. Artworks, Videos, Performances, etc. related to the topic are also very welcome.
Contributions may wish to report, comment on or review theoretical and
empirical insights into topics such as the following (and beyond):
•What is the relationship between the most recent Wikileaks and the recent uprisings in the Arab world?
•Why has Wikileaks provoked such a huge amount of controversy and international reaction?
• What are the main legal and ethical issues raised by Wikileaks?
•Wikileaks: freedom of speech and the right to information. Where is the line drawn? Does this line even exist?
• Wikileaks: privacy, online data protection and national security.
• What are the implications of Wikileaks for the study and conceptualizing of new media journalism and political communication?
• Is Wikileaks a journalistic organization?
• Can Wikileaks be considered investigative journalism?
• How does Wikileaks challenge traditional journalistic standards?
• What type of media activism is served by Wikileaks?
• What is the role of ‘whistleblowers’ in Wikileaks (e.g. the case of Bradley Manning)?
• What are the policy implications of the extrajudicial tactics deployed to censor Wikileaks?
What does the collaboration between WikiLeaks and traditional
newspapers have to say about the future of mass media technologies?
• How is Wikileaks’ editor in chief, Julian Assange, significant as a
public figure? How, and by whom is he being ‘sanctified’ or ‘demonized’?
What is significant (feminist, post-feminist and/or non-feminist
discussions welcome) about Julian Assange's accusations of rape, in the
midst of the WikiLeaks international scandal?
• How can researchers (ethically) deal with data published by WikiLeaks?
How ‘unexpected’ were the insights revealed by Wikileaks? Do they defy,
or merely confirm public expectations of what goes on behind political
We invite all those interested to send their full contribution (including a 150-200 word abstract) to
by June 6, 2011. Contributors are free to use any reference style
systems (e.g., APA, Harvard etc), as long as they are consistent in how
they cite their sources throughout the article, and use endnotes, rather
than footnotes, for citations.
Cyborg Subjects offers a radical and new review system. We believe that
knowledge should be free and that the process of knowledge production
should not be obfuscated by the less transparent, “knowledge is power”
peer review system associated with traditional academic journals.
Therefore, submitted articles will be published as they come in and
reviews will be posted as comments. Authors are asked to engage in the
ensuing discussion and to comment on the review, as well as on other
individuals’ (potential) reactions to the article.
Feel free to visit
www.cyborgsubjects.org to find out more! You can also find us on Facebook (
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