integer on 6 Jan 2001 11:57:59 -0000

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[Nettime-bold] [ot] [!nt] \n2+0\ p r o m ! s z. p r o m ! s z

>I don't personally feel the marriage I inhibit is based on anything 
>but a willingness to face the future.  Something I might not possess 
>otherwise.  Our mutual economic dependence is a double null.  
>And your feelings on the subject, dear?

00. `uh! ! shl nvr mar! z!l!`

02. `prom!sz 2 luv m! 4evr + mar! m! nvr. p r o m ! s z. p r o m ! s z [loudl!]` [zrklr hensz pfkt]

04. `mar!aj = legal!szd prozt!tuz!e`

07. `nn = 01 m!me.mazk!n`

nn kuer! = doez mar!age zabotage zeczual zelekz!on +?

>Thanks for the new objects.

du = uelkom.

>I utilised nato.modular at a performance 
>                               and other assorted max 
>enthusiasts performed.  All were well intrigued by nato in real time. 
>I also took great satisfaction in rendering one instance of something 
>called              null and ultra-null.  

!ez plz. m!sz!ng != 01 opz!on. ud 01 brave n2+o.p!lot l!ke 01 neu + !mprovd amun!z!e +?

>And my patches are 
>rudimentary at best.

ja +? let m! guesz. du = hand!kap!ng ur.cellz 2 proov ur abs zuper!or!t! da +?


vr!!!endl!. nn

re: mar!aj

                Marriage: Life in an Institution
                Marriage is discussed as both a personal relationship and a normative social institution.
                A special focus is gender equality-can (and should) it exist in marriage?

                Syfers, ³Why I Want a Wife²
                In this article, which appeared in the first issue of Ms. Magazine (1971), 
                Syfers provides a cynical profile of the wifely role, and concludes, 
                ŒŒwho wouldn¹t want a wife?¹¹.

                € Alternative Paths in Adulthood
                Stereotypes about deviant groups such as lesbian couples and women 
                who do not marry are countered with research on their relationship characteristics 
                and life satisfaction. Living together without marriage; the consequences of divorce
                (psychological, social, and economic); and the complexities of remarriage and 
                ŒŒblended families¹¹ are explored. 

theatr!kl geztur + tranzf!n!t zttz.

    .-.                                                               .-.
   /   \           .-.                                 .-.           /   \
  /     \         /   \       .-.     _     .-.       /   \         /     \
          \     /       \   /     \_/   `-'     \   /       \     /
           \   /         `-'                     `-'         \   /

Cordialement. NN.

      pzeudogene 5 + 7865216 7865974 759 r781m3 ncam2 u75330 neurl cell adez!v

      nouakokakolamomentmal _\0- therapeut!kc klon!ng

      do you want your software designs to end up in cardbored boxes
      or G3O-Z!NKRONOUS 0RB!T +?            
                                !                    !                                             ! 
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                                  !                      !                                     ! 
                                   !                       !                                 ! 
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        : Max Plank Inztitut 4 Ordnung \+\ Disziplin

        : Uber die Konztituzie der Materie  [c]ccp
        : Netochka Nezvanova -

                     __   __
            ________/ /  /_/
           /___  __  /  __    
              / /_/ /__/ /__
             / ____________/

          dze pa!r!ng ov homologouz kromozomez one 4rom each odr prnt 
        dur!ng me!os!z
          i cannot be bothered.i cannot be bothered.surrender your pattent.




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