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Artscape launches its 2006 Creative Clusters Development Program with this 2-day study tour and workshop. Top practitioners from Canada, the US and the UK converge to share the tools, strategies and projects that have anchored creative communities in their cities and towns. Experience some of Toronto?s most innovative districts and hubs first-hand including the Distillery District, Liberty Village, Queen Street West and 401 Richmond. Topics in the Creative Community Building Workshop will include:
● Understanding and mapping creative assets ● Placemaking: catalytic interventions in the public realm ● Creative districts and clusters: building synergy beyond the brand |
● Silo-busting and connectivity ● Creative spaces: multi-tenant centre development |
The Creative Community Building Workshop curriculum is relevant to all communities from rural environments to large urban centres.
● Arts & cultural organizations ● Policy makers in culture, economic development & urban planning ● Downtown development corporations CANADIAN RESIDENTS ONLY |
● Community arts councils ● Municipal councillors ● Business associations |
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LOCATION The Creative Community Building Workshop will take place at the newly redeveloped and critically-acclaimed Sharpe Centre for Design at the Ontario College of Art & Design (OCAD), designed by famed British architect Will Alsop. OCAD is located at 100 McCaul Street in the vibrant Queen Street West neighbourhood of Toronto. www.ocad.on.ca |
REGISTRATION A limited number of registrations are available, so take the time to register yourself or your group now! The registration fee for the 2-day Creative Community Building Workshop is $250 per person. A Conference Group fee is $225/person (min. 4 people) and saves you $100 at $900/group. To register, visit www.torontoartscape.on.ca/ccdp to download the Registration Form or contact Lori Tesolin, Clusters Program Coordinator directly at ccdp@torontoartscape.on.ca or 416-392-1038 x49.
TRAVEL + ACCOMMODATIONS A Creative Community Building Workshop participant discounted room rate of $199/night has been arranged at the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, less than a 5 minute walk from OCAD. Please visit www.torontoartscape.on.ca/ccdp for details on how to book your accommodation and for a list of travel providers.
QUESTIONS? Contact Lori Tesolin, Clusters Program Coordinator directly at ccdp@torontoartscape.on.ca or 416-392-1038 x49.The Creative Community Building Workshop is a component of the Creative Clusters Development Program. The Creative Clusters Development Program is an organizational development program led by Artscape to build the capacity of Canadian communities in developing and managing cluster projects that serve the arts and creative sector.
?This program resonates not only with the arts community, but with all who are working to make the world a better place.? ?KEN COULTER, WINDSOR-ESSEX NON PROFIT NETWORK SUPPORT |
?The information is current, clear and concise; the program staff and invited speakers show a generosity of spirit necessary for learning. There is no other instruction of its kind available.? ?LINDA BALDUZZI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, OTTAWA ARTS COURT FOUNDATION |
?The recent workshop exceeded expectations. The calibre of presenters was excellent! The presentations, tours, and materials provided have enabled us to move forward immediately in facilitating the development of creative clusters in our downtown core." ?SUSAN THOMPSON, DOWNTOWN VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, SUDBURY |
?Every aspect of the workshop ? the speakers, topics, venues, tours, etc. ? was carefully orchestrated to make sure we got a very clear BIG PICTURE before we proceed to more specific case studies.? ?GARY HALL, GALLERY TPW, TORONTO |
Artscape gratefully acknowledges the support provided by The Canada Council for the Arts, The Ontario Trillium Foundation, the Ontario Arts Council, TEDCO and City of Toronto Culture Division.
This email is part of Artscape?s regular communication series to colleagues, friends and supporters. Please excuse any duplication. We respect your privacy ? your email address will not be shared with outside groups. To unsubscribe: reply by return email with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line.
ABOUT ARTSCAPE Artscape is a Toronto-based non-profit enterprise that unlocks the creative potential of people and places. www.torontoartscape.on.ca