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<nettime-ann> Eclectic Tech Carnival Istanbul - DIJITAL DANTEL / DIGITAL DOILY September 9-13, 2009

>  ((scroll down for greek + english. please distribute widely ))
>Eclectic Tech Carnival Istanbul
>9-13 Eyl??l 2009
>Merhaba! Eclectic Tech Carnival Istanbul???da d??nyan??n d??rt bir  
>yan??ndan pek ??ok kad??n ve transla birlikte kendiniz ve  
>sevdikleriniz i??in ??zg??r ve a????k kaynak dijital danteller  
>??rmeye davetlisiniz.
>Eclectic Tech Carnival ??? Dijital Dantel, A????k Bilgi ve A????k  
>Standart Teknolojisi???yle ilgilenen kad??n ve translar?? bir araya  
>getiren bir festival. 2002???den beri her y??l yap??lan festival,  
>kad??n ve translar??n deneyim, bilgi ve yeteneklerini  
>payla??malar??na, birbirleriyle ileti??ime ge??melerine ve tabii ki  
>e??lenmelerine imkan veren bir ortam yarat??yor.
>10. Eclectic Tech Carnival 9-13 Eyl??l 2009 tarihleri aras??nda  
>Istanbul???da ger??ekle??ecek.
>Be?? g??nl??k festivalde a????k kaynak ve ??zg??r yaz??l??m y??kleme  
>ve kullanma, temel HTML ve websitesi kurulumu, yarat??c??  
>eylemlikler ??zerine at??lyeler, teknoloji ve sanat??n  
>hareketlerimizin i??erisinde alternatif kullan??mlar?? ??zerine  
>tart????malar ve DIY (Kendin Pi??ir Kendin Ye) teknolojiler ??zerine  
>pek ??ok uygulamal?? at??lyeler olacak.
>Kat??l! Kal gel, at??lye ve tart????malara kat??l. E??er bir  
>at??lye, konu??ma, performans, vb haz??rlamak istiyorsan elini  
>??abuk tut, hemen bizimle ileti??ime ge??!
>Pratik Bilgiler:
>Mekan: /ETC ??? Dijital Dantel,  Taksim- ??stiklal Caddesi???nde  
>bulunan Haymatlos bar/ performans merkezinde ger??ekle??ecek.  
>At??lyelerin yap??laca???? iki b??y??k salonumuz, bar??m??z, ses  
>sistemi haz??r olan bir sahnemiz ve b??y??k bir mutfa????m??z var.
>Kat??l??m: /ETC ??? Dijital Dantel, sadece kad??n ve translara  
>a????kt??r, ve ??zellikle trans bireylere  ula??may?? ??mit ediyor.
>Herhangi bir kat??l??m ??creti yoktur ama her t??rl?? ba?????? seve  
>seve kabul edilir.
>Konaklama: ???benim evim senin evindir??? bu nedenle ??ehir  
>d??????ndan gelen kat??l??mc??lar?? evlerimizde a????rlamaya  
>??al????aca????z. Ayr??ca uygun fiyatl?? bir hostelle de  
>ba??lant??m??z var.
>Yemek: Festival s??resince yeni kurulan bir yemek kollektifi  
>Lambdaistanbul ve Haymatlos mutfaklar??nda bizler i??in vejeteryan/ 
>vegan yemek yapacaklar. E??er kollektife destek vermek isterseniz  
>l??tfen bizimle ileti??ime ge??in.
>Yak??nl??klar: Bu sene /ETC ??? Dijital Dantel, Direnistanbul- IMF  
>ve D??nya Bankas?????na kar???? Direnis G??nleri Kordinasyonu (1-8  
>Ekim) ile birlikte ??al??????yor. Ekim???de IMF ve D??nya  
>Bankas?????na kar???? beraber direnmek i??in de davetlisiniz!
>Bize email at??n:
>- kay??t i??in l??tfen bizimle ileti??ime ge??in ve ??stanbul???a ne  
>zaman gelece??inizi, ne kadar kalaca????n??z??, konaklamaya  
>ihtiyac??n??z??n olup olmad??????n??, bizimle payla??acag??n??z  
>yetenek ve deneyimlerinizi ???unutmay??n, hi. Birimiz profesyonel  
>de??iliz ve her t??rl?? bilgi ve deneyim bizim i??in ??ok de??erli-  
>- e??er bir at??lye/sunum/performans yapmak istiyorsan??z hemen  
>bizimle ileti??ime ge??in. Program gittik??e yo??unla????yor!
>??stanbul???da g??r??????r??z.
>?????????????? ??????????????
>9-13 ?????????????????????? 2009
>?????? ?????????????????????? ???? ?????????????? ????????????????  
>???????????????? ?????????????????? ???????????????????? ??????  
>???????????????? ???????????? ?????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ??????  
>???????????????????? ??????, ?????????? ???? ??????????  
>???????????????? ?????? ??????????  ?????? ?????? ??????  
>??????????, ??????  Eclectic Tech Carnival Istanbul.
>???? Eclectic Tech Carnival ?????????? ?????? ??????????????????  
