[Bowindo] on Mon, 28 Dec 2009 14:51:00 +0100 (CET)
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<nettime-ann> New CD from Bowindo: Hums - AMP2 + Tim Hodgkinson
Bowindo Recordings announces a NEW release!
AMP2 + Tim Hodgkinson

AMP2 [Advanced Music and Mixed Media Pool Palermo] core unit is:
Dario Sanfilippo - Laptop/Live Electronics
Marco Pianges: Laptop
Antonino Secchia: Percussion
Gandolfo Pagano: prepared guitar
Domenico Sciajno: Laptop/Live Electronics
Tim Hodgkinson: Lapsteel guitar, electronics, clarinets
[...] Seven pieces that seesaw between works that have more of a concrète character (like the opener, "Intelligent sofa") and those of a more purely improvisatory aspect.
[...] achieving a strong balance between implied structure and a looseness that allows for a multitude of possible directions at any moment.
[...] a seriously rich and dense cauldron of electronics and percussion that wells up and overflows the pot, bubbling atop the stereo--really strong [...] Always good to hear the goings on in Sicily, though. A solid recording, worth hearing.
Brian Olewnick (Full review Here: http://olewnick.blogspot.com/2009/12/richard-garet-four-malleable-andoar.html)
[...] this is the sort of improvisation where people actually listen to what the others are doing and try and find an appropriate response to it. A very dense layered work this is. The laptop/electronic part play the leading part in forming this mass of sound, and on top there are bits of the 'real' instruments scattered around, trying to find a place of their own
[...] Highly improvised, with lots of bleeps and blobs of all instruments involved, but it makes a strongly coherent sound. A fascinating journey all around, but one that requires your full attention
Frans de Ward (Full review Here: http://www.vitalweekly.net/710.html)
Available as CD at www.bowindorecordings.com
Available as Digital download through the likes of: iTunes, eMusic, Amazon, LastFM ...
Catalogue Nr: BW13
Recorded 26-27 apr 2009 at AMP2 Studio - Palermo
by Antonino Secchia
Mixed and Mastered by Dario Sanfilippo
Preliminary editing by AMP2
Edited by Domenico Sciajno
AMP2 is a permanent lab: an HUB, a centre to convey the creative spirit of the artists whose aesthetics doesn’t run out of stilistic codes or genres recorded and conventional.
This project was founded by Domenico Sciajno, who wanted to gather toghether musicians and artists who live in Palermo and surroundings.
Not only music and sound, indeed, but also video, image, dance, writing… no limits at all. The main idea of this project consists on showing the artist's willingness to leave apart the idioms and preconceived codes of their disciplines to embrace a new language, made up of contextual emergencies and deep listening , shared by all artists.
By this lab was established a CORE UNIT that has been conducting a continuous and thorough job, alongside to AntiTesi (http://www.antitesi.org) and other presented artists.
Among the International and National Artists with whom AMP2 CORE UNIT has worked on the project, we mention: Andrea Valle, Peter Kutin, Tim Hodgkinson, Anthony Pateras, Sean Baxter, Dave Brown, Francisco Lopez, Kim Cascone.
... We faced each other around a large table in Gandolfo's luminous flat. It felt like a group of scientists at a conference. Until we started playing. The sessions were hard and long. Sometimes with saturated and wrenching sound. Then we walked to restaurants along streets of collapsing buildings with strange transient sculptures of torn cloth.
The result is for me I hear: being able to move around inside the music... the components without clean finalised surfaces. But aureoled with possibility...the importance of quiet or marginal aspects of sounds in contexts where one might imagine that only big gestures would work...the zoom and shift in the ear's range here (Tim Hodgkinson, nov 2009).
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