Mikael Pawlo on 23 Mar 2001 01:45:29 -0000

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[Nettime-bold] Sweden is for software patents

Sweden is for software patents

   Gnuheter reports (in Swedish) that the Swedish
   government will work together with the United Kingdom and France to
   make software patentable in the EC. Swedish Minister of Trade, Leif
   Pagrotsky, informed the Swedish EU council of the governments concerns
   and positive attitude towards software patents. The council is
   reported to have joined in on Pagrotskys and the governments views.
   The UK Patent office has already stated a clear support for software
   patents, however put very unclear in words: " The Governments
   conclusion is thus to reaffirm the principle that patents are for
   technological innovations. Software should not be patentable where
   there is no technological innovation, and technological innovations
   should not cease to be patentable merely because the innovation lies
   in software."

Related links

Gnuheter on the Swedish government and software patents (in Swedish only):

UK PTO on software patents:

Slashdot on UK PTO decision (however with misleading subject line, in my


Mikael Pawlo
Stockholm, Sweden


  ICQ:35638414                                mailto:mikael@pawlo.com 
  +46-70 421 58 25                            http://www.pawlo.com/

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