>???????????????? ?????? ?????????? ???? ????????????  
>???????????????????? ???????? ????????????????  
>?????????????????????? ?????? ???????? ????????????????????  
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>??????????????????, ??????????????, ????????????????????, ??????  
>???? ????????????????????: ?????? ?????? ????  
>???? 10?? Eclectic Tech Carnival ???? ??????????????????????????????  
>9 ???? 13 ?????????????????????? ????????  
>???? ?????????????????? ???????? ???????????????? ????  
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>???????????????? ???????????????????? ?????? ??????????????????  
>????????????????????????, ?????????????? HTML ??????  
>???????????????????? ??????????????????????,  
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>???????????????????? ???????? ???????? ????????????????????????  
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>??????????: ???? ETC ???? ?????????????????????????????? ????????  
>???????????????????????? ????????/???????? Haymatlos ??????  
>?????????????????? ?????? ???????????? ??????  
>??????????????????????????????????, ???????? ??????????????????  
>?????? ????????????????, ???????? ?????????????? ??????  
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>???????????????? ?? ?????? ?????????????????? ??????  
>?????????????????? ???? ???????????????????? ?????? ??????  
>?????????????????????? (veg & vegan) ???????????? ????????  
>???????????????? ??????  Lambdaistanbul ?????? ?????? Haymatlos.  
>?????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ???????? ??????  
>?????? ???????????? ???? ?????????????????? ?? ??????  
>???????????????????? ???? ???????????????????? ??????  
>???????????????????? ?????? ????????????????????.
>??????????????????????: ?????????? ???? ETC  
>???????????????????????? ???? ???? Resistanbul -Coordination of  
>Resistance Days against the IMF and WB Meeting (1-8  
>??????????????) . ?????? ?????????????????????? ???? ??????????????  
>???????? ???????????????? ???????? ????????????????????????????????  
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>?????????????? ?????? email ??????:
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>???????? ???? ?????? ????????????????????. ??????????  
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> - ?????? ???????????? ???? ???????????????????? ??????  
>???? ?????????????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????  
>????????????????????, ?????????? ?????? ??????????????????!
>???? ???????? ???????? ???????????????????????????????? ?????? ????  
>???????????????? ??? ???? ?????????????????????????????? ??? ????  
>???????????????????????????? ??? ???? ???????? ??? ????  
>?????????????????????? ??? ???? ?????????????????????? ??? ????  
>???????? ???????? ???????????????????!
>??stanbul'da g??r????mek ??zere!
>Eclectic Tech Carnival Istanbul
>September 9-13, 2009
>Hi there! You are invited to knit free and open source digital  
>doilies for yourselves and your loved ones together with other  
>women & trans from all over the world in the Eclectic Tech Carnival  
> The Eclectic Tech Carnival is a gathering of women & trans with a  
>critical interest in Free Information and Open Standards  
>technology. The event has been held annually since 2002 and creates  
>an opportunity for women & trans to share their experiences,  
>knowledge, skills, and network, thus: have fun!
>The 10th Eclectic Tech Carnival will take place on September 9-13  
>2009 in Istanbul, Turkey.
>The five-days carnival will consist of workshops on installing and  
>managing open source and free software, basic HTML and building  
>websites, creative ways of activism, debates on alternative uses of  
>technology and art for and within our movements and much more hands- 
>on workshops on DIY technologies.
> Participate! Just show up and participate in the workshops and  
>debates. If you want to present a workshop, lecture, performance,  
>and the like please hurry up and get in touch with us!
> Practical Info:
>Venue: /ETC will take place in the performance center/bar  
>Haymatlos. The venue is located in the center of Istanbul, on the  
>Istiklal Street in the Taksim district. We have two huge rooms for  
>workshops & hangout, a bar, a stage with sound-system, and big  
>Participation: The gathering is open for women & trans,  
>particularly inviting the members of transgender community.
>There is no set participation fee, but we will be open for donations.
>Accommodation: ???mi casa e su casa??? thus, we will try to host  
>guest in our homes as much as we can. For the rest will arrange an  
>affordable hostel.
>Food: During the festival the newly formed food collective will be  
>cooking for us vegetarian/vegan food in Lambdaistanbul and  
>Haymatlos kitchens. Please get in touch with us if you would like  
>to give a hand and share your cooking skills.
>Affinities: This year /ETC is in coalition with Resistanbul -  
>Coordination of Resistance Days against the IMF and WB Meeting (1-8  
>October). You are warmly invited to stay in Istanbul a little  
>longer and join the resistance against the IMF and the World Bank  
>in October.
>email us:
>- for registration, please send us an email stating when you are  
>arriving in Istanbul, how long you will stay, whether you need  
>accommodation and your background and basic skills you would like  
>to share with other participants ??? keeping in mind that none of us  
>are professionals and every kind of knowledge, experience and skill  
>is precious for us.
>- if you want to hold a workshop/presentation/performance, the  
>program is still growing. Hurry up!
>see you in istanbul to play - rebel - eat - xchange - discuss -  
>flirt - bla bla baklava!
>istanbul'da g??r????mek ??zere!

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