Steering Crew Point Woman for SF Wow.  "These 25 women stand out
as examples to the thousands of other women who are working to establish
themselves as leaders in the Internet community."

The winners were chosen from a nomination pool of over 200 women worldwide.
A panel of judges, including former Top25 award winners, selected the
winners of the Top25 awards.  The judges panel consisted of Rose Aguilar,
CNET Radio; Gail Williams, The Well (Top25 Winner 2000); Rebecca Eisenberg,
Ecast Inc (Top25 Winner 1999); and Olivia Ongpin, Fabric8 (Top25 Winner

SFWoW's Top 25 awards program is sponsored by Internet companies and many
women-owned and women oriented businesses, including Three Guineas Fund,
Cisco Systems, SIPR, Business Radio 1220, Creative Assets, Spotlight Studio,
Schwab, Carbon Five, Brobeck Phleger & Harrison LLP, Craigslist, Artemis
Ventures, Pop Interactive, On the Rail, Apple, BeHosting, Redmond/Browne
Group, IBM, Washington Wine Commission, and Epicentric.  

About SF WoW
San Francisco Women on the Web is a non-profit networking and professional
development organization for women involved with the Internet, new media,
and web technology.  The focus of the organization is to empower members by
creating a community of women with similar interests, skills, and goals.  In
essence, SF WoW provides a forum for its members to network, share job
leads, enhance their skills, and become a vital part of the growing Web

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