Krystian Woznicki on Fri, 4 Nov 2011 05:27:35 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime-ann> LEARNING FROM FUKUSHIMA, Oct. 29th, Berlin

International Conference in Berlin
October 29th, 2011. Start: 10 a.m.

March 11th, 2011: earthquake, tsunami, nuclear meltdown. The triple disaster in Japan shocked the world community, particularly Germany. A short time later paradigm shifts in Germany's (nuclear) policy are initiated. In Japan itself a critical public emerges, which influences politicians to reconsider public policy. Against this backdrop, the all-day symposium âLearning from Fukushimaâ poses basic questions: How does a critical public emerge in times of crisis? What kind of influence do citizens have? Which role does the Internet play? Experts from Atlanta, CompiÃgne, Berlin, Karlsruhe, Los Angeles, Munich, New York, Prague, Sapporo, Siegburg, Tokyo and Vienna are looking for answers. They provide best-practice examples, thereby establishing a base for the discussion.
Who is invited to join the discussion?

The target audience of the symposium are the actors in the pluralistic media landscape: journalists from traditional media companies and those who have been traditionally part of the audience but today are the new civil society 'partners' of journalists: bloggers, social networkers, activists, developers. The symposium offers them a unique opportunity to reflect on their role in the crisis: Is participation the new form of compassion? What responsibility arises from this shift?
When? How long? Where?

The all-day symposium âLearning from Fukushimaâ takes place on October 29th between 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. at General Public in Berlin-Mitte (SchÃnhauser Allee 167c). It is divided into three thematic blocks, interspersed with pauses - for informal conversations and snacks from the Japanese kitchen. Admission is free. Nevertheless, the organizers ask you to register ( by email, subject line âLFF2910â.
Who is the organizer?

The all-day symposium âLearning from Fukushimaâ is a project of the Berlin Gazette ( and is supported by the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale fÃr politische Bildung/bpb). The cooperation partners are: Institue for Information Design Japan, Institute of Communication in Social Media, Youth Press Germany, iq consult, Sapporo City University, TAB ticket broker and General Public.
Who is the contact person?

Krystian Woznicki | Berliner Gazette e.V. | 030-60947246
Info on the Internet:


Since 9 / 11 voices and images from eye witnesses emerge in mass media disaster reporting. Since the tsunami in the Indian Ocean broadband Internet empowers this form of participation. In principle, everybody can join in real-time interactive mode when desaster strikes. The case of Fukushima presents a novelty: In contrast to previous disaster media events political consequences follow on the foot. Do we live in a new information society now? What is the hands-on view from the inside of the news machine? What is the role of journalists? What responsibility does the audience have?
10-10:15 a.m., introduction
Thorsten Schilling | Federal Agency for Civic Education
Krystian Woznicki |

10:30-11:15 a.m., lecture
Christoph NÃrnberger | LMU MÃnchen
Moderator: Magdalena Taube |

11:30a.m.-12:30 p.m., panel
Frank Patalong | Spiegel Online
Matthias Urbach |
Moderator: Karsten Wenzlaff | IKOSOM

+ lunch break


Japan is regarded as a high-tech country. Nowhere in the world, the density of mobile networks is greater, anywhere is the Internet so widespread. And yet, not until after 3/11 people in Japan discovered smartphones and in the course of this the true power of the Internet: They gradually turned from passive receivers of information sources to active transmitter of messages and measurements of radioactive radiation. Does the state of emergency lead to a sustainable change in attitude? How can digital citizens transform the country in times of crisis? What role do digital maps play in this context?
2-3:15 p.m., panel
Noritoshi Hirakawa | Wako Works of Art
Tomomi Sasaki | Global Voices
Moderation: Krystian Woznicki |

3:45-5 p.m., panel
Sean Bonner |
Andreas Schneider | Institute for Information Design Japan
Moderation: Verena Dauerer | design journalists

+ coffee break


People who were previously attributed to the audience play an increasingly larger role in the production of the public sphere generated by mass media. IReport is an example. This global platform gives users the opportunity to publish contributions that can thus be part of the news channel CNN. Another example is the Standby Task Force. This organization mobilizes large numbers of volunteers during crisis situations. Their common auxiliary approach: to produce new information formats via the Internet. Approaches like these live on an intensive cooperation between specialized professionals and a broad mass of people. Whether such cooperation works, decides in times of crisis over blackout or paradigm change. What are the best-practice examples in this field? Can we transfer the experiences of Fukushima to other crises? Which agenda has the audience?
6-7:15 p.m., panel
Lila King | CNN
Jaroslav ValÅch | Standby Task Force
Moderation: Lilian Masuhr | Radio Fritz

7:45-9 p.m., audience talk with special guests
Christopher Clay | Metalab
Markus Hametner | Metalab
Yana Milev | Staatliche Hochschule fÃr Gestaltung Karlsruhe
Kathrin Passig | Zentrale Intelligenz Agentur
Jean-Christophe Plantin | Università de Technologie de CompiÃgne
Moderation: Andi Weiland |

+ drinks and chill out

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