Micropolitics Research Group on Thu, 6 Dec 2007 18:43:17 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime-ann> mICROPOLITCS Research Programme - London


The mICROPOLITICS Research Group is a London based collective concerned with the forces and procedures that entangle artistic production and the flexible subjectivities of its producers into the fabric of content capitalism.
We invite you to join our investigation of how to occupy our positions in culture otherwise.
This year?s line up includes:

Launch of the mICROPOLITCS Reading Group
Topic: Pimping and Counter - Pimping
All are welcome
Monday November 26th, 6-8 PM
RHB (Goldsmiths Main Building) 141
?? What mechanisms of our subjectivity lead us to offer our creative force for the fulfilment of the market? And our desire, our affects, our eroticism, our time?...?
- Suely Rolnik, The Geopolitics of Pimping
In preparation for Suely Rolnik?s visit to Goldsmiths, a session addressing the politics of subjectivation in cultural work.

Suely Rolnik
On the occasion of the forthcoming English translation of her book Molecular Revolution in Brazil, co- authored with FĂ©lix Guattari (Semiotexte, 2008), a public lecture and a study session by critic, curator and psychoanalyst Suely Rolnik.
Public Lecture
Wednesday December 5th, 5pm - 7pm
Ian Gulland Lecture Theatre
Study Session
Thursday December 6th, 5pm - 7pm
RHB (Goldsmiths Main Building) 256
(date TBA)
Carrot Worker?s Caucus II
Following from Carrot Workers Caucus I (Summit for Non Aligned Educational Initiatives, Berlin, May 2007) this workshop will mark the beginning of a militant investigation about/with those carroting (interns, volunteers, over-time aficionados?) in London?s cultural sector.

Cultural Workers on the Brink:
An extradisciplinary drift with Brian Holmes
Saturday March 15th (TBC)
Theorist Brian Holmes and content workers based in London will tell stories and share strategies while strolling to some of the city?s most significant sites of cultural production.

Our point of departure is Brian's assertion that:
..."cultural producers, today, are humiliated by the conditions under which we work".  
If you would like to take part, please confirm by email to
micropolitics-research@4warding.com by February 28th.

Organisers: Kerstin Forkert, Janna Graham, Valeria Graziano, Susan Kelly and Rodrigo Nunes.
For updates and fresher information, please check

The Micropolitics Research Group is a strand of PoCA (The Political Currency of Art)
programme, which investigates the assimilation of critical and counter-hegemonic contemporary art practices and their propositions within dominant cultural, state and financial institutions.
Supported by the Department of Art, Goldsmiths College.
How to get to Goldsmiths:
Nearest Tube: New Cross and New Cross Gate.
National Rail:
Charing Cross
, Waterloo East, Cannon Street and London Bridge. 
Bus routes: 21, 36, 53, 136, 171, 172, 177, 225, 321, 343, 436, 453.

